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Programming Oak

This document walks through the basics of programming in Oak.

Writing an Oak Node

Oak Applications are built from a collection of inter-connected Oak Nodes, so the first step is to understand how to build a single Oak Node.

Writing software for the Oak system involves a certain amount of boilerplate, so this section will cover the hows – and whys – of this, using code taken from the various examples. If you're impatient, you could start by copying the hello_world example in particular, and just try modifying things from there.

Per-Node Boilerplate

An Oak Node needs to provide a single entrypoint, which is the point at which Node execution begins. However, Node authors don't have to implement this function themselves; for a Node which receives messages (a combination of bytes and handles) that can be decoded into a Rust type, there are helper functions in the Oak SDK that make this easier, and are the idiomatic and recommended way of implementing Applications.

To use these helpers, an Oak Node should be a struct of some kind to represent the internal state of the Node itself (which may be empty), implement the oak::CommandHandler trait for it, then define an entrypoint_command_handler! so the Oak SDK knows how to instantiate it.

The entrypoint_command_handler! macro defines the exported function using the lower-level entrypoint! macro (which requires a function to run as the Node entrypoint).

Under the covers the entrypoint! macro converts the provided function body into an external function suitable for WebAssembly use, taking care of handling panics.

For an Oak Application that exposes itself as a gRPC server (the normal "front door" for an Oak Application), the easiest way to set things up is to define two nodes:

  • a main Node
  • a gRPC service handler Node

We will describe them in the next sections, starting with the gRPC service handler Node.

gRPC Service Handler Node

This Node implements the logic related to handling GrpcInvocation messages coming from a gRPC server pseudo-Node.

In order to implement it:

  • define a struct holding the internal state of the gRPC service, or just an empty struct if no state is needed.
  • implement the auto-generated gRPC service trait for the Node handler struct.
  • define an impl_dispatcher! entry, specifying the appropriate auto-generated gRPC dispatcher, in order to automatically make the handler struct implement the CommandHandler trait.
oak::entrypoint_command_handler_init!(handler => Handler);
oak::impl_dispatcher!(impl Handler : TranslatorDispatcher);

struct Handler;

impl Translator for Handler {
    fn translate(&mut self, req: TranslateRequest) -> grpc::Result<TranslateResponse> {
            "Attempt to translate '{}' from {} to {}",
            req.text, req.from_lang, req.to_lang
        let mut rsp = TranslateResponse::default();
        rsp.translated_text = match req.from_lang.as_str() {
            "en" => match req.text.as_str() {
                "WORLDS" => match req.to_lang.as_str() {
                    "fr" => "MONDES".to_string(),
                    "it" => "MONDI".to_string(),
                    _ => {
                        info!("Output language {} not found", req.to_lang);
                        return Err(grpc::build_status(
                            "Output language not found",
                _ => {
                        "Input text '{}' in {} not recognized",
                        req.text, req.from_lang
                    return Err(grpc::build_status(
                        "Input text unrecognized",
            _ => {
                info!("Input language '{}' not recognized", req.from_lang);
                return Err(grpc::build_status(
                    "Input language unrecognized",
        info!("Translation '{}'", rsp.translated_text);

Main Node

It is common for an Oak Application to define a "main" Node which is the overall entrypoint of the Application, and it is in charge of creating all the other Nodes and Channels that are going to be used by the Application. This Node is also modelled as a oak::CommandHandler whose command type is ConfigMap, even though in practice it is expected to receive a single ConfigMap instance, so the "loop" is only really executed exactly once.

