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How to renew the TLS certificate for *

There are four points where Gitter serves TLS traffic:

  1. ELBs
  2. CloudFront
  3. Gitter beta (because it's a single node)
  4. Websockets servers (because ELBs don't support websockets traffic hence we just use a TCP listener and terminate the TLS session on the nodes)

First thing you should do is -unsurprisingly- renew the certificate. SSLMate will download the certificates in the current directory. Keep them there for now. Note: having more than one AWS account configured on your profile may confuse SSLMate. If you can't see the new Route53 record configured on the correct zone you should find out where it got created (it's an NS type) and create it manually where it should be.

ELBs and CloudFront

  1. Upload the certificate to AWS using awscli. Important: do NOT use the pop-up dialog on the ELB page: it will add the cert to / and CloudFront won't be able to see it. Use this command instead (change the name of course):
aws iam upload-server-certificate \
  --server-certificate-name STAR.gitter.im_2017-11-15 \
  --certificate-body 'file://*' \
  --private-key 'file://*' \
  --certificate-chain 'file://*' \
  --path /cloudfront/gitter-production/
  1. Start rolling out to the ELBs. It's better to start with a small service like on port 6667 (running behind the apps-servers-elb-prod ELB at the time of this writing). Run openssl s_client -connect before and after the change to verify that the new certificate has been successfully rolled out. If everything is OK then move on to the rest of the services.

  2. Move on to CloudFront. Update the certificate for all the relevant distributions to the new one. If you're unsure you can load the CloudFront page on the AWS console, open each distribution in a new tab, click on "Edit" under the "General" tab and check out the certificate.

  3. Verify that all the distributions are aligned. Here's a handy script that you can use:

for i in $(aws cloudfront list-distributions --query 'DistributionList.Items[].Id' --output text)
  echo -n "$i "
  aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id $i --query 'DistributionConfig.ViewerCertificate.IAMCertificateId'


  1. Set a maintenance on Pagerduty for the monit-prod-critical service.

  2. Update the MD5 fingerprint in the monit checks. You can find them by running grep -r certmd5 * in the ansible directory. You can compute the new fingerprint with the following command:

openssl x509 -fingerprint -md5 -in '*' | head -1 | cut -f2 -d '=' | tr -d :
  1. Update the certificate and the key in Ansible. The certificate is in roles/gitter/certs/files/certs/gitter.crt while the key is an Ansible vault located in ansible/roles/gitter/certs/vars/main.yml.


  1. Test the roll out on gitter-beta.beta.gitter:
ansible-playbook -i beta -l gitter-beta.beta.gitter --check -t certs playbooks/gitter.yml
  1. Roll out to beta:
ansible-playbook -i beta -l gitter-beta.beta.gitter -t certs playbooks/gitter.yml
  1. Reload nginx and verify that it's serving the new certificate:
ansible -si beta gitter-beta.beta.gitter -a 'nginx -s reload'
ansible -i beta gitter-beta.beta.gitter -m shell -a 'openssl s_client -connect localhost:443'```

## Prod

1. Test the roll out on a single node in prod:

ansible-playbook -i prod -l --check -t certs playbooks/gitter.yml

1. Roll out to one node in prod:

ansible-playbook -i prod -l -t certs playbooks/gitter.yml

1. Reload nginx and verify that it's serving the new certificate:

ansible -si beta -a 'nginx -s reload' ansible -i beta -m shell -a 'openssl s_client -connect localhost:443'```

  1. Roll out to the rest of the nodes. You'll notice that it'll be rolled out to the webapp servers as well. This is expected.
ansible-playbook -i prod -t certs playbooks/gitter.yml
  1. Reload nginx on all other nodes.
ansible -si prod ws-servers -a 'nginx -s reload'
  1. Verify, verify, verify.

  2. Delete the local certificate/key/chain.

  3. You're done.