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This package provides an integration between React and Tracker, Meteor's reactive data system.


To install the package, use meteor add:

meteor add react-meteor-data

You'll also need to install react if you have not already:

npm install --save react


This package provides two ways to use Tracker reactive data in your React components:

  • a hook: useTracker (v2 only, requires React ^16.8)
  • a higher-order component (HOC): withTracker (v1 and v2).

The useTracker hook, introduced in version 2.0.0, is slightly more straightforward to use (lets you access reactive data sources directly within your componenent, rather than adding them from an external wrapper), and slightly more performant (avoids adding wrapper layers in the React tree). But, like all React hooks, it can only be used in function components, not in class components.
The withTracker HOC can be used with all components, function or class.

It is not necessary to rewrite existing applications to use the useTracker hook instead of the existing withTracker HOC. But for new components, it is suggested to prefer the useTracker hook when dealing with function components.

useTracker(reactiveFn, deps) hook

You can use the useTracker hook to get the value of a Tracker reactive function in your (function) components. The reactive function will get re-run whenever its reactive inputs change, and the component will re-render with the new value.


  • reactiveFn: a Tracker reactive function (with no parameters)
  • deps: an array of "dependencies" of the reactive function, i.e. the list of values that, when changed, need to stop the current Tracker computation and start a new one - for example, the value of a prop used in a subscription or a Minimongo query; see example below. This array typically includes all variables from the outer scope "captured" in the closure passed as the 1st argument. This is very similar to how the deps argument for React's built-in useEffect, useCallback or useMemo hooks work.
    If omitted, it defaults to [] (no dependency), and the Tracker computation will run unchanged until the component is unmounted.
import { useTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';

// React function component.
function Foo({ listId }) {
  // This computation uses no value from the outer scope,
  // and thus does not needs to pass a 'deps' argument (same as passing []).
  const currentUser = useTracker(() => Meteor.user());
  // The following two computations both depend on the 'listId' prop,
  // and thus need to specify it in the 'deps' argument,
  // in order to subscribe to the expected 'todoList' subscription
  // or fetch the expected Tasks when the 'listId' prop changes.
  const listLoading = useTracker(() => {
    // Note that this subscription will get cleaned up when your component is unmounted.
    const handle = Meteor.subscribe('todoList', listId);
    return !handle.ready();
  }, [listId]);
  const tasks = useTracker(() => Tasks.find({ listId }).fetch(), [listId]);

  return (
    <h1>Hello {currentUser.username}</h1>
    {listLoading ?
      <div>Loading</div> :
        Here is the Todo list {listId}:
        <ul>{ => <li key={task._id}>{task.label}</li>)}</ul>

Note: the eslint-plugin-react-hooks package provides ESLint hints to help detect missing values in the deps argument of React built-in hooks. It can be configured to also validate the deps argument of the useTracker hook or some other hooks, with the following eslintrc config:

"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": ["warn", { "additionalHooks": "useTracker|useSomeOtherHook|..." }]

withTracker(reactiveFn) higher-order component

You can use the withTracker HOC to wrap your components and pass them additional props values from a Tracker reactive function. The reactive function will get re-run whenever its reactive inputs change, and the wrapped component will re-render with the new values for the additional props.


  • reactiveFn: a Tracker reactive function, getting the props as a parameter, and returning an object of additional props to pass to the wrapped component.
import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';

// React component (function or class).
function Foo({ listId, currentUser, listLoading, tasks }) {
  return (
    <h1>Hello {currentUser.username}</h1>
    {listLoading ?
      <div>Loading</div> :
        Here is the Todo list {listId}:
        <ul>{ => <li key={task._id}>{task.label}</li>)}</ul>

export default withTracker(({ listId }) => {
  // Do all your reactive data access in this function.
  // Note that this subscription will get cleaned up when your component is unmounted
  const handle = Meteor.subscribe('todoList', listId);

  return {
    currentUser: Meteor.user(),
    listLoading: !handle.ready(),
    tasks: Tasks.find({ listId }).fetch(),

The returned component will, when rendered, render Foo (the "lower-order" component) with its provided props in addition to the result of the reactive function. So Foo will receive { listId } (provided by its parent) as well as { currentUser, listLoading, tasks } (added by the withTracker HOC).

For more information, see the React article in the Meteor Guide.

Version compatibility notes

  • react-meteor-data v2.x :

    • useTracker hook + withTracker HOC
    • Requires React ^16.8.
    • Implementation is compatible with the forthcoming "React Suspense" features.
    • The withTracker HOC is strictly backwards-compatible with the one provided in v1.x, the major version number is only motivated by the bump of React version requirement.
      Provided they use a compatible React version, existing Meteor apps leveraging the withTracker HOC can freely upgrade from v1.x to v2.x, and gain compatibility with future React versions.
  • react-meteor-data v1.x / v0.x :

    • withTracker HOC (+ createContainer, kept for backwards compatibility with early v0.x releases)
    • Requires React ^15.3 or ^16.0.
    • Implementation relies on React lifecycle methods (componentWillMount / componentWillUpdate) that are marked for deprecation in future React versions ("React Suspense").