  • from the body of the main Node of the Application, create an instance of the handler Node via entrypoint_node_create (or by manually calling node_create), which returns a Sender of GrpcInvocation messages to send to the handler Node.
  • call the oak::grpc::server::init_with_sender helper by passing the newly created Sender to it; this creates a new gRPC server pseudo-Node that sends gRPC invocations to the provided Sender, which in this case is connected directly to the gRPC server handler Node that we have previously defined.
oak::entrypoint_command_handler!(oak_main => Main);

struct Main;

impl oak::CommandHandler for Main {
    type Command = ConfigMap;

    fn handle_command(&mut self, _command: ConfigMap) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let log_sender = oak::logger::create()?;
        let router_sender = oak::io::entrypoint_node_create::<Router, _, _>(
            LogInit {
                log_sender: Some(log_sender),
        .context("Couldn't create router node")?;
        oak::grpc::server::init_with_sender("[::]:8080", router_sender)
            .context("Couldn't create gRPC server pseudo-Node")?;

Panic Handling

Any Rust panic originating in an Oak Node must be caught before going through the Wasm FFI boundary. If you use the entrypoint! macro, this is done for you, but a manually implemented Node should use the catch_unwind method from the Rust standard library:

pub extern "C" fn frontend_oak_main(_in_handle: u64) {
    let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
        let node = FrontendNode::new();
        let grpc_channel =
            oak::grpc::server::init("[::]:8080").expect("could not create gRPC server pseudo-Node");
        oak::run_command_loop(node, grpc_channel.iter());

Generated gRPC service code

The Oak SDK provides oak_utils::compile_protos to autogenerate Rust code from a gRPC service definition. Adding a file to the Node that uses this function results in a generated file <service> appearing under the crate's build OUT_DIR (by default).

fn main() {
    // Generate the Oak-specific server and client code for the gRPC service,
    // along with the Rust types corresponding to the message definitions.
        &["../proto", "../third_party"],

The autogenerated code includes three parts, described in more detail below:

  • A server-side trait definition.
  • A Dispatcher struct that handles routing of server-side gRPC method invocations.
  • A client-side struct to allow easy use of the gRPC service from an Oak Node.

The first part is a trait definition that includes a method for each of the methods in the gRPC service, taking the relevant (auto-generated) request and response types. The Oak Node handler struct implements the gRPC service by implementing this trait as described previously.

pub trait Translator {
    fn translate(&mut self, req: TranslateRequest) -> ::oak::grpc::Result<TranslateResponse>;

The second part of the autogenerated code includes a Dispatcher struct which maps a request method name to a pointer to the relevant method on the service trait. This Dispatcher struct can then be used with the impl_dispatcher! macro to generate the entire implementation of the ServerNode::invoke method, and then in turn of CommandHandler::handle_command.

Taken altogether, these two parts cover all of the boilerplate needed to have a Node act as a gRPC server:

  • The "main" Node creates the handler Node implementation and the gRPC server pseudo-Node, connecting them together
  • The handler Node struct implements the methods defined on the service trait, and delegates to the auto-generated Dispatcher via the impl_dispatcher! macro.

Finally, the third part of the autogenerated code includes a stub implementation of the client side for the gRPC service. If a Node offers a gRPC service to other Nodes in the same Application, they can use this client stub code to get simple access to the service.

Running an Oak Application

In order to run the Oak Application, each of the WebAssembly Nodes that comprise the Application must first be compiled into one or more WebAssembly modules, and these compiled WebAssembly modules are then assembled into an overall Application Configuration File.

Each of these steps is described in the following sections.

Compiling to Wasm Module

In order to build a WebAssembly module for an Oak WebAssembly Node, written in Rust, cargo build should be used with --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown, as follows:

cargo -Zunstable-options build --release \
  --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown \
  --manifest-path=examples/hello_world/module/rust/Cargo.toml \

The --out-dir option ensures that the resulting binary is copied into a specific directory to allow later steps to find it. Since --out-dir is unstable, -Zunstable-options is required as well.

Creating a Configuration File

In order to load an Oak Application into the Oak Server its configuration must be serialized into a binary file that will be parsed by the Oak Application Builder, as follows:

cargo run --manifest-path=sdk/rust/oak_app_build/Cargo.toml -- \

The input file is the .toml manifest file and the output is the binary containing all the needed modules, which will be generated under the bin directory alongside the manifest file. Here is an example of a manifest file:

name = "hello_world"

app = { path = "examples/hello_world/bin/hello_world.wasm" }
translator = { path = "examples/hello_world/bin/translator.wasm" }

All these steps are implemented as a part of the ./scripts/runner run-examples --example-name=hello_world script.

