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fixes to allow lazy compilation for import() #32441

merged 2 commits into from Dec 14, 2021


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@sokra sokra commented Dec 13, 2021

This allows to use the webpack lazy compilation feature for lazy compiling import()s on client side with next.js:

module.exports = {
  webpack(config, { isServer, dev }) {
    if (!isServer && dev) {
      config.experiments.lazyCompilation = true
    return config

lazy compilation for entries is not possible and not needed as next.js has it's own lazy compilation of entries.
lazy compilation on server-side is not (yet) possible since there is not HMR on server-side with next.js.


  • Related issues linked using fixes #number
  • Integration tests added
  • Errors have helpful link attached, see


  • Implements an existing feature request or RFC. Make sure the feature request has been accepted for implementation before opening a PR.
  • Related issues linked using fixes #number
  • Integration tests added
  • Documentation added
  • Telemetry added. In case of a feature if it's used or not.
  • Errors have helpful link attached, see

Documentation / Examples

  • Make sure the linting passes by running yarn lint

@ijjk ijjk added created-by: Next.js team PRs by the Next.js team type: next labels Dec 13, 2021

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@sokra sokra force-pushed the feature/lazy-compilation branch 2 times, most recently from ae04c3c to e1245f3 Compare December 13, 2021 15:16
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ijjk commented Dec 13, 2021

Failing test suites

Commit: e1245f3


  • _app/_document add HMR > should HMR when _document is added
Expand output

● _app/_document add HMR › should HMR when _document is added

expect(received).toContain(expected) // indexOf

Expected substring: "index page"
Received string:    "<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\"><meta name=\"next-head-count\" content=\"2\"><noscript data-n-css=\"\"></noscript><script defer=\"\" nomodule=\"\" src=\"/_next/static/chunks/polyfills.js?ts=1639408902327\"></script><script src=\"/_next/static/chunks/fallback/webpack.js?ts=1639408902327\" defer=\"\"></script><script src=\"/_next/static/chunks/fallback/main.js?ts=1639408902327\" defer=\"\"></script><script src=\"/_next/static/chunks/fallback/pages/_app.js?ts=1639408902327\" defer=\"\"></script><script src=\"/_next/static/chunks/fallback/pages/_error.js?ts=1639408902327\" defer=\"\"></script><noscript id=\"__next_css__DO_NOT_USE__\"></noscript></head><body style=\"overflow: hidden;\"><div id=\"__next\" data-reactroot=\"\"></div><script src=\"/_next/static/chunks/fallback/react-refresh.js?ts=1639408902327\"></script><script id=\"__NEXT_DATA__\" type=\"application/json\">{\"props\":{\"pageProps\":{\"statusCode\":500}},\"page\":\"/_error\",\"query\":{},\"buildId\":\"development\",\"isFallback\":false,\"err\":{\"name\":\"ModuleBuildError\",\"message\":\"Module build failed (from ../../../packages/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-swc-loader.js):\\nError: Failed to read source code from /home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/test/integration/app-document-add-hmr/pages/_app.js\\n\\nCaused by:\\n    No such file or directory (os error 2)\",\"stack\":\"ModuleBuildError: Module build failed (from ../../../packages/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-swc-loader.js):\\nError: Failed to read source code from /home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/test/integration/app-document-add-hmr/pages/_app.js\\n\\nCaused by:\\n    No such file or directory (os error 2)\\n    at processResult (/home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/packages/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js:54452:19)\\n    at /home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/packages/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js:54554:5\\n    at /home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/packages/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js:140425:11\\n    at /home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/packages/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js:140221:20\\n    at context.callback (/home/runner/work/next.js/next.js/packages/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js:140150:13)\"},\"gip\":true,\"scriptLoader\":[]}</script><div id=\"__next-build-watcher\" style=\"position: fixed; bottom: 10px; right: 20px; width: 0px; height: 0px; z-index: 99999;\"></div><next-route-announcer><p aria-live=\"assertive\" id=\"__next-route-announcer__\" role=\"alert\" style=\"border: 0px; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-wrap: normal;\"></p></next-route-announcer><nextjs-portal></nextjs-portal></body>"

  54 |       await fs.remove(appPage)
  55 |     }
> 56 |   })
     |     ^
  57 |
  58 |   it('should HMR when _document is added', async () => {
  59 |     let indexContent = await fs.readFile(indexPage)

  at Object.<anonymous> (integration/app-document-add-hmr/test/index.test.js:56:27)


