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Marketplace Contracts

Contains contracts for the Sequence Marketplace.


Sequence Market

The Sequence Market contract enables marketplace participants to create and fill listings and offers exchanging ERC-1155 and ERC-721 tokens for ERC-20 tokens.

The Sequence Market accept partial fills of any order using ERC-1155 tokens.

The Sequence Market contract has an owner who can set the royalty parameters for any contract that doesn't natively support ERC-2981. There are no other administrative functions.

Any platform is free to integrate with the Sequence Market contract to provide a marketplace for their users.

Note: The Sequence Market is designed to support standard ERC-1155, ERC-721 and ERC-20 implementations. Tokens with non-standard implementations (e.g. tokens that take fees on transfer) may not be compatible with the Sequence Market contract. Use of a token in the Sequence Market does not imply endorsement of the token by the Sequence Market.


  1. The order creator approves the Sequence Market contract to transfer of ERC-1155 or ERC-721 tokens for a listing, or ERC-20 tokens for an offer.
  2. The order creator calls the Sequence Market to create an order.
  3. The order acceptor approves the Sequence Market contract to transfer the corresponding ERC-20 tokens for a listing, or ERC-1155 or ERC-721 tokens for an offer.
  4. The order acceptor calls the Sequence Market to accept the order.
  5. The Sequence Market contract transfers the tokens between the order creator and acceptor, deducting fees as applicable.

Note: The order creator can cancel their order at any time, even after a partial fill.


The Sequence Market automatically deducts ERC-2981 royalty payments from the order creator when an order is filled.

Additional fees (e.g. platform fees) can be taken from the acceptor of an order by specifying a fee recipient address when accepting an order.

All fees are taken from the ERC-20 token used in the transfer.



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git submodule update --init --recursive

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cd report && py -m http.server


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The contracts in this repository have been audited by Quantstamp. Audit reports are available in the audits folder.


Copyright (c) 2023-present Horizon Blockchain Games Inc.

Licensed under Apache-2.0


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