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TopoLVM Helm Chart


⚠️ Migration from kustomize to Helm


How to use TopoLVM Helm repository

You need to add this repository to your Helm repositories:

helm repo add topolvm
helm repo update


Repository Name Version cert-manager 1.3.1

Quick start

By default, the topolvm-scheduler runs in a DaemonSet. It can alternatively run inside a Deployment. Also, lvmd is run in a DaemonSet by default.

Installing the Chart

📝 NOTE: This installation method requires cert-manger to be installed beforehand.

To install the chart with the release name topolvm using a dedicated namespace(recommended):

helm install --create-namespace --namespace=topolvm-system topolvm topolvm/topolvm

Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided like this:

helm upgrade --create-namespace --namespace=topolvm-system -f values.yaml -i topolvm topolvm/topolvm

Install together with cert-manager

Before installing the chart, you must first install the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources.

kubectl apply -f

Set the cert-manager.enabled=true parameter when installing topolvm chart:

helm install --create-namespace --namespace=topolvm-system topolvm topolvm/topolvm --set cert-manager.enabled=true

Configure kube-scheduler

The current Chart does not provide an option to make kube-scheduler configurable. You need to configure kube-scheduler to use topolvm-scheduler extender by referring to the following document.



Key Type Default Description
cert-manager.enabled bool false Install cert-manager together.
controller.affinity object {"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"In","values":["topolvm-controller"]}]},"topologyKey":""}]}} Specify affinity.
controller.minReadySeconds int nil Specify minReadySeconds.
controller.nodeSelector object {} Specify nodeSelector.
controller.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool true Specify podDisruptionBudget enabled.
controller.priorityClassName string nil Specify priorityClassName.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels that can be used so PodMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.enabled bool false Set this to true to create PodMonitor for Prometheus operator.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.interval string "" Scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.namespace string "" Optional namespace in which to create PodMonitor.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.relabelings list [] RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping.
controller.prometheus.podMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "" Scrape timeout. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape timeout is used.
controller.replicaCount int 2 Number of replicas for CSI controller service.
controller.resources object {} Specify resources.
controller.securityContext.enabled bool true Enable securityContext.
controller.storageCapacityTracking.enabled bool false Enable Storage Capacity Tracking for csi-provisoner.
controller.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int nil Specify terminationGracePeriodSeconds.
controller.tolerations list [] Specify tolerations.
controller.updateStrategy object {} Specify updateStrategy.
controller.volumes list [{"emptyDir":{},"name":"socket-dir"}] Specify volumes.
image.csi.csiProvisioner string nil Specify csi-provisioner image. If not specified,{{ .Values.image.tag }} will be used.
image.csi.csiResizer string nil Specify csi-resizer image. If not specified,{{ .Values.image.tag }} will be used.
image.csi.livenessProbe string nil Specify livenessprobe image. If not specified,{{ .Values.image.tag }} will be used.
image.csi.nodeDriverRegistrar string nil Specify csi-node-driver-registrar: image. If not specified,{{ .Values.image.tag }} will be used.
image.pullPolicy string nil TopoLVM image pullPolicy.
image.repository string "" TopoLVM image repository to use.
image.tag string {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} TopoLVM image tag to use.
lvmd.additionalConfigs list [] Define additional LVM Daemon configs if you have additional types of nodes. Please ensure nodeSelectors are non overlapping.
lvmd.deviceClasses list [{"default":true,"name":"ssd","spare-gb":10,"volume-group":"myvg1"}] Specify the device-class settings.
lvmd.managed bool true If true, set up lvmd service with DaemonSet.
lvmd.nodeSelector object {} Specify nodeSelector.
lvmd.priorityClassName string nil Specify priorityClassName.
lvmd.psp.allowedHostPaths list [{"pathPrefix":"/run/topolvm","readOnly":false}] Specify allowedHostPaths.
lvmd.resources object {} Specify resources.
lvmd.socketName string "/run/topolvm/lvmd.sock" Specify socketName.
lvmd.tolerations list [] Specify tolerations.
lvmd.updateStrategy object {} Specify updateStrategy.
lvmd.volumeMounts list [{"mountPath":"/run/topolvm","name":"lvmd-socket-dir"}] Specify volumeMounts.
lvmd.volumes list [{"hostPath":{"path":"/run/topolvm","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"lvmd-socket-dir"}] Specify volumes.
node.lvmdSocket string "/run/lvmd/lvmd.sock" Specify the socket to be used for communication with lvmd.
node.metrics.annotations object {"":"metrics"} Annotations for Scrape used by Prometheus.
node.metrics.enabled bool true If true, enable scraping of metrics by Prometheus.
node.nodeSelector object {} Specify nodeSelector.