The Oak Application Builder also allows Wasm modules to be downloaded from an external URL, such as Google Cloud Storage. In order to do this, the application configuration file should include external as a module location:

name = "hello_world"

app = { external = { url = "", sha256 = "57ba0bcebf2c01389d0413736b0a3bb261312bcf0d6e87181359e402df751d50" } }
translator = { path = "examples/hello_world/bin/translator.wasm" }

It is also possible to upload compiled Wasm modules to Google Cloud Storage using the following script:

./scripts/push_example -e hello_world

Creating a Permissions File

A permissions file is a .toml file provided by the host owner, as an additional layer of defense. This file specifies the features of Oak that are permitted for the applications running on the host. In particular, using this file, the host owner can enable or disable gRPC or HTTP connections. In addition, it is possible to specify an allowlist of external gRPC or HTTP authorities (in the [userinfo@]host[:port] format) that the applications can connect to over TLS. Interaction with all other authorities is prohibited. Connections to insecure HTTP servers are allowed only if explicitly enabled via the allow_insecure_http_egress flag.

Here is an example of a permissions file:

allow_grpc_server_nodes = true
allow_http_server_nodes = true
allow_log_nodes = true
allow_insecure_http_egress = true
allow_egress_https_authorities = ["localhost:8080", "localhost:8888"]

All permissions are denied by default. So, an empty permissions file is the most restrictive one.

Starting the Oak Application

The Oak Application is then started using the Oak Loader:

./oak_loader/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/oak_loader \
  --application=./examples/hello_world/bin/hello_world.oak \

Providing a permissions file via the permissions flag is only needed for the Base (log-less) server releases.

The Oak Loader will launch an Oak Runtime, and this Runtime will check the provided Wasm module(s) and application configuration. Assuming everything is correct (e.g. the Nodes all have a main entrypoint and only expect to link to the Oak host functions), the Oak Runtime opens up the gRPC port specified by the Application Configuration, if creating a gRPC connection is permitted in the permissions file. This port is then used by clients to connect to the Oak Application.

Configuring the Oak Application

The Application configuration described above gives the configuration of the Application as seen by the Runtime: what Wasm modules to load, what entrypoint to invoke. However, the Application may need some start-of-day configuration of its own, roughly equivalent to runtime options for a normal executable.

Oak supports this using a ConfigMap message, holding arbitrary key:value data for initial configuration. At Application start-up, the Oak Runtime sends the serialized form of this message as a single message on the initial Node's initial channel (and then closes the channel).

The initial Node of an Application can retrieve this configuration by reading from the implicit incoming channel, usually by implementing the CommandHandler trait setting the Command associated type to ConfigMap:

impl oak::CommandHandler for Main {
    type Command = ConfigMap;

    fn handle_command(&mut self, command: ConfigMap) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let log_sender = oak::logger::create()?;
        oak::logger::init(log_sender.clone(), log::Level::Debug)?;
        let config: Config =
            toml::from_slice(&command.items.get("config").expect("Couldn't find config"))
                .context("Couldn't parse TOML config file")?;

Using an Oak Application from a client

A client that is outside of the Oak ecosystem can use an Oak Application by interacting with it as a gRPC service, using the endpoint (host:port) from the previous section (which would typically be published by the ISV providing the Oak Application).