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ijjk commented Dec 13, 2021

Stats from current PR

Default Build (Decrease detected ✓)
General Overall decrease ✓
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
buildDuration 17.8s 17.8s ⚠️ +94ms
buildDurationCached 3.3s 3.3s ⚠️ +7ms
nodeModulesSize 350 MB 350 MB -388 B
Page Load Tests Overall decrease ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
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/error-in-render total time (seconds) 1.319 1.346 ⚠️ +0.03
/error-in-render avg req/sec 1896 1857.51 ⚠️ -38.49
Client Bundles (main, webpack, commons)
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450.HASH.js gzip 179 B 179 B
framework-HASH.js gzip 42.2 kB 42.2 kB
main-HASH.js gzip 28.9 kB 28.9 kB
webpack-HASH.js gzip 1.45 kB 1.45 kB
Overall change 72.8 kB 72.8 kB
Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills)
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
polyfills-HASH.js gzip 31 kB 31 kB
Overall change 31 kB 31 kB
Client Pages Overall increase ⚠️
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_app-HASH.js gzip 1.37 kB 1.37 kB
_error-HASH.js gzip 194 B 194 B
amp-HASH.js gzip 312 B 312 B
css-HASH.js gzip 326 B 326 B
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routerDirect..HASH.js gzip 321 B 321 B
script-HASH.js gzip 383 B 383 B
withRouter-HASH.js gzip 318 B 318 B
85e02e95b279..7e3.css gzip 107 B 107 B
Overall change 14.1 kB 14.1 kB ⚠️ +2 B
Client Build Manifests
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
_buildManifest.js gzip 459 B 459 B
Overall change 459 B 459 B
Rendered Page Sizes
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
index.html gzip 531 B 531 B
link.html gzip 545 B 545 B
withRouter.html gzip 526 B 526 B
Overall change 1.6 kB 1.6 kB


Diff for _buildManifest.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = {
   "/dynamic": [
-    "static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fdynamic-04217a0b90b030bc.js"
+    "static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fdynamic-6b716f7c69fc6182.js"
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   "/hooks": ["static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fhooks-538d621a0e670391.js"],
Diff for dynamic-HASH.js
@@ -374,44 +374,41 @@
         if (false) {
         // Client only
-        if (
-          !initialized &&
-          "object" !== "undefined" &&
-          typeof opts.webpack === "function" &&
-          "function" === "function" &&
-          !opts.suspense
-        ) {
-          var moduleIds = opts.webpack();
-          READY_INITIALIZERS.push(function(ids) {
-            var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true,
-              _didIteratorError = false,
-              _iteratorError = undefined;
-            try {
-              for (
-                var _iterator = moduleIds[Symbol.iterator](), _step;
-                !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =;
-                _iteratorNormalCompletion = true
-              ) {
-                var moduleId = _step.value;
-                if (ids.indexOf(moduleId) !== -1) {
-                  return init();
-                }
-              }
-            } catch (err) {
-              _didIteratorError = true;
-              _iteratorError = err;
-            } finally {
+        if (!initialized && "object" !== "undefined" && !opts.suspense) {
+          var moduleIds = opts.webpack ? opts.webpack() : opts.modules;
+          if (moduleIds) {
+            READY_INITIALIZERS.push(function(ids) {
+              var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true,
+                _didIteratorError = false,
+                _iteratorError = undefined;
               try {
-                if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
-                  _iterator.return();
+                for (
+                  var _iterator = moduleIds[Symbol.iterator](), _step;
+                  !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =
+                    .done);
+                  _iteratorNormalCompletion = true
+                ) {
+                  var moduleId = _step.value;
+                  if (ids.indexOf(moduleId) !== -1) {
+                    return init();
+                  }
+              } catch (err) {
+                _didIteratorError = true;
+                _iteratorError = err;
               } finally {
-                if (_didIteratorError) {
-                  throw _iteratorError;
+                try {
+                  if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+                    _iterator.return();
+                  }
+                } finally {
+                  if (_didIteratorError) {
+                    throw _iteratorError;
+                  }
-            }
-          });
+            });
+          }
         var LoadableComponent = opts.suspense ? LazyImpl : LoadableImpl;
         LoadableComponent.preload = function() {

