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CHANGELOG for Shopware 5.2.x

This changelog references changes done in Shopware 5.2 patch versions.


View all changes from v5.2.26...v5.2.27

  • Added config check to disable the Tell a friend page if it is disabled via config.
  • Fixed id collision in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/base/component/Shopware.ModuleManager.js
  • Added guetzli media optimizer
  • Added new event Shopware_Plugins_HttpCache_ContextCookieValue to modify HttpCache Context-Cookie.
  • Added support for uploading media with ftps in Rest-API
  • Added {$smarty.block.parent} to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/confirm_item.tpl.
  • Added new block frontend_checkout_cart_item_details_essential_features to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/confirm_item.tpl.
  • Added new block frontend_checkout_confirm_product_table_content around table in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/confirm.tpl.
  • Individual voucher codes are now searchable in voucher overview


View all changes from v5.2.25...v5.2.26


View all changes from v5.2.24...v5.2.25

  • Added notify event Shopware_Modules_Basket_AddArticle_Added in engine/Shopware/Core/sBasket.php
  • The event Shopware_Modules_Export_ExportResult_Filter_Fixed was added and now filters the processed export result. Previously with Shopware_Modules_Export_ExportResult_Filter, an instance of Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo was supplied, which could not be used to filter the actual result.
  • Removed duplicate block and added more precise ones in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/ajax_cart.tpl


View all changes from v5.2.23...v5.2.24

  • Fixed custom datefield format for articles
  • Fixed styling of image slider on tablet landscape view


View all changes from v5.2.22...v5.2.23

  • Added conditional statement in themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.product-slider.js to prevent the jquery plugin from sending ajax requests indefinitely
  • Added limit parameter to createQuery and createOptionQuery in engine/Shopware/Bundle/ESIndexingBundle/Property/PropertyQueryFactory
  • Added default limit of 100 in engine/Shopware/Bundle/ESIndexingBundle/Property/PropertyIndexer::populate
  • Added a base store for Shopware.apps.Base.model.DocType


View all changes from v5.2.21...v5.2.22

  • Fixed the picture implementation of the box-emotion.tpl to load the correct image sizes
  • Added new event plugin/swAutoSubmit/onChangeSelection in themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/
  • Added ExtJS override engine/Library/ExtJs/overrides/Ext.view.Table.js to fix display of row selection in grid panel when updating the row after row editing
  • Added optional parameter appendCSRFToken for JSONP-Requests. The CSRF token will only be sent if the parameter is true.
  • Added src attribute as a fallback for srcset to the main <img /> tag in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/image.tpl and themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/blog/images.tpl


View all changes from v5.2.20...v5.2.21

  • Updated Symfony to version 2.8.17
  • Added paymentID as event property in Shopware_Modules_Admin_Execute_Risk_Rule_RuleName
  • Added support for creating new orders using the Order API resource
  • Added option allowHtml for ExtJS grid columns and display form fields in order to allow unescaped html output. Default value is: false
  • Added optional Guzzle client config parameter to Shopware\Components\HttpClient\GuzzleFactory::createClient method
  • Added events sendRequestSuccess and sendRequestFailure to _sendRequest in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/category/controller/article_mapping.js
  • Deprecated duplicate block frontend_blog_detail_comments in frontend/blog/detail.tpl, use frontend_blog_detail_comments_count and frontend_blog_detail_comments_list instead.
  • Changed CSRF validation method in engine/Shopware/Components/CSRFTokenValidator from session validation to cookie validation.
  • Removed invalidateToken from engine/Shopware/Components/CSRFTokenValidator
  • Added opt-in for CSRF GET protection. Implement engine/Shopware/Components/CSRFTGetProtectionAware and return the controller actons which should be protected via getCSRFProtectedActions.
  • Added CSRF specific error message.
  • Changed behaviour of plugin installer to show the correct translated label and description in plugin manager and basic settings (new 5.2 plugin system only, see DevDocs)


View all changes from v5.2.19...v5.2.20

  • Reverted shopware/shopware#821 which added left joins for basket attributes in sAdmin::sGetDispatchBasket() and sExport::sGetDispatchBasket()


