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Test deployment

For this page we assume you have a running Kubernetes cluster with a running kube-ingress-aws-controller and skipper deployed. If not please read our deployment readme

Base features

Deploy one sample application and change the hostname depending on your route53 domain and ACM certificate:

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-app-v1.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-svc-v1.yaml
sed -i "s/<HOSTNAME>/" deploy/examples/sample-ing-v1.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-ing-v1.yaml

Check if your deployment was successful:

kubectl get pods,svc -l application=demo

To check if your Ingress created an ALB check the ADDRESS column:

kubectl get ing -l application=demo -o wide
NAME           HOSTS                          ADDRESS                                                              PORTS     AGE
demo-app-v1   80        1m

If it is provisioned you can check with curl, http to https redirect is created automatically by Skipper:

curl -L -H"Host:"
<body style='color: green; background-color: white;'><h1>Hello!</h1>

Check if Kops dns-controller created a DNS record:

curl -L
<body style='color: green; background-color: white;'><h1>Hello!</h1>

Advanced Features

We assume you have all components running that were applied in Base features.

Deploy a second ingress with a feature toggle and rate limit to protect you backend:

sed -i "s/<HOSTNAME>/" deploy/examples/sample-ing-v2.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-ing-v2.yaml

Deploy a second sample application:

kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-app-v2.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-svc-v2.yaml

Now, you can test the feature toggle to access the new v2 application:

curl ""
<body style='color: white; background-color: green;'><h1>Hello AWS!</h1>

If you run this more often, you can easily trigger the rate limit to stop proxying your call to the backend:

for i in {0..9}; do curl -v ""; done

You should see output similar to:

*   Trying
-------- a lot of TLS output --------
> GET /?version=v2 HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.49.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Server: Skipper
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-Rate-Limit: 60
< Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 18:19:26 GMT
< Content-Length: 18
Too Many Requests
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Your endpoint is now protected.

Next we will show traffic switching. Deploy an ingress with traffic switching 80% traffic goes to v1 and 20% to v2. Change the hostname depending on your route53 domain and ACM certificate as before:

sed -i "s/<HOSTNAME>/" deploy/examples/sample-ing-tf.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample-ing-traffic.yaml

Remove old ingress which will interfere with the new created one:

kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/sample-ing-v1.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/examples/sample-ing-v2.yaml

Check deployments and services (both should be 2)

kubectl get pods,svc -l application=demo

To check if your Ingress has an ALB check the ADDRESS column:

kubectl get ing -l application=demo -o wide
NAME           HOSTS                          ADDRESS                                                              PORTS     AGE
demo-traffic-switching   80        1m

If it is provisioned you can check with curl, http to https redirect is created automatically by Skipper:

curl -L -H"Host:"
<body style='color: green; background-color: white;'><h1>Hello!</h1>

Check if Kops dns-controller created a DNS record:

curl -L
<body style='color: green; background-color: white;'><h1>Hello!</h1>

You can now open your browser at depending on your hostname and reload it maybe 5 times to see switching from white background to green background. If you modify the annotation you can control the chance that you will hit the v1 or the v2 application. Use kubectl annotate to change this:

kubectl annotate ingress demo-traffic-switching'{"demo-app-v1": 20, "demo-app-v2": 80}'


for f in deploy/examples/sample*; do kubectl delete -f $f; done
kubectl delete -f deploy/skipper.yaml

Wait a minute such that kube-ingress-aws-controller has time to delete remaining ALBs and finally delete it from your cluster

kubectl delete -f deploy/ingress-controller.yaml