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Cosette-Web is for serving Cosette web interface. You can try Cosette Demo or use the Cosette Web API without the need of running the web server on your own. The following instructions are for the users who want to build and run Cosette web server on their own (It is not that hard too!).

Install and Run Postgres (for user registration)

On Mac (assume you have installed brew),

brew install postgresql

Start postgres:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start && brew services start postgresql

Check if the installation is successful:

postgres -V

You should see something like that:

postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.6.3

Now change the pg_hba.conf file (the default location of this file is /usr/local/var/postgres/), to listen connection from docker container. Add the following line to pg_hba.conf

host all all trust

And let postgres listen to all address by change the listen_addresses in postgresql.conf (the default location of this file is /usr/local/var/postgres/) to :

listen_addresses = '*'

Now restart postgres:

brew services restart postgresql

And make an alias of you host:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Now enter postgres shell using psql postgres, and create a user named cosette:

CREATE ROLE cosette WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'cosetteisawesome';

and create a database named cosette:


Now exit postgres shell by \q, and run setup.sql by:

psql -U cosette -d cosette -a -f setup.sql

Build Docker

Assume you have installed docker. Simply run:

docker run --name cosette --entrypoint /usr/bin/fish -p 5000:5000 -e COS_DB_HOST= -e COS_DB_USERNAME=cosette -e COS_DB_DATABASE=cosette -e COS_DB_PASSWORD='cosetteisawesome' -ti shumo/cosette-frontend

This will pull a pre-build docker image from docker hub and enter the docker containers shell (fish in this case).


  1. You can replace /usr/bin/fish with your favorite shell.

  2. If you want to debug, assume you cloned this repo and under the root folder of this repo now. Add -v $(pwd)/:/Cosette-Web-Dev to mount current folder to /Cosette-Web-Dev.

Run the server

In the docker container's shell:

cd \Cosette-Web 

(cd \Cosette-Web-Dev for debug setting)

you should see something like:

* Serving Flask app "main"
* Forcing debug mode on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Now you can use Cosette Web interface

Now you can access cosette web interface from your browser on