View all changes from v5.2.18...v5.2.19

  • Changed the loading of backend widgets to disable widgets of deactivated plugins
  • Added new Event Shopware_Modules_Admin_regenerateSessionId_Start in sAdmin::regenerateSessionId
  • Changed convertCategory method in engine/Shopware/Core/sCategories.php from private to public
  • Added left join of s_order_basket_attributes in sAdmin::sGetDispatchBasket() and sExport::sGetDispatchBasket()
  • Added event blog-save-successfully to onSaveBlogArticle() method in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/blog/controller/blog.js
  • Added event customer-address-save-successfully to onSaveCustomer() method in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/customer/controller/detail.js
  • Added event customer-save-successfully to onSaveCustomer() method in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/customer/controller/detail.js
  • Added event site-save-successfully to onSaveSite() method in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/site/controller/form.js
  • Added event supplier-save-successfully to onSupplierSave() method in themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/supplier/controller/main.js
  • Added the possibility to add a Theme info tab. Add a folder with the name "info" to your theme folder. Add a html file to the folder with the required language iso like "en_EN.html". The HTML content of the file is the content of the tab.
  • Changed internal loop variable name positions in themes/Frontend/Bare/documents/index.tpl to fix typo
  • Added configuration option ShopwarePlugins to plugin_directories in the engine/Shopware/Configs/Default.php to make the path of the plugin system directory configurable
  • Support for custom CSS files in themes added to Grunt tasks
  • Added command option shopId for sw:theme:cache:generate


View all changes from v5.2.17...v5.2.18

  • Fixed invalid permissions after running media optimizer on some hosting systems
  • Fixed session error in exports


View all changes from v5.2.16...v5.2.17

  • Deprecated Smarty modifier rewrite. Modifier will be removed in 5.3.0.
  • Changed default session.gc_divisor to 200. To decrease session garbage collection probability.
  • Added console command sw:session:cleanup to cleanup expired sessions.
  • Changed database field s_core_sessions.expiry to contain the timestamp when the session should expire, not the session lifetime.
  • Changed database field s_core_sessions_backend.expiry to contain the timestamp when the session should expire, not the session lifetime.
  • Added $sAmountNumeric and $sAmountNetNumeric to sOrder mail
  • Added command sw:media:optimize to optimize media files without quality loss.
  • Added new Smarty blocks to documents/index.tpl
    • document_index_address
    • document_index_address_sender
    • document_index_address_base
  • Added s_article_configurator_options_attributes and s_article_configurator_groups_attributes
  • Added new plugin config element type button
  • Changed \Enlight_Controller_Plugins_ViewRenderer_Bootstrap::setNoRender resets now the view template to prevent PostDispatchSecure events
  • Changed \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\ManufacturerService::getList fetch now the seo urls for each manufacturer
  • Removed duplicated initialisation of \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\ShopContextInterface.
  • Added _seo parameter for smarty url plugin which allows to prevent s_core_rewrite_url query for none seo urls
  • Removed unnecessary /widget/index/menu call in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/topbar-navigation.tpl and themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/footer_minimal.tpl. The widgets/index/menu.tpl template is now included directly.
  • Added \Shopware\Components\Theme\PathResolver::getDirectoryByArray function which allows to load theme inheritances without doctrine models
  • Added api resources to dependency injection container

Media Optimizer

The service shopware_media.optimizer_service optimizes files using external tools. Further external tools can be implemented using the interface Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\Optimizer\OptimizerInterface and the dependency injection tag shopware_media.optimizer.

Api resources

The api resources are now available in the dependency injection container using the namespace shopware.api. It is now possible to add your own resources as services or decorate others in your plugins services.xml.

/** Register new resource as service */
<service id="shopware.api.example" class="SwagExampleApi\Components\Api\Resource\Example" />

/** Replace existing resource service */


View all changes from v5.2.15...v5.2.16

  • Improved form input filtering


View all changes from v5.2.14...v5.2.15

  • Fixed article api resource when creating a new article with new configurator options and an image mapping for this new options
  • Added cronjob registration via Resources/cronjob.xml file
  • Removed call to strip_tags in inputfilter on all request parameters.
    • Please make sure untrusted input is escaped in plugins


View all changes from v5.2.13...v5.2.14

Add property "valueField" to the media field.

