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Dominion Card API

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Full-featured Dominion Kingdom Card API written in Python using Django's REST framework. This API is intended to power companion apps for the board game Dominion and allows you to quickly and easily obtain card sets and card details for the Kingdom Cards used to play the game.

API functions include:

  • Obtain a set of 10 unique random Dominion Kingdom Cards
  • Retrieve a list of Dominion Kingdom Cards based on filter criteria (name, cost, etc.)
  • Add custom Dominion Kingdom Cards
  • Get the information for a single Dominion Kingdom Card (random or specified)
  • Get the complete list of all Dominion Kingdom Cards

This app includes a command function to ingest Dominion Kingdom Card data from a provided CSV file.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the API server up and running on your local machine.


Make sure Python version 3.7 or newer is installed. Python 3.8 is recommended.

You will also need the virtualenv package if you want to work in a Virtual Environment (recommended):

pip install virtualenv 


Clone the repository and browse to the local directory containing the project files:

git clone
cd DominionCardAPI

If you want to work in a Virtual Environment (recommended), create it and activate it:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate (for Linux, Mac)
source venv/Scripts/activate (for Windows)

Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make a local copy of the DominionCardAPI/ file by executing the following:

cp DominionCardAPI/ DominionCardAPI/

Execute the following commands to prepare the database:

python migrate
python ingest_csv dominion_cards.csv

NOTE: You can import any properly-formatted data set by specifying a file other than dominion_cards.csv when running the ingest_csv function.

Create a User

You must generate a Token using username/password credentials in order to use this API. Create the username/password credentials using the createsuperuser function:

python createsuperuser

Then enter the credentials you wish to use.


You likely want to activate the Virtual Environment each time you work on the project with source venv/Scripts/activate for Windows or source venv/bin/activate for Linux and Mac.

You can leave the Virtual Environment with the deactivate command.

Running the program

Test run the program on your local machine by executing:

python runserver

Adding Packages

If you add a package (using pip install [package-name]) to this app, ensure it also gets added to requirements.txt file:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Flush Database

If you need to ingest the CSV file again, you should first flush the database:

python flush

Or delete & re-create the database:

rm db.sqlite3
python migrate
python ingest_csv dominion_cards.csv

VS Code

If you plan to use VS Code with the Python extension installed, you'll also want to install pylint-django:

pip install pylint-django

And add this to your settings.json:

"python.linting.pylintArgs": [


This app uses pytest with pytest-django to run automatic testing. You can run the test suite with the command:


Generate Test Data

To recreate the test_data.json file, run:

python dumpdata --natural-foreign --exclude auth.permission --exclude contenttypes --indent 4 > tests/test_data.json

NOTE: The tests in tests/ requires at least 10 properly-formatted cards & one must have id=2 and source=csv.

To recreate the test_users.json file, run:

python dumpdata auth.User --indent 4 > tests/test_users.json

NOTE: You may need to update the tests in tests/ to work with your updated user data.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration (CI) testing is provided by GitHub Actions and is automatically run upon each git push & pull request.


You should change DEBUG from True to False in DominionCardAPI/ before deploying for production.

It is likely that you will need to add the server URL to ALLOWED_HOSTS in DominionCardAPI/

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']

Static Files

You will likely need to make static files (css, etc) available to make the API look properly pretty in the browser. If you use the default URL for static files, just uncomment line 133 (under STATIC_URL = '/static/') of DominionCardAPI/

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")

If you change STATIC_URL to something other than /static/ then you will need to update STATIC_ROOT accordingly.

Run the following command to prepare the files:

python collectstatic


If you are using Apache, it is likely that you will need to change the name of the root directory of this project to something other than DominionCardAPI (this will solve "ImportError: No module named DominionCardAPI.settings" error in the Apache error.log).

Additionally, if using Apache, you will likely need to configure mod_wsgi to pass the required headers through to the application. Add the following to either server config (e.g. /etc/apache2/apache.conf), virtual host, directory or .htaccess:

WSGIPassAuthorization On

Generate Authentication Token

An authentication token is required to interact with the API. Generate an authentication token by POSTING your username/password to /get_auth_token/.

More information is located in the documentation.


Disable Authentication

You can choose to disable the requirement for authentication by commenting out lines 81 & 82 of DominionCardAPI/

#    'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': ('rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',),
#    'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ('rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication',),

Usage Information

API Documentation

View the complete documentation for this API.


The complete list of params returned in the results for all requests to this API:

Param Type Editable Description
id Integer No The primary key of the card.
uuid String No Each card has a unique 36 character UUID4 identifier.
card_name String Yes The unique name of the card.
set_name String Yes The name of the expansion set this card is a part of.
type String Yes The type of card.
cost String Yes The cost of this card.
card_text String Yes The full description of the card.
is_kingdom_card Boolean Yes Whether or not this is a kingdom card.
source String No The original source of this card.

Data Information

  • In the cost field, Þ represents "potion(s)".
  • In the description field, \\n denotes where a new line should be inserted.
  • In the description field, \\d denotes where a horizontal break should be inserted.

Built With

  • PyCharm - The Python IDE used for initial project creation
  • Postman - API development testing & documentation
  • VS Code - The code editor used for continued development
