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File metadata and controls

137 lines (89 loc) · 5.68 KB


This operator is build with operator-sdk and ansible galaxy role reportportal-openshift.

Note: Make sure you've installed the lastest operator-sdk as it changes rapidly.

Please read the Operator SDK doc to understand how the operator is built with the sdk.

For your devel enviroment, you could start with CodeReady enviroment, which you have cluster admin role to deploy CRDs.

Update Ansible Role

For update the ansible role, check and update in roles/ .

Then follow the Ansible user guide doc with build and test the operator.

After role updated, create new operator image with:

$ buildah bud -f Dockerfile -t
$ buildah push

Generate bundle file

Update Makefile with target ${VERSION}

Run make bundle

$ make bundle

It will ask you to input interactively for some CSV fields.

Not all part could be generated so far, the CRD spec is the part you need check and update manually.

Create bundle image and validate

The default bundle create image builder is docker, make sure you have installed latest docker on you host and docker daemon is running.

Podman did not support Docker v2.2 format yet, while v2.1 schema format is not supported by operator registry.

$ sudo docker build -f bundle.Dockerfile -t .

$ sudo docker push
The push refers to repository []
4663510d6b4f: Pushed
61235e66d899: Pushed
35cd28174dce: Pushed
v0.0.7: digest: sha256:2b2be124605a513738a59db74ef3bed651d5b08d2e7f32c4bdd4f6d252f9b6c3 size: 940

$ sudo operator-sdk bundle validate

The channel must be same in the bundle/metadata/annotations.yaml and the bundle.Dockerfile.

Build operator registry

Use operator-registry to build a registry index image which include the operator application to

Check operator-registry to create Bundle images and Operators Index.

$ sudo opm index add --container-tool docker --bundles --tag
$ sudo docker push

To add updated bundle image to the index:

Replace sha256 value of the bundle image at follow opm index command:

$ sudo opm index add --container-tool docker --bundles --from-index --tag

Note: Use sha256 rather than image tag to avoid cache problem

$ sudo docker push
The push refers to repository []
a3b7cbd3cadf: Pushed
dff05adcc153: Layer already exists
61fc2d1936e1: Layer already exists
4150c4f2e6df: Layer already exists
50644c29ef5a: Layer already exists
1.0.6: digest: sha256:5ef938574b293a04d25a19572534104ff92c1caa4ce07f40afbb002be856ed89 size: 1371

Then could create CatalogSource on your testing cluster to add the operator registry.

Note: Use sha256 rather than image tag to avoid cache problem

Create CatalogSource

Check the doc Using the index with Operator Lifecycle Manager

The OLM operator bundle have been added to registry index image: in previous step.

Create the CatalogSource

Prepare a catalog source yaml:

$ cat catalog-source.yaml
kind: CatalogSource
  name: wayne-index
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  sourceType: grpc

In the OperatorHub choose openshift-marketplace namespace and select Provider type as wayne-index as defined in the catalog.

alt text

Run bundle scorecard

Check the bundle/tests/scorecard/config.yaml in the repo dir, update version and path if needed.

Run the corecard command, it'll test in your cluster env, so make sure you have connected to your cluster.

$ operator-sdk scorecard bundle

Submit to Community Operators

Reportportal Operator switches from packagemanifest to bundle format start from v0.0.6, which make update the operator in Community Operator more easier as the operator is build with latest operator-sdk and bundle is the default format.

When new version of operator have been build, in the reportportal-operator dir, create new version dir, e.g. 0.0.7, and copy bundle/manifests bundle/metadata into the new version dir. Also copy the bundle.Dockerfile and rename as Dockerfile and update COPY steps to:

   COPY manifests /manifests/
   COPY metadata /metadata/

Note: current bundle.Dockerfile is for build from project dir, while bundle build is from bundle dir, that's why need update the dir. Also the tests dir is deleted as for production.

Create new PR request with the new bundle version and fix CI and review issues.