  • The shopping world element "Media field" supports now to change the value field. All possible properties you can find in the file: themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/media_manager/model/media.js


     'name' => 'preview_image',
     'fieldLabel' => 'The preview image',
     'valueField' => 'virtualPath'


View all changes from v5.2.12...v5.2.13

  • Changed duplicate smarty block from frontend_checkout_confirm_information_addresses_equal_panel_shipping_select_address to frontend_checkout_confirm_information_addresses_equal_panel_shipping_add_address in frontend/checkout/confirm.tpl
  • Added interface \Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMappingInterface which handles text field mappings for different elastic search versions
  • Added the missing requirement of the php function parse_ini_file to the system info and the installer
  • Added Shopware\Components\Plugin\PaymentInstaller class to install payment methods in plugins
  • Changed theme path for plugins of new plugin system from /resources to /Resources
  • Changed parsing of JSON POSTed to the REST API to not remove top-level NULL values
  • Changed frontendsession to a locking session handler
    • Added new configuration parameter session.locking which is true by default
    • The session handler can be overwritten by replacing the session.save_handler-Service. A instance of \SessionHandlerInterface has to be returned.
  • Changed return value of sArticles::sGetArticleById() to provide an additional text if none is given and display the cover image by default when using the selection configurator
  • Changed url parameter in last seen articles to deeplink to an article variant instead of the article
  • Added console command sw:rebuild:seo:index to rebuild the SEO index on demand

Autoloading of plugin resources

Plugin resources inside of the PluginName/Resources/frontend directory are now loaded automatically on theme compilation when using the new plugin system.


  • custom/plugins/SwagResourceTest/Resources/frontend/css/**.css
  • custom/plugins/SwagResourceTest/Resources/frontend/js/**.js
  • custom/plugins/SwagResourceTest/Resources/frontend/less/all.less


View all changes from v5.2.11...v5.2.12


View all changes from v5.2.10...v5.2.11

  • Added new Smarty block frontend_robots_txt_allows to frontend/robots_txt/index.tpl
  • Added new Smarty block frontend_account_order_item_availability to frontend/account/order_item_details.tpl
  • Added new rule for /widgets/emotion to robots.txt in frontend/robots_txt/index.tpl
  • Added new blocks in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/account/index.tpl
  • If shipping address equals billing address show notice instead of same address twice in account index
  • Added container tag shopware_media.adapter to register new media adapters
  • Added interface Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\Adapters\AdapterFactoryInterface to create new adapter factories
  • Removed method Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\Subscriber\ServiceSubscriber::createLocalAdapter()
  • Removed method Shopware\Bundle\MediaBundle\Subscriber\ServiceSubscriber::createFtpAdapter()
  • Deprecated collect event Shopware_Collect_MediaAdapter_*, use container tag shopware_media.adapter instead. The event will be removed in 5.4.

Custom stores in plugin configuration

It is now possible to define custom config stores directly inside your plugin's config.xml when using the new plugin system.

A custom config store is defined like this:

        <label lang="de">Deutscher Anzeigewert</label>
        <label lang="en">English display value</label>
        <label lang="de">Deutscher Anzeigewert</label>
        <label>English display value (locale en via fallback)</label>
        <label>Single display value (locale en via fallback)</label>

There are two unique constraints:

  • Inside a store, a value tag's value must only occur once
  • Inside an option tag, a label tag's lang attribute value must only occur once

Additionally, the order is fixed. The value tag must be defined before the label tag(s).

There must be at least one option tag and inside each option tag where must be at least one value and one option tag.


