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Closure Mode

Original fork by @bolinfest who added Closure Library support.

Forked from @smhanov who removed the need to use the Closure Library.

This fork's purpose is to allow developers to type-check CoffeeScript/Backbone/Underscore projects with full backwards compatibility and minimal JSDoc annotations.

Type checking uses the Google Closure Compiler with Advanced Optimizations mode. Type information is added using Google Closure type-checking JSDoc annotations. Closure Mode helps by adding annotations automatically by using CoffeeScript syntax.

I use vanilla CoffeeScript for compiling production/debug code, but use this fork with jzbuild for occasional type-checking.

There is no intention to integrate this back into the master branch.


Add a helper function method called __

This function allows us to repurpose the default parameter CoffeeScript feature to specify type information while not breaking your code when it is compiled with vanilla CoffeeScript.

Closure Mode parses the default parameter to look for type information. If this fails, this method passes along the default parameter as normal. If there is type information, we return undefined unless there is a default parameter specified.

###* @param {*} a ###
###* @param {*} [b] ###
window.__ = (a, b) ->
	return b if b?
	if a.indexOf('{') is 0
	and if a.substr(-1) is '}'
		return undefined
		return a

Declaring custom types

When you have a custom object like {foo: 'bar'} used in a few places you should create an alias for it like so.

###* @typedef {{ foo: string }} ###

Add constructors to Backbone classes

When passing options or other arguments to Backbone you need to provide a constructor.

class Foo extends Backbone.View
	constructor: (options) ->

Optional types

You must add type annotations to optional types like this:

###* @param {*} [name] ###
foo = (name) ->


###* @param {*=} name ###

or we pass it to our magic function __() that is recognized by Closure Mode returns undefined...

foo = (name = __('{*=}') ->

or we infer the type from the value...

foo = (name = __('foo'))

Inline types as default parameters

If a param does not have a default value

foo = (name = '{*=}') ->


foo = (name = __('{*=}', 'foo'))


When using something like this at the top of your classes:

Foo ?= {}
Foo.Bar ?= {}

Modify it to:

do -> Foo ?= {} Foo.Bar ?= {}

Skipping something

If something is continuously giving you warnings/errors use:

###* @suppress {checkTypes} ###

See here for different options.


Automatic constructor annotations

@constructor and @extends annotations automatically added to class declarations

Basic type inference

Use --closure_infer

Adds inline annotations to optional function parameters based on the type of the default parameter.

class Foo
	constructor: (bar = '{string=}')


 * @constructor
 * @param {string=} bar
Foo = function(bar) {
	if bar == null {
		bar = '{string=}'

Current Google Closure mapping


Possible alternatives for the default parameter function

I like this one a lot:

foo = (name = +string) ->
foo = (name =+ string) ->
foo = (name =+ )
foo = (name =+ num) ->


Add function(new:String,*) for each inline param - this is unlikely

foo = (name = String, name = String.Opt)
foo = (name = String, name = String[s])

foo = (name = String, name = Opt(String))
foo = (name = String, name = Opt(String))

foo = (name = String, name = Array[String])
foo = (name = String, name = Object[String,Number]})

foo = (name =+ tString('hello'), name = tArray[(tString, tNumber)->])

foo = (name =+ _String('hello'), name = _Array[_String, _Number])

These are some more ideas:

foo = (name = '{string}'.type()) ->
foo = (name = '{string}'.default('foo')) ->

foo = (name = 'foo'.t('{?string=}')) ->

foo = (name = '{string}'._()) ->
foo = (name = '{string}'._('foo')) ->

foo = (name = string()) ->
foo = (name = 'foo'.string()) ->
foo = (name = (1).number()) ->
foo = (name = 'Foo.Bar'.type()) ->

foo = (name = (__ '{string}')) ->
foo = (name = (__ '{string}', 'foo')) ->

foo = (name = __['{string}']) ->

foo = (name = t('{string}')) ->

foo = name


Implement a special short-hand CoffeeScript JavaDoc:

# @name string
# @date Date
# =string
foo = (name = 1,date=+Date()

Planned Features

  • Better inline annotations based on identifier not just
  • Allow adding params by annotating the initialize method in Backbone
  • Automatic @return


  • Hack, hack, hack
  • git checkout lib/*.js && bin/cake build && bin/cake build:parser && ./

For interactive testing try: open closure/demo/index.html


To compile extras/coffee-script.js run MINIFY=false bin/cake build:browser

Dev Tips

Use for modifying tokens before they are parsed by the lexer

Modify to accomodate new tokens

Modify compileNode() method which actually writes out the code for each node