node.priorityClassName string nil Specify priorityClassName.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels that can be used so PodMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.enabled bool false Set this to true to create PodMonitor for Prometheus operator.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.interval string "" Scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.namespace string "" Optional namespace in which to create PodMonitor.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.relabelings list [] RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping.
node.prometheus.podMonitor.scrapeTimeout string "" Scrape timeout. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape timeout is used.
node.psp.allowedHostPaths list [{"pathPrefix":"/var/lib/kubelet","readOnly":false},{"pathPrefix":"/run/topolvm","readOnly":false}] Specify allowedHostPaths.
node.resources object {} Specify resources.
node.securityContext.privileged bool true
node.tolerations list [] Specify tolerations.
node.updateStrategy object {} Specify updateStrategy.
node.volumeMounts.topolvmNode list [{"mountPath":"/run/topolvm","name":"node-plugin-dir"},{"mountPath":"/run/lvmd","name":"lvmd-socket-dir"},{"mountPath":"/var/lib/kubelet/pods","mountPropagation":"Bidirectional","name":"pod-volumes-dir"},{"mountPath":"/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/","mountPropagation":"Bidirectional","name":"csi-plugin-dir"}] Specify volumeMounts for topolvm-node container.
node.volumes list [{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry/","type":"Directory"},"name":"registration-dir"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"node-plugin-dir"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"csi-plugin-dir"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kubelet/pods/","type":"DirectoryOrCreate"},"name":"pod-volumes-dir"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/run/topolvm","type":"Directory"},"name":"lvmd-socket-dir"}] Specify volumes.
podSecurityPolicy.create bool true Enable pod security policy.
priorityClass.enabled bool true Install priorityClass. string "topolvm" Specify priorityClass resource name.
priorityClass.value int 1000000
scheduler.affinity object {"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"Exists"}]},{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"Exists"}]}]}}} Specify affinity on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
scheduler.deployment.replicaCount int 2 Number of replicas for Deployment.
scheduler.enabled bool true If true, enable scheduler extender for TopoLVM
scheduler.minReadySeconds int nil Specify minReadySeconds on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
scheduler.nodeSelector object {} Specify nodeSelector on the Deployment or DaemonSet. string "localhost" Host used by Probe.
scheduler.options.listen.port int 9251 Listen port.
scheduler.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool true Specify podDisruptionBudget enabled.
scheduler.priorityClassName string nil Specify priorityClassName on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
scheduler.resources object {} Specify resources on the TopoLVM scheduler extender container.
scheduler.schedulerOptions object {} Tune the Node scoring. ref:
scheduler.service.clusterIP string nil Specify Service clusterIP.
scheduler.service.nodePort int nil Specify nodePort.
scheduler.service.type string "LoadBalancer" Specify Service type.
scheduler.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int nil Specify terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
scheduler.tolerations list [{"key":"CriticalAddonsOnly","operator":"Exists"},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""}] Specify tolerations on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
scheduler.type string "daemonset" If you run with a managed control plane (such as GKE, AKS, etc), topolvm-scheduler should be deployed as Deployment and Service. topolvm-scheduler should otherwise be deployed as DaemonSet in unmanaged (i.e. bare metal) deployments. possible values: daemonset/deployment
scheduler.updateStrategy object {} Specify updateStrategy on the Deployment or DaemonSet.
securityContext object {"runAsGroup":10000,"runAsUser":10000} ref:
securityContext.runAsGroup int 10000 Specify runAsGroup.
securityContext.runAsUser int 10000 Specify runAsUser.
storageClasses list [{"name":"topolvm-provisioner","storageClass":{"additionalParameters":{},"allowVolumeExpansion":true,"annotations":{},"fsType":"xfs","isDefaultClass":false,"reclaimPolicy":null,"volumeBindingMode":"WaitForFirstConsumer"}}] Whether to create storageclass(s) ref:
storageClasses[0].storageClass.isDefaultClass bool false ref:
webhook.caBundle string nil Specify the certificate to be used for AdmissionWebhook.
webhook.existingCertManagerIssuer object {} Specify the cert-manager issuer to be used for AdmissionWebhook.
webhook.podMutatingWebhook object {"enabled":true} kind: Issuer name: webhook-issuer
webhook.podMutatingWebhook.enabled bool true Enable Pod MutatingWebhook.
webhook.pvcMutatingWebhook.enabled bool true Enable PVC MutatingWebhook.

Generate Manifests

You can use the helm template command to render manifests.

helm template --include-crds --namespace=topolvm-system topolvm topolvm/topolvm


The for this chart is generated by helm-docs. To update the README, edit the file and run the helm-docs command.

# path to topolvm repository root
$ make setup
$ ./bin/helm-docs
INFO[2021-06-13T21:43:55+09:00] Found Chart directories [charts/topolvm]
INFO[2021-06-13T21:43:55+09:00] Generating README Documentation for chart /path/to/dir/topolvm/topolvm/charts/topolvm

Release Chart