View all changes from v5.2.9...v5.2.10

  • Added optional filter option to Shopware.apps.Base.view.element.Select
  • Set remoteFilter to true in several base stores:
  • Replaced the default filter on added in Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Base::getDispatchesAction() by a default filter on active added in
  • Refactored jQuery product slider plugin for sliding infinitely
  • Added initOnEvent option to cross selling tabs on detail page for the combination of tabs with product sliders
  • Added Shopware\Components\Emotion\ComponentInstaller class to install emotion components in plugins.
  • Added \Shopware\Components\Emotion\EmotionComponentViewSubscriber to register emotion widget templates
  • Added plugin_dir and plugin_name container parameter for each plugin. Parameters are prefixed by \Shopware\Components\Plugin::getContainerPrefix
  • Deprecated parameter $checkProxy from Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::getClientIp()


View all changes from v5.2.8...v5.2.9

  • filtergroupID column will be set to null in the s_articles table when deleting a property set


View all changes from v5.2.7...v5.2.8

  • Fixed a PHP 7 fatal error in the SVG rendering of mPDF
  • Added missing update of the order details' order number, when converting a cancelled order to a normal order in Shopware_Controllers_Backend_CanceledOrder::convertOrderAction()
  • Added creation of Shopware\Models\Attribute\OrderDetail upon adding a new order position in the backend
  • Added missing creation of Shopware\Models\Attribute\Order and Shopware\Models\Attribute\OrderDetail instances in sOrder::sCreateTemporaryOrder()


View all changes from v5.2.6...v5.2.7

  • Add support for third party post messages in the backend
  • getOne function of customer api resource contains now the country and state data for billing and shipping address
  • Changed method to provide more extension possibilities.
  • Deprecated the execution shopware.php via CLI. Please use the command line tool in bin/console instead.


View all changes from v5.2.5...v5.2.6

  • Changed visibility of sAdmin::loginUser to protected
  • Added filter events to all convert functions in LegacyStructConverter
  • Removed unused shipping free configuration in backend country form
  • Added new smarty blocks in engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Frontend/AdvancedMenu/Views/frontend/advanced_menu/index.tpl
  • Add order attribute select to \Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Order::getList query
  • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\ListProduct::isPriceGroupActive proofs additionally if a price group exists
  • Use user ID of the API key owner for media files if none is provided
  • Fixed image configurator html ids for radio boxes
  • Added notifyUntil event Shopware_Modules_Basket_BeforeAddMinimumOrderSurcharge to sBasket::sInsertSurcharge containing the surcharge.
  • Added notifyUntil event Shopware_Modules_Basket_BeforeAddOrderSurchargePercent to sBasket::sInsertSurchargePercent containing the surcharge.
  • Added notifyUntil event Shopware_Modules_Basket_BeforeAddOrderDiscount to sBasket::sInsertDiscount containing the discount.
  • Replaced grunt-contrib-watch with grunt-chokidar for the grunt watch task.
  • Deprecated "{$sShopname}" variable in Forms.php, please use "{sShopname}" in your mail form templates instead.
  • Added \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\SearchTermPreProcessorInterface interface which pre filters provided search terms
  • Added ShopPage to Storefront Bundle
  • Attributes of forms and shop pages are not translatable anymore
  • Added new Smarty blocks to frontend/detail/image.tpl
    • frontend_detail_image_default_image_slider_item
    • frontend_detail_images_image_slider_item
  • Updated ongr/elasticsearch-dsl to version 2.0.2
  • Updated phpunit/phpunit to version 5.5
  • Removed unused smarty block frontend_checkout_cart_item_small_quantites_tax_price in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/confirm_item.tpl
  • Added method Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseTestCase::sendCookies so it's consistent with Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp
  • Added \Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\TagReplaceTrait class which centralized service constructor replacements with prioritized tagged services