The client connects to the gRPC service, and sends (Application-specific) gRPC requests to it, over a channel that has end-to-end encryption into the Runtime instance, and also specifies a Label to attach to the request, which is used to enforce Information Flow Control within the running Oak Application:

  // Connect to the Oak Application.
  auto stub = HelloWorld::NewStub(oak::ApplicationClient::CreateChannel(
      address, oak::ApplicationClient::GetTlsChannelCredentials(ca_cert_path), label));

Because the Oak Application is available as a gRPC service, clients written in any language that supports gRPC can use the service. For example in Rust:

async fn create_client(
    uri: &Uri,
    root_tls_certificate: &[u8],
    public_key: &[u8],
) -> anyhow::Result<PrivateSetIntersectionClient<Channel>> {
    info!("Connecting to Oak Application: {:?}", uri);
    let channel = create_tls_channel(uri, root_tls_certificate)
        .context("Couldn't create TLS channel")?;
    let label = confidentiality_label(web_assembly_module_signature_tag(public_key));
    let key_pair = oak_sign::KeyPair::generate()?;
    let interceptor = oak_client::interceptors::combine(
        LabelInterceptor::create(&label).context("Couldn't create gRPC interceptor")?,

Or for example in Go:

	// Connect to the Oak Application.
	creds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(*caCert, "")
	if err != nil {
		glog.Exitf("Failed to set up TLS client credentials from %q: %v", *caCert, err)
	// TODO(#1066): Use a more restrictive Label.
	label := label_pb.Label{}
	metadata, err := NewLabelMetadata(label)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Exitf("Failed to create label metadata for %v: %v", label, err)
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(*address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds), grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(metadata))
	if err != nil {
		glog.Exitf("Failed to dial Oak Application at %v: %v", *address, err)
	defer conn.Close()
	client := translator_pb.NewTranslatorClient(conn)

gRPC Request Processing Path

At this point, the client code can interact with the Node code via gRPC. A typical sequence for this (using the various helpers described in previous sections) would be as follows:

  • The Node code (Wasm code running in a Wasm interpreter, running in the Oak Runtime) is blocked inside a call to the oak.wait_on_channels() host function from the oak::grpc::event_loop helper function.
    • event_loop() was invoked directly from the oak_main() exported function.
  • The client C++ code builds a gRPC request and sends it to the Oak Runtime.
    • This connection is end-to-end encrypted using TLS.
  • The gRPC server pseudo-Node (which is part of the Oak Runtime) receives the message and encapsulates it in a GrpcRequest wrapper message.
  • The gRPC server pseudo-Node serializes the GrpcRequest and writes it to the gRPC-in channel for the Node. It also creates a new channel for any responses, and passes a handle for this response channel alongside the request.
  • This unblocks the Node code, and oak::grpc::event_loop reads and deserializes the incoming gRPC request. It then calls the Dispatcher's invoke() method with the method name and (serialized) gRPC request.
  • The auto-generated Dispatcher invokes the relevant method on the Node.
  • The (user-written) code in this method does its work, and returns a response.
  • The auto-generated Dispatcher struct encapsulates the response into a GrpcResponse wrapper message, and serializes into the response channel.
  • The gRPC server pseudo-Node reads this message from the response channel, deserializes it and sends the inner response back to the client.
  • The client C++ code receives the response.

Nodes, Channels and Handles

So far, we've only discussed writing a single Node for an Oak Application. This Node communicates with the outside world via a single channel. The other half of this single channel is a gRPC pseudo-Node, which passes on requests from external clients (and which is automatically created by the Oak Runtime at Application start-of-day).

More sophisticated Applications are normally built from multiple interacting Nodes, for several reasons:

  • Dividing software into well-defined interacting components is a normal way to reduce the overall complexity of software design.
  • Software that handles sensitive data, or which has additional privileges, often separates out the parts that deal with this (the "principle of least privilege"), to reduce the blast radius if something goes wrong.
  • Information flow analysis can be more precise and fine-grained if components are smaller and the interactions between them are constrained.

The first step in building a multi-Node Application is to write the code for all of the Nodes; the ApplicationConfiguration needs to include the configuration and code for any Node that might get run as part of the Application. New Node types cannot be added after the application starts; any Node that the Application might need has to be included in the original configuration.

