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File metadata and controls

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**Questions? Contact @pharrison or @shanep

Security is using the Uptycs Security Analytics Platform which is based on osquery.

The osqueryd daemon is rolled out to staging and production by the gitlab-uptycs cookbook and is downloading it's configuration profile and sending query results from/to which is controlled by the security team.

As osqueryd can consume many system resources - depending on configuration profile and node workload - we added process_exporter metrics for the osqueryd process.

See troubleshooting for common problems.

Service Management

The Uptycs service on endpoints runs as osqueryd systemd service and is controlled by Chef. You have to set the chef attribute "uptycs": {"enable": true} to start the service on a node - else it will be stopped by the next chef-client run.

[paul@pharrison-scan-target]~:  sudo service osqueryd status
● osqueryd.service - The osquery Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/osqueryd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-01-28 13:24:07 UTC; 2 weeks 1 days ago
 Main PID: 516 (osqueryd)
    Tasks: 22 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/osqueryd.service
           ├─  516 /usr/bin/osqueryd --flagfile /etc/osquery/osquery.flags --config_path /etc/osquery/osquery.conf
           └─13316 /usr/bin/osqueryd

AS SUCH it can be controlled like any other systemd service:

Usage: /etc/init.d/osqueryd {start|stop|status|restart}

Stopping osqueryd

In the event the osqueryd service is found to be causing problems it can be disabled using:

sudo service osqueryd stop

Starting osqueryd

Similar to stopping the osqueryd service, it can be enabled easily using:

sudo service osqueryd start

Disable/Enable osqueryd

Disabling osqueryd from auto-starting on boot is slightly different:

sudo systemctl disable osqueryd

Enabling is pretty much the same way:

sudo systemctl enable osqueryd

Uninstall osqueryd

The osqueryd install/uninstall is managed by the aptitude package manager, and easy to uninstall:

sudo apt-get remove osquery

If we're looking to remove the config files and ancillary data left by the package:

sudo apt-get purge osquery

Updating Uptycs & OSQuery

WARNING: Coordinate with Infra before deploying any changes to production as this might temporarily inversely impact the production environment.

Uptycs does offer a way to push updated packages directly to registered assets... but that only works for existing assets and we want new assets to get the same version as deployed across the environment so we should roll updates through Chef.

  1. Download the latest asset package from the Uptycs Configuration page, selecting the Ubuntu, Debian package type and the appropriate asset group (this will likely be gitlab-production). The file will appear as osquery-<<VERSION>>-Uptycs.deb making note of the version number for later. NOTE: Download both the gitlab-staging and gitlab-production packages (making sure to differentiate between the two) so there isn't an Uptycs version bump between staging and production deployment.
  2. Upload the packages into the gitlab-gstg-security\uptycs and gitlab-gprd-security\uptycs buckets in the gitlab-staging and gitlab-production GCP projects.
  3. Submit an MR to the gstg-base.json, updating the version number and sha256 hash values to reflect the new package. This will then deploy the updated Uptycs package to GSTG within 30 minutes.
  4. Let the new Uptycs version bake for a time period (24hrs?).
  5. Assuming there's no issues with tne new Uptycs version, submit an MR to the gprd-base.json with the version number and sha256 hash values similar to the staging information.
  6. Monitor in prometheus/production for 24 hours to confirm no issues.

WARNING: Once this change is merged every Chef'd host using this cookbook will update Uptycs during the next Chef cycle (30 minutes).

Failed Update & Rollback

If the new Uptycs version causes issues in grpd or gstg, update the gstg-base.json or gprd-base.json (based on the deployment phase) back to the previous version number and sha256 hash. This will grab and install the previous package from the storage buckets.