View all changes from v5.2.4...v5.2.5

  • Fixed SEO URL generation for URLs containing dots and forward slashes


View all changes from v5.2.3...v5.2.4

  • Introduced new interface Shopware\Components\Slug\SlugInterface to generate URL safe versions of a string
    • Service id shopware.slug
    • The default implementation delegates to cocur/slugify
    • SEO url generation now uses this new service to rewrite urls
  • Added new media file type for 3D model files. Supporting following files in the media manager: .dae, .obj, .fbx, .spx, .3ds, .3mf, .blend, .awd, .ply, .pcd, .stl, .skp
  • \Shopware\Bundle\AttributeBundle\CrudService::unifiedToSql() now returns SQL type mapped to string if a given type is not mapped
  • Changed http response code to 400 for CSRF exceptions
  • Added is--active class to wishlist entry in the account sidebar
  • Added interface Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductQueryFactoryInterface and implemented it in its implementations
  • Removed class Shopware_Components_Check_System. Use Shopware\Components\Check\Requirements instead (Service Id: shopware.requirements)
  • Added mixin .clear-form-button() to remove the default browser styling of form buttons
  • Changed action links which modify data to use forms with HTTP POST. This affects the following templates and plugins:
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/items/premium-product.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/items/product.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/items/voucher.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/checkout/ajax_cart_item.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/compare/index.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/detail/actions.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/product-box/product-actions.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/note/item.tpl
    • themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.collapse-cart.js
    • themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.product-compare-add.js
    • themes/Frontend/Responsive/frontend/_public/src/js/jquery.product-compare-menu.js
  • Added event Shopware_SearchBundle_Create_Base_Criteria in Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\StoreFrontCriteriaFactory::createBaseCriteria()
  • Changed visiblility of service snippet_resource to public in DI Container
  • Added JS and LESS directory path of new plugin system to gruntfile
  • Deprecated css class icon--brogress-1, use icon--progress-1 instead
  • Updated CodeMirror to version 5.17.0
  • Improved mode support for CodeMirror element
  • Allow uploading file when creating media using the REST API
  • Increased max length of s_emarketing_banners.img and s_articles_supplier.img to 255
  • Added filter events for editing the collection of LESS and JS files before compiling
    • Theme_Compiler_Collect_Less_Definitions_FilterResult
    • Theme_Compiler_Collect_Javascript_Files_FilterResult
  • Removed synchronizing of plugin information column changes
  • Allow root menu elements for plugins. Added attribute isRootMenu in menu.xml Example: <entry isRootMenu="true">
  • Normalized the return value of Album\Settings getThumbnailSize to return a empty array instead of a array with an empty string when no size is active


View all changes from v5.2.2...v5.2.3

  • Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to version 5.3.1 to mitigate httproxy vulnerability
  • Set timeouts from install/update/(secure) uninstall operations in plugin manager to 300 seconds
  • Fix countries rest api response data and header
  • Added exception to Shopware updater if php-curl is missing
  • Add support for integer and array values to the sw:plugin:config:set cli command
  • Deprecated the $strong optional parameter from the following methods, as the component ensures a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator is always used since Shopware 5.2.0
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getBytes()
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getBoolean()
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getInteger()
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getFloat()
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getString()
    • Shopware\Components\Random::getAlphanumericString()

5.2.2 (2016-07-13)

View all changes from v5.2.0...v5.2.2

  • Add support for Symfony console.command service tag to register commands directly inside service container

5.2.0 (2016-07-01)

