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A step-by-step help to install and configure node-xmpp-bosh on a Debian system.


node-xmpp-bosh installation can be really hard without knowledge of the UNIX shell and associated commands. In this help section, we shall provide instructions for a step-by-step installation of node-xmpp-bosh on Debian and Debian-based systems, like Ubuntu.

node.js installation

node.js is generally installed by compiling it from source. If you are unsure how to do this and would prefer installing the binaries, you can get hold of a Debian based system which has the nodejs package in the official repository. If you install pre-compiled binaries, you can skip the step of compiling node.js.

First, we install the dependencies:

apt-get install libssl-dev python subversion git git-core libexpat1 libexpat1-dev

Then, we install the latest node.js from source


tar -zxvf node-v0.6.19.tar.gz

cd ./node-v0.6.19

Finally, we start compiling node.js (this can take a few minutes):

./configure --prefix=/usr; make; make install

Note: configure may ask you to install some missing packages if the required compilation tools are not present on the system.

Installation of External Modules

node-xmpp-bosh depends on external node.js modules. For simplicity, we let npm manage these dependencies. See for details on how to install npm and node-xmpp-bosh using npm.

Either ways, npm needs to be installed.

Alternatively, we can fetch just node-xmpp-bosh from github and let npm install the dependencies.

node-xmpp-bosh installation

Once node.js and node-xmpp-bosh dependencies are installed, we can install node-xmpp-bosh itself and change its configuration.

node-xmpp-bosh itself (from GIT)

Get the latest node-xmpp-bosh version from here, or get the master branch from github.

cd /usr/local/lib/bosh

git clone git:// .

Now, we use npm to automatically fetch the dependencies for us.

npm install .

Using GIT allows you to update node-xmpp-bosh quickly to the last development version using the following commands:

cd /usr/local/lib/bosh

git pull

After an update, you will need to restart node-xmpp-bosh using the init.d command (see after).

node-xmpp-bosh configuration

Copy the node-xmpp-bosh sample configuration file in a new file:

cp /usr/local/lib/bosh/bosh.conf.example.js /etc/bosh.js.conf

Then, open it and configure it to meet your needs!

A little warning about the logging feature: if your BOSH server will receive a huge amount of data, please consider setting the logging option to FATAL to avoid getting your disk system full quickly.

node-xmpp-bosh logs

To be able to report the crash logs to the node-xmpp-bosh issue tracker, you have to create the logging folder and the logging files:

mkdir /var/log/bosh

Then, the two logging files:

touch /var/log/bosh.log /var/log/bosh.err

Finally, apply permissive rights to the whole:

chmod 777 -R /var/log/bosh

Installing startup scripts

Some startup scripts may be useful to make the node-xmpp-bosh process management faster.

init.d script

node-xmpp-bosh will not be launched on system startup once installed, that's why you'd better use the following init.d script. Firstly, create the file:

touch /etc/init.d/bosh

Then, apply permissive rights:

chmod 777 /etc/init.d/bosh

Open the file:

nano /etc/init.d/bosh

Paste the following content:

#! /bin/sh
# bosh        Start/stop node-xmpp-bosh server

# Provides:          bosh
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $network $named $time
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $network $named $time
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Starts node-xmpp-bosh server
# Description:       Starts node-xmpp-bosh server, an XMPP
#                    BOSH server written in JavaScript.


test -e $BOSH || exit 0

    if ! pgrep -f $NAME
        export NODE_PATH

    killall node

case "$1" in
	echo -n "Starting bosh server"
	start &
	echo -n "Stopping bosh server"
	stop &
	echo -n "Restarting bosh server"
	$0 stop
	$0 start
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" >&2
	exit 1

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo .
    echo " failed."

exit 0

Save it (CTRL+O using nano).

Then, you have to create the related command script:

touch /usr/local/bin/bosh

Then, apply permissive rights:

chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/bosh

Open the file:

nano /usr/local/bin/bosh

Paste the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
exec /usr/local/lib/bosh/run-server.js "$@" >> /var/log/bosh/bosh.log 2>> /var/log/bosh/bosh.err &

Save it (CTRL+O using nano).

Once done, you will be able to start, stop or restart node-xmpp-bosh using this command:

/etc/init.d/bosh {start|stop|restart}


To avoid any downtime of your BOSH service, you may want to use a cronjob to start node-xmpp-bosh if not started (the check is proceeded every minute).

First, execute this:

crontab -e

Then, at the end of the file, paste this:

*/1 * * * * /etc/init.d/bosh start >>/dev/null

Save it (CTRL+O using nano), the cronjobs will be updated.

Remember this solution is not the best (not really clean), but is simple and works fine. Advanced users may want to use daemontools.