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Terraform Kubernetes Operator

This repository contains instructions and necessary configuration files to manage TFC resources using Kubernetes Operator.
For more details, check this official page.


It expects you already have a Kubernetes cluster and kubectl installed. If you don't have one, follow this instructions to create a EKS cluster in AWS Cloud.


Add the Helm repository

$ helm repo add hashicorp

Update your local Helm chart repository cache

$ helm repo update

Install TFC Operator

This will create a new namespace 'tfc-operator-system'

helm install \
  demo hashicorp/terraform-cloud-operator \
  --version 2.0.0-beta8 \
  --namespace tfc-operator-system \

Create a new Secret

Get TFC Team token and store it as a Kubernetes Secret

$ kubectl create secret generic tfc-operator --from-literal=token=<TFC-Team-Token>


Create Kubernetes Secret for AWS Credentials

This can be later used as the Environment variables for the TFC workspace

$ kubectl create secret generic aws-access-id \

$ kubectl create secret generic aws-secret-access-key \

Update the demo-workspace.yaml file with necessary Terraform variables and Environment variables

Run the following command to create a TFC Workspace

$ kubectl apply -f demo-workspace.yaml


  • demo.module.yaml file contains necessary configuration to issue a Plan and Apply
  • This takes module name and version as the input along with the necessary variables

Can I execute a new Run without changing any Workspace or Module attributes?

Run this following command

$ kubectl patch module demo-module --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"restartedAt": "'`date -u -Iseconds`'"}}'


Create an Agent pool with three agents

Deploy Agentpool and Agents

  • Add the below content to demo-agent.yaml
  • Update the organization name in the configuration file
kind: AgentPool
  name: demo-agent-pool
  name: agent-pool-demo
  organization: <tfc-org-name>
      name: tfc-operator
      key: token
    replicas: 3
        - name: tfc-agent
          image: "hashicorp/tfc-agent:latest"
    - name: demo-agent

Run the following command to perform Kubernetes apply

$ kubectl apply -f demo-agent.yaml

Now you should be able to see the pods running in the default namespace using the follwing command.

$ kubectl get pods

You should also be able to see the Agentpool and Agents in the TFC GUI under,
Workspace -> Settings -> Agents

Delete Agentpool and Agents

Run this command to delete Agentpool and Agents

$ kubectl delete -f demo-agent.yaml

Create an Agent pool with three agents (using Terraform)


  • tfk8s is a tool that makes it easier to work with the Terraform Kubernetes Provider.
  • It is used to migrate existing YAML manifests and use them with Terraform without having to convert YAML to HCL manually.

Convert YAML to HCL

Install tfk8s

go install

Terraform Init

Initialize Terraform to get Kubernetes provider.

$ terraform init

Terraform Plan

Create execution plan.

$ terraform plan

Terraform Apply

Execute the actions proposed in a Terraform plan.

$ terraform apply

You should also be able to see the Agentpool and Agents in the TFC GUI under,
Workspace -> Settings -> Agents

Terraform Destroy

Delete AgentPool and Agents

$ terraform destroy