View all changes from v5.1.6...v5.2.0

  • Increased minimum required PHP version to PHP >= 5.6.4.
  • Added CSRF protection to frontend and backend which is enabled by default.
    • OptOut by implementing Shopware\Components\CSRFWhitelistAware interface
    • Added X-CSRF-Token to every ajax request
    • Added __csrf_token to every html form in frontend
    • Added __csrf_token param to every ExtJS form submit via override in ExtJs/overrides/Ext.form.Base.js
    • Added csrfProtection config options to disable CSRF protection
    • Special thanks to: ltepner
    • See:
  • Updated Symfony Components to version 2.8 LTS
  • Replaced polyfill provided by indigophp/hash-compat with symfony/polyfill-php56
  • Added polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() via paragonie/random_compat
  • Removed client_check and referer_check from the config in favor of the CSRF protection.
  • Removed session variables __SW_REFERER and __SW_CLIENT
  • Added AdvancedMenu feature to configure menu opening delay on mouse hover
  • Added the ability to add custom CSS classes to emotion elements in the backend.
    • Multiple classnames can be added by separating them with whitespaces.
    • Added new css_class column to the s_emotion_elements table.
  • Removed deprecated columns s_filter_values.value_numeric and s_filter_options.default
  • Updated monolog/monolog to version 1.17.2
  • Added HTML code widget for the shopping worlds which lets the user enter actual Smarty & JavaScript code which will be included like it is
    • The Smarty code has access to all globally available Smarty variables
  • Added the following fields to status emails:
    • billing_additional_address_line1
    • billing_additional_address_line2
    • shipping_additional_address_line1
    • shipping_additional_address_line2
  • Replaced bower with npm to manage the frontend dependencies
    • The dependencies can now be installed using the command: npm install && npm run build
    • Removed the file vendors/less/open-sans-fontface/open-sans.less. It's now located under public/src/less/_components/fonts.less
  • Deprecated Shopware_Bootstrap and Enlight_Bootstrap commonly accesed by Shopware()->Bootstrap().
  • Removed deprecated methods and variables:
    • sArticle.sVoteAverange in product listings
    • sNote.sVoteAverange in note listing
    • Removed methods Shopware\Models\Menu\Repository::addItem() and Shopware\Models\Menu\Repository::save()
    • file property of banner mappings
    • Removed method sOrder::sManageEsdOrder()
    • sBanner.img variable
    • emotion category teaser image property
  • Removed the following events:
    • sArticles::sGetCheapestPrice::replace
    • sArticles::sGetCheapestPrice::after
    • sArticles::sCalculatingPrice::replace
    • sArticles::sCalculatingPrice::replace
    • sArticles::getArticleListingCover::replace
    • sArticles::getArticleListingCover::after
    • sArticles::calculateCheapestBasePriceData::replace
    • sArticles::calculateCheapestBasePriceData::after
    • sArticles::sGetArticleProperties::replace
    • sArticles::sGetArticleProperties::after
    • sArticles::sGetArticlePictures::replace
    • sArticles::sGetArticlePictures::after
    • sArticles::sGetPricegroupDiscount::replace
    • sArticles::sGetPricegroupDiscount::after
    • sArticles::sGetUnit::replace
    • sArticles::sGetUnit::after
    • sArticles::sGetArticlesAverangeVote::replace
    • sArticles::sGetArticlesAverangeVote::after
    • sArticles::sGetArticlesVotes::replace
    • sArticles::sGetArticlesVotes::after
    • Shopware_Modules_Articles_GetPromotionById_FilterResult
    • Shopware_Modules_Articles_GetArticleById_FilterArticle
  • The following article arrays are now indexed by their order number
    • top seller
    • emotion slider data
    • recommendation data (also bought and also viewed)
    • similar and related articles
  • Removed deprecated table s_user_debit
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer::$debit
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer::getDebit()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer::setDebit()
  • Added new configuration field to the emotion banner widget for link target.
  • Added composer dependency for Symfony Form and implemented FormBundle
  • Changed constructor of \Shopware\Components\Theme\PathResolver
  • Changed constructor of \Shopware_Components_Snippet_Manager
  • Changed constructor of \Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Service\DownloadService
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\PriceHelperInterface::getSelection, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\PriceHelper::getSelection to match changed interface, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\CheapestPriceServiceInterface::getList, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\CheapestPriceServiceInterface::get, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface and ListProduct instead of BaseProduct
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\CheapestPriceService::getList to match changed interface, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface
  • Changed signature of Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\Core\CheapestPriceService::get to match changed interface, now expects ProductContextInterface instead of ShopContextInterface and ListProduct instead of BaseProduct
  • Deprecated methods now use trigger_error of type E_USER_DEPRECATED
  • Changed default error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED
  • Deprecated Class Enlight_Application
  • Deprecated Enlight_Application::Instance() and Enlight(), use Shopware() instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Kernel::getShopware()
  • Deprecated Shopware::App() / Shopware()->App()
  • Deprecated Shopware::Environment() / Shopware()->Environment()
  • Deprecated Shopware::OldPath() / Shopware()->OldPath()
  • Deprecated Shopware::setEventManager() / Shopware()->setEventManager()
  • Deprecated Enlight_Application::CorePath() / Shopware()->CorePath()
  • Deprecated Enlight_Application::Path() / Shopware()->Path()
  • Deprecated Enlight_Application::ComponentsPath() / Shopware()->ComponentsPath()
  • Deprecated Enlight_Application::DS()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::setOptions()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::getOptions()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::getOption()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::setPhpSettings()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::setIncludePaths()
