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executable file
142 lines (94 loc) · 5.26 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
142 lines (94 loc) · 5.26 KB


Thank you for you interest in contributing! There are just a few things 😉

Every code seek to be performant, usable, stable and maintainable. This can only be achieve through high test coverage, good documentation and coding consistency. Isn't it frustrating when you cannot understand some code just because there is no documentation nor any test to assess that the function is working nor any comments in the code itself? How are you supposed to code in these conditions?

To contribute, you must comply to the following rules for your pull request (PR) to be considered.


  • All code should have tests.
  • All code should be documented.
  • No changes are ever committed without review and approval by a core team member.

Project management

  • For a PR to be integrated, it must be approved at least by one core team member.
  • Continuous Integration is provided by Github actions and configuration is located at .github/workflows.



For all python code, developers must follow guidelines from the Python Software Foundation. As a quick reference:

While we strive to document the best the code. Documenting obvious things obfuscates more than it helps. A good code is readable and somehow self-explanatory.

And for a more Pythonic code: PEP 20 Last but not least, avoid common pitfalls: Anti-patterns


Appart from normal unit and integration tests, you can perform a static analysis of the code using black, flake8 and isort using pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

This allows to spot naming errors for example as well as other style errors.


Testing your code is paramount. Without continuous integration, you cannot guaranty the quality of the code. Some minor modification on a module can have unexpected implications. With a single commit, everything can go south! The master branch is always on a passing state. This means that you should be able to checkout from main an use the code without any errors.

The library pytest is used. It is simple and powerful. Checkout their doc and replicate constructs from existing tests. If you are not already in love with it, you will soon be.

On top of pytest we use coverage to ensure the added functionalities are covered by tests.

All tests can be launched using:

pytest --cov

The output consists in tests results and coverage report.

Tests will be automatically launched when you will push your branch to the server. So you only have to run locally your new tests or the one you think you should.



The development model is based on the Cactus Model also called Trunk Based Development model. More specificaly, we use the Scaled Trunk-Based Development model.

Some additional ressources: gitflow, gitflow critique, github PR.

It means that each new feature has to go through a new branch. Why? For peer review. Pushing directly on the develop without review should be exceptional (hotfix)!

This project is using pre-commit hooks. So you have to set it up like this:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

When you try to commit your changes, it will launch the pre-commit hooks (.pre-commit-config.yaml) and modify the files if there are any changes to be made for the commit to be accepted. If you don't use this feature and your changes are not compliant (linter), CI will fail.

Recipe for new feature

If you want to add a modification, create a new branch branching off master. Then you can create a merge request on github. From here, the fun begins. You can commit any change you feel, start discussions about it, etc.

Here is how it works:

  1. Clone the project to your local disk:

    git clone
  2. Create a branch to hold your changes:

    git checkout -b my-feature

    and start making changes. Never work in the master branch!

  3. Work on this copy, on your computer, using Git to do the version control. When you're done editing, do:

    git add modified_files
    git commit

    to record your changes in Git, then push them to github with:

    git push -u origin my-feature
  4. Finally, create a merge request.

For every commit you push, the linter and tests are launched.

Your request will only be considered for integration if in a finished state:

  1. Respect python coding rules,
  2. Maintain linting score,
  3. Have tests regarding the changes,
  4. The branch passes all tests (current and new ones),
  5. Maintain test coverage,
  6. Have the respective documentation.