As before, each Node must include a main entrypoint with signature fn(u64) -> (), but for an internal Node it's entirely up to the ISV as to what channel handle gets passed to this entrypoint, and as to what messages are sent down that channel. The application may choose to use protobuf-encoded messages (as gRPC does) for its internal communications, or something else entirely (e.g. the serde crate).

Regardless of how the Application communicates with the new Node, the typical pattern for the existing Node is to:

  • Create a new channel with the channel_create host function, receiving local handles for both halves of the channel.
  • Create a new Node instance with the node_create host function, passing in the handle for the read half of the new channel.
  • Afterwards, close the local handle for the read half, as it is no longer needed, and use the local handle for the write half to send messages to the new Node instance.

For example, the example Chat application creates a Node for each chat room and saves off the write handle that will be used to send messages to the room:

                let channel = self.rooms.entry(label.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
                    oak::io::entrypoint_node_create::<Room, _, _>(
                        LogInit { log_sender },
                    .expect("could not create room node")

The same code (identified by "room-config") will be run for each per-room Node, but each instance will have its own Web Assembly linear memory (≈heap) and stack.

The node_create() call triggers the Oak Runtime to invoke the main entrypoint for the new Node (as specified in the Application configuration), passing in the handle value for the channel read half that was provided as a parameter to node_create(). Note that the actual handle value passed into the main entrypoint will (almost certainly) be different; internally, the Runtime translates the creator Node's handle value to a reference to the underlying channel object, then assigns a new numeric value for the created Node to use to refer to the underlying channel.

Once a new Node has started, the existing Node can communicate with the new Node by sending messages over the channel via channel_write (or channel_write_with_downgrade if the label downgrading is required). Of course, the new Node only has a handle to the read half of a channel, and so only has a way of receiving.

To cope with this, it's normal for the inbound messages to be accompanied by a handle for the write half of a different channel, which is then used for responses – so the new Node has a way of sending externally, as well as receiving.

For Nodes that communicate by exchanging messages that are serialized protocol buffer messages, the Oak SDK allows encoding channel handles into protobuf messages:

message BlobStoreSender {
  oak.handle.Sender sender = 1 [(oak.handle.message_type) = ".oak.examples.injection.BlobResponse"];

The message_type field option provided by the SDK specifies the fully qualified (with leading dot) name of the protobuf message passed over the channel.

The above protobuf definition generates the following Rust data type:

struct BlobStoreSender {
  sender: ::oak_io::Sender<BlobResponse>,

An oak.handle.Receiver type is also available for read handles.

The generated struct is fully type safe, encoding the direction of the handle (Sender or Receiver) as well as the type of the message that is sent or received using message_type.

Persistent Storage

TODO: describe use of storage

Using External gRPC Services

To allow Oak applications connect to external gRPC services, the Oak SDK provides a convenient API for creating gRPC Client pseudo nodes:

        let grpc_client_invocation_sender = oak::grpc::client::init(&config.backend_server_address)
            .context("Couldn't create gRPC client")?;

The client is initialized with the address of the external gRPC service (e.g., https://localhost:8888). The init method returns a handle to a channel that can be used for sending invocations to the client pseudo node. With this handle gRPC client stub can be created, as in the Aggregator example:

impl oak::WithInit for Handler {
    type Init = HandlerInit;

    fn create(init: Self::Init) -> Self {
        oak::logger::init(init.log_sender.unwrap(), log::Level::Debug).unwrap();
        let grpc_client_invocation_sender = init
            .expect("Couldn't receive gRPC invocation sender")
            .expect("Empty gRPC invocation sender");


The call to Self::new above creates an instance of AggregatorClient initialized with the write-half of the channel to the gRPC client pseudo node:

    fn new(invocation_sender: Sender<grpc::Invocation>) -> Self {
        Self {
            backend_client: AggregatorClient(invocation_sender),
            aggregators: HashMap::new(),

Using External HTTP Services

An Oak application may need to interact with external services. This can be done using an HTTP client pseudo node. The Oak SDK provides a convenient API for creating HTTP Client pseudo nodes:

    let client_invocation_sender = oak::http::client::init("localhost:8080").unwrap();