  • Removed Enlight_Application::__callStatic()
  • Removed the following models
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.view.detail.Billing
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.view.detail.Shipping
  • Removed fax field form billing addresses
  • Updated ongr/elasticsearch-dsl to v2.0.0, see for BC breaks.
  • Renamed block 'frontend_blog_bookmarks_deliciosus' to 'frontend_blog_bookmarks_delicious'
  • Deprecated \Shopware\Models\Article\Element
  • Removed the following templates including their snippets and blocks
    • frontend/account/billing.tpl
    • frontend/account/billing_checkout.tpl
    • frontend/account/content_right.tpl
    • frontend/account/select_address.tpl
    • frontend/account/select_billing.tpl
    • frontend/account/select_billing_checkout.tpl
    • frontend/account/select_shipping.tpl
    • frontend/account/select_shipping_checkout.tpl
    • frontend/account/shipping.tpl
    • frontend/account/shipping_checkout.tpl
    • frontend/checkout/cart_left.tpl
    • frontend/checkout/confirm_left.tpl
  • Removed sAdmin::sGetPreviousAddresses()
  • Removed sAdmin::sUpdateBilling()
  • Removed sAdmin::sUpdateShipping()
  • Removed sAdmin::sValidateStep1()
  • Removed sAdmin::sValidateStep2()
  • Removed sAdmin::sValidateStep2ShippingAddress()
  • Removed billingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Removed shippingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Removed saveBillingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Removed saveShippingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Removed selectBillingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Removed selectShippingAction() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Moved block frontend_checkout_confirm_left_billing_address outside panel body
  • Moved block frontend_checkout_confirm_left_shipping_address outside panel body
  • Removed block frontend_checkout_finish_info, use frontend_checkout_finish_information_wrapper instead
  • Removed the following backend models including their smarty blocks
    • Shopware.apps.Supplier.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.model.BillingAttributes
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.model.ShippingAttributes
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Blog.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Form.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.MediaManager.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Property.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Config.model.form.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Voucher.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Emotion.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Banner.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.BillingAttribute
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.PositionAttribute
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.ReceiptAttribute
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.ShippingAttribute
    • Shopware.apps.Category.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Mail.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Payment.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Shipping.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.Site.model.Attribute
    • Shopware.apps.UserManager.model.Attribute
  • The following repository methods no longer select attributes or have been removed entirely
    • \Shopware\Models\Article\Repository::getSupplierQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getCustomerDetailQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getShippingAttributesQuery()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getShippingAttributesQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getBillingAttributesQuery()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getBillingAttributesQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getAttributesQuery()
    • \Shopware\Models\Customer\Repository::getAttributesQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Blog\Repository::getBackedDetailQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Emotion\Repository::getEmotionDetailQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\ProductFeed\Repository::getDetailQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Banner\Repository::getBannerMainQuery()
    • \Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getBackendOrdersQueryBuilder()
    • \Shopware\Models\Order\Repository::getBackendAdditionalOrderDataQuery()
  • Removed attribute associations from the following backend models
    • Shopware.apps.Supplier.model.Supplier
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.model.Customer
    • Shopware.apps.Blog.model.Detail
    • Shopware.apps.Form.model.Form
    • Shopware.apps.Property.model.Set
    • Shopware.apps.MediaManager.model.Media
    • Shopware.apps.Emotion.model.Emotion
    • Shopware.apps.Config.model.form.Country
    • Shopware.apps.Banner.model.BannerDetail
    • Shopware.apps.Voucher.model.Detail
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.Receipt
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.Position
    • Shopware.apps.Order.model.Order
    • Shopware.apps.Category.model.Detail
    • Shopware.apps.Customer.model.Customer
    • Shopware.apps.Payment.model.Payment
    • Shopware.apps.Shipping.model.Dispatch
    • Shopware.apps.Site.model.Nodes
    • Shopware.apps.UserManager.model.User
    • Shopware.apps.UserManager.model.UserDetail
  • Removed the following backend files:
    • themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/blog/view/blog/detail/sidebar/attributes.js
    • themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/config/store/form/attribute.js
    • themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/config/view/form/attribute.js
    • themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/config/model/form/attribute.js
  • Changed position of Shopware.apps.Customer.view.detail.Billing fields
  • Changed position of Shopware.apps.Customer.view.detail.Shipping fields
  • Fixed Shopware.form.plugin.Translation, the plugin can now be used in multiple forms at the same time.
    • Removed clear, onOpenