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Ember Test Helpers

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A set of useful helpers for ember-cli acceptance tests. Includes hasComponent, hasElement, hasNoElement, and clickComponent.

Upgrading to 1.0

In 1.0, the helper function names have changed (replacing expect with has), and the invocation changed; they are now meant to be used as QUnit assertion methods rather than as globals.

To upgrade from a pre 1.0 branch, do the following: Replace the following calls:

  • expectElement -> assert.hasElement
  • expectNoElement -> assert.hasNoElement
  • expectComponent -> assert.hasComponent

Then, open start-app.js and update the call to to pass in the QUnit assert object; change registerAcceptanceTestHelpers(); to registerAcceptanceTestHelpers(attrs.assert || window.QUnit.assert);. You may also have to update the module-for-acceptance.js file to make beforeEach take assert as a first parameter, and pass assert into startApp, for example

beforeEach(assert) {
  this.application = startApp({ assert });



hasComponent(assert, componentName, count, options) or assert.hasComponent(componentName, count, options)

Passes when the component exists in the container and is in the DOM.

count optional, defaults to null. null means 'at least one'. If an integer count is provided, there must be exactly that many components in the DOM.

If options.contains is set, the expectation only passes if the component is in the DOM and contains the string from options.contains.

hasComponent can also be used in component integration tests. See has-component-hbs-integration-test.js for an example. Note that ember-qunit version 0.4.7 or greater is required to make the component integration tests work properly.


clickComponent(assert, componentName, selector)

Clicks the CSS selector inside the component(s) of type componentName in the DOM.


hasElement(assert, selector, count, options) or assert.hasElement(selector, count, options)

Expect that count instances of the selector are in the DOM.

count is optional and defaults to 1.

If options.contains is set, the expectation will only pass if there are exactly count instances of the selector that include the string value of options.contains.

If options.message is set, the message will be displayed in the test results instead of the default, Found 0 of '.selector' but expected 1.


hasNoElement(assert, selector, options) or assert.hasNoElement(selector, options)

A convenience for hasElement when the count is 0.

options can include a contains and/or a message key.


If you want to use this with ember-cli-mocha, try this fork.


  • Run ember install ember-cli-acceptance-test-helpers
  • Commit any file changes made if your application is under source code management

After installing, Ember-CLI will run a generator. The generator makes changes to files assuming the structure of them has not changed much from the default version created during the initial Ember application creation. If too many changes have been made you will need to manually make the changes below instead:

  • Import the registerTestHelpers function in your tests/helpers/start-app.js. Add this line to to the top of start-app.js:

    • import registerAcceptanceTestHelpers from './201-created/register-acceptance-test-helpers';
  • Register the test helpers. Update start-app.js to call registerAcceptanceTestHelpers, passing in the QUnit assert object, before App.injectTestHelpers.

    startApp(attrs) {
      registerAcceptanceTestHelpers(attrs.assert || window.QUnit.assert);
  • Update module-for-acceptance.js in project to pass assert into startApp like this:

    beforeEach(assert) {
      this.application = startApp({ assert });
  • Update your tests/.jshintrc file to notify it of the new globals that these helpers have added. Add the following line to the predef array (after "currentRouteName"):

  • You may need to restart your ember server so that it picks up the new .jshintrc file.

Releasing Updates to NPM

If you have errors running npm adduser, you may have previously set your npm registry to a read-only or non-standard URL.

  • Run this command to check npm config get registry
  • Run this command to reset:npm config set registry

more docs

To do

  • clickLink
  • test/document hasClass option
  • a within(selector/component, block&) helper
  • every expectation only adds 1 expectation, so it's easy to use expect(X)