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Cog is a chatops bot that lurks in our slack, it replies to the name of @marvin

How to

Troubleshoot marvin being down

  • ssh into
  • Turn into root with sudo su -
  • Check that cog is not running with docker ps
  • If it's not runnig you should not get any ouptut, if it is running yous should see something like this: ``` CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ce0cdef19d3e operable/relay:latest "/usr/local/bin/relay" 3 minutes ago Up 2 minutes root_relay_1 67509f728e6e operable/cog:latest "/home/operable/co..." 3 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>4001-4002/tcp,>1883/tcp,>4000/tcp root_cog_1 cefd144ca3be postgres:9.5.4 "/docker-entrypoin..." 4 weeks ago Up 2 minutes 5432/tcp root_postgres_1
* If it's not running, start it again with `docker-compose start`
* Wait in slack to see him pop up again.

### Run cogctl

* ssh into
* Turn into root `sudo su -`
* Start a bash interpreter inside the container `docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q cog) bash`
* Here you can run `cogctl`

### Add a user

Adding a user can be done from slack by having the user talk to `@marvin`. They can then be added to a group by an admin with `!group-member-add <group-name> <user-handle>`.
Alternatively a user can be added from the console with the following:

* Follow the _Run cogctl_ instructions to get yourself into a bash inside cog
* Run the following command `cogctl user create <username> --first-name <first name> --last-name <last name> --email <email> --password <generated password>`
* Add a handle to the user `cogctl chat-handle create $username slack $username < /dev/null``

### Install a bundle

### Know how secure our cog instance is

Please refer to <>.