The input parameter to init is the authority of the server that the Oak application needs to connect to. If an empty string is passed as the authority, then this client node can connect to any external server. Otherwise, the HTTP client pseudo node can only connect to the server specified by the given authority over HTTPS. The init method returns a handle to a channel that can be used for sending invocations to the client pseudo node. From there you can create normal HTTP requests and send them via the client pseudo node:

        let request = http::Request::builder()
            .header(oak_abi::OAK_LABEL_HTTP_JSON_KEY, label_bytes)
            .context("Couldn't build request")?;

        // Send the request to the HTTP client pseudo-Node
            .context("Couldn't send the request to the HTTP client")?;


"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." - Donald Knuth

Regardless of how the code for an Oak Application is produced, it's always a good idea to write tests. The oak_tests crate allows Node gRPC service methods to be tested with the Oak SDK framework via the Oak Runtime:

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)]
async fn test_translate() {
    let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init();
    let permissions = oak_runtime::permissions::PermissionsConfiguration {
        allow_grpc_server_nodes: true,
        allow_log_nodes: true,

    let runtime = oak_tests::run_single_module_default(permissions)
        .expect("Unable to configure runtime with test wasm!");

    let (channel, interceptor) = oak_tests::public_channel_and_interceptor().await;
    let mut client = TranslatorClient::with_interceptor(channel, interceptor);

    let req = TranslateRequest {
        text: "WORLDS".into(),
        from_lang: "en".into(),
        to_lang: "it".into(),
    info!("Sending request: {:?}", req);

    let result = client.translate(req).await;
    assert_matches!(result, Ok(_));
    assert_eq!("MONDI", result.unwrap().into_inner().translated_text);


This has a little bit of boilerplate to explain:

oak_tests additionally exposes a runtime_config_wasm method that allows configuring more complex Applications with multiple Nodes, like in the following example:

// Test invoking the SayHello Node service method via the Oak runtime.
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)]
async fn test_say_hello() {
    let _ = env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init();
    let permissions = oak_runtime::permissions::PermissionsConfiguration {
        allow_grpc_server_nodes: true,
        allow_log_nodes: true,
    let runtime_config = oak_tests::runtime_config_wasm(
        hashmap! {
            MAIN_MODULE_NAME.to_owned() => oak_tests::compile_rust_wasm(MAIN_MODULE_MANIFEST, oak_tests::Profile::Release).expect("Couldn't compile main module"),
            TRANSLATOR_MODULE_NAME.to_owned() => oak_tests::compile_rust_wasm(TRANSLATOR_MODULE_MANIFEST, oak_tests::Profile::Release).expect("Couldn't compile translator module"),
    let runtime = oak_runtime::configure_and_run(runtime_config)
        .expect("Unable to configure runtime with test wasm!");

    let (channel, interceptor) = oak_tests::public_channel_and_interceptor().await;
    let mut client = HelloWorldClient::with_interceptor(channel, interceptor);

        let req = HelloRequest {
            greeting: "world".into(),
        info!("Sending request: {:?}", req);
        let result = client.say_hello(req.clone()).await;
        assert_matches!(result, Ok(_));
        assert_eq!("HELLO world!", result.unwrap().into_inner().reply);
        let req = HelloRequest {
            greeting: "WORLDS".into(),
        info!("Sending request: {:?}", req);
        let result = client.lots_of_replies(req).await;
        assert_matches!(result, Ok(_));
        // Make sure that the translated response was received.
                HelloResponse {
                    reply: "HELLO WORLDS!".to_string()
                HelloResponse {
                    reply: "BONJOUR MONDES!".to_string()
                HelloResponse {
                    reply: "HELLO AGAIN WORLDS!".to_string()
                .collect::<Vec<Result<HelloResponse, tonic::Status>>>()


Debugging and introspection

For debugging purposes, the oak_loader could be built with the oak_unsafe feature. This feature enables logs, and exposes an introspection server on localhost that by default is served on port 1909.