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82 lines (58 loc) · 3.47 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (58 loc) · 3.47 KB


FANi is a Function Addressable Compute Network implementation. This repository is strongly inspired on ipfs-compute.


Currently just a very rough POC.


The goal of this project is to extend the proof of concept linked above to provide an easy to use CLI and framework to deploy functions to the IPFS-FAN network, and an (ideally) WASM-compatible basic node implementation to execute FAN computations

Like ipfs-compute, FANi utilizes an ipfs-lite peer to interact with the network.

WASM Function Compatibility

This project is currently using the excellent sat and subo tools from suborbital to execute wasm modules. Any "runnable" built using the subo CLI should work out of the box.

While FANi currently deals only with the wasm modules directly. So while you may develop your functions using subo/atmo, the directives or runnable.yaml files will not be used at all.

Integrating the CLI with suborbital directives or perhaps a more generic configuration/declaration could be a possibility to orchestrate more complex computations and provide metadata about how individual functions should be executed.


Follow the subo documentation to create a basic helloworld rust function wasm module.

➜ subo create runnable rs-runnable
➜ subo build rs-runnable

Then deploy the compiled wasm function

➜ ./fani deploy rs-hello rs-runnable/rs-runnable.wasm
created libp2p host:  QmTw68adhzSKncUW4y79kmvhcjEnezwJBo8xL1boYaGojC
listenting on:  /ip4/
added bytecode bafybeicfd7o3glgy6746vkhg54syzwaf5bvdplo5iz63df3w45h4ljunom
added abi bafybeicon5jwwcukiy7pyuqnjltbtrgyswv7iggqrghy6zndtrtmb5ir2m
sitting idle to provide deployed dag

Keep fani running, so it's ipfs-lite peer can provide the function content

In a second terminal, call the function via it's ABI CID

➜ ./fani call bafybeicon5jwwcukiy7pyuqnjltbtrgyswv7iggqrghy6zndtrtmb5ir2m

created libp2p host:  QmTtxyw8tji2Ncae7tNjPGPChvb7hH8MbGr3WZvLAGpbVM
listenting on:  /ip4/
resolving ABI:  bafybeicon5jwwcukiy7pyuqnjltbtrgyswv7iggqrghy6zndtrtmb5ir2m
{ID:rs-hello ByteCode:bafybeicfd7o3glgy6746vkhg54syzwaf5bvdplo5iz63df3w45h4ljunom Args:[]}
getting bytecode
result added to network:  bafybeiauirvsiecy5h6spipofhjsqpz26mxj65yazekpvw4w3askiflr2i

You may also pass args after the function CID. They will be added to the network, and their content retrieved via CID will be passed to the function

➜ ./fani call bafybeicon5jwwcukiy7pyuqnjltbtrgyswv7iggqrghy6zndtrtmb5ir2m "world, \nlove fani"

created libp2p host:  QmXsBCLexfzRbRitkmKjWomiAwFhAsmL9axjxQMgX1y8CT
listenting on:  /ip4/
resolving ABI:  bafybeicon5jwwcukiy7pyuqnjltbtrgyswv7iggqrghy6zndtrtmb5ir2m
discovered new peer: QmZeEFgBZivfHc4cXig99MgaWWR2MkYHbvAvajvdGoL2ah
{ID:rs-hello ByteCode:bafybeicfd7o3glgy6746vkhg54syzwaf5bvdplo5iz63df3w45h4ljunom Args:[]}
getting bytecode
hello world, \nlove fani
result added to network:  bafybeibwt4ul52ct2azbteljy2c6sp7iidqwiitdxfmacao6dvsgrd6cdy

You can then open a third terminal, and retrieve the result from ipfs

➜ ipfs cat bafybeibwt4ul52ct2azbteljy2c6sp7iidqwiitdxfmacao6dvsgrd6cdy
hello world, \nlove fani