Default Build with SWC (Decrease detected ✓)
General Overall decrease ✓
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
buildDuration 19.3s 19.6s ⚠️ +321ms
buildDurationCached 3.4s 3.3s -81ms
nodeModulesSize 350 MB 350 MB -388 B
Page Load Tests Overall decrease ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
/ failed reqs 0 0
/ total time (seconds) 2.998 2.983 -0.02
/ avg req/sec 833.94 837.95 +4.01
/error-in-render failed reqs 0 0
/error-in-render total time (seconds) 1.348 1.375 ⚠️ +0.03
/error-in-render avg req/sec 1854.02 1818.5 ⚠️ -35.52
Client Bundles (main, webpack, commons)
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
450.HASH.js gzip 179 B 179 B
framework-HASH.js gzip 42.3 kB 42.3 kB
main-HASH.js gzip 29.1 kB 29.1 kB
webpack-HASH.js gzip 1.44 kB 1.44 kB
Overall change 73 kB 73 kB
Legacy Client Bundles (polyfills)
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
polyfills-HASH.js gzip 31 kB 31 kB
Overall change 31 kB 31 kB
Client Pages Overall increase ⚠️
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
_app-HASH.js gzip 1.35 kB 1.35 kB
_error-HASH.js gzip 180 B 180 B
amp-HASH.js gzip 305 B 305 B
css-HASH.js gzip 321 B 321 B
dynamic-HASH.js gzip 2.36 kB 2.36 kB ⚠️ +3 B
head-HASH.js gzip 342 B 342 B
hooks-HASH.js gzip 906 B 906 B
image-HASH.js gzip 4.75 kB 4.75 kB
index-HASH.js gzip 256 B 256 B
link-HASH.js gzip 2.19 kB 2.19 kB
routerDirect..HASH.js gzip 314 B 314 B
script-HASH.js gzip 375 B 375 B
withRouter-HASH.js gzip 309 B 309 B
85e02e95b279..7e3.css gzip 107 B 107 B
Overall change 14.1 kB 14.1 kB ⚠️ +3 B
Client Build Manifests
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
_buildManifest.js gzip 459 B 459 B
Overall change 459 B 459 B
Rendered Page Sizes
vercel/next.js canary vercel/next.js feature/lazy-compilation Change
index.html gzip 532 B 532 B
link.html gzip 546 B 546 B
withRouter.html gzip 527 B 527 B
Overall change 1.6 kB 1.6 kB


Diff for _buildManifest.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = {
   "/dynamic": [
-    "static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fdynamic-04217a0b90b030bc.js"
+    "static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fdynamic-6b716f7c69fc6182.js"
   "/head": ["static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fhead-7100d3b2a548f0e4.js"],
   "/hooks": ["static\u002Fchunks\u002Fpages\u002Fhooks-538d621a0e670391.js"],
Diff for dynamic-HASH.js
@@ -374,44 +374,41 @@
         if (false) {
         // Client only
-        if (
-          !initialized &&
-          "object" !== "undefined" &&
-          typeof opts.webpack === "function" &&
-          "function" === "function" &&
-          !opts.suspense
-        ) {
-          var moduleIds = opts.webpack();
-          READY_INITIALIZERS.push(function(ids) {
-            var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true,
-              _didIteratorError = false,
-              _iteratorError = undefined;
-            try {
-              for (
-                var _iterator = moduleIds[Symbol.iterator](), _step;
-                !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =;
-                _iteratorNormalCompletion = true
-              ) {
-                var moduleId = _step.value;
-                if (ids.indexOf(moduleId) !== -1) {
-                  return init();
-                }
-              }
-            } catch (err) {
-              _didIteratorError = true;
-              _iteratorError = err;
-            } finally {
+        if (!initialized && "object" !== "undefined" && !opts.suspense) {
+          var moduleIds = opts.webpack ? opts.webpack() : opts.modules;
+          if (moduleIds) {
+            READY_INITIALIZERS.push(function(ids) {
+              var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true,
+                _didIteratorError = false,
+                _iteratorError = undefined;
               try {
-                if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
-                  _iterator.return();
+                for (
+                  var _iterator = moduleIds[Symbol.iterator](), _step;
+                  !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =
+                    .done);
+                  _iteratorNormalCompletion = true
+                ) {
+                  var moduleId = _step.value;
+                  if (ids.indexOf(moduleId) !== -1) {
+                    return init();
+                  }
+              } catch (err) {
+                _didIteratorError = true;
+                _iteratorError = err;
               } finally {
-                if (_didIteratorError) {
-                  throw _iteratorError;
+                try {
+                  if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+                    _iterator.return();
+                  }
+                } finally {
+                  if (_didIteratorError) {
+                    throw _iteratorError;
+                  }
-            }
-          });
+            });
+          }
         var LoadableComponent = opts.suspense ? LazyImpl : LoadableImpl;
         LoadableComponent.preload = function() {
Commit: 83c69a9

@sokra sokra marked this pull request as ready for review December 14, 2021 08:57
@timneutkens timneutkens merged commit ee22073 into canary Dec 14, 2021
@timneutkens timneutkens deleted the feature/lazy-compilation branch December 14, 2021 10:33
cdierkens pushed a commit to cdierkens/next.js that referenced this pull request Dec 20, 2021
@vercel vercel locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 27, 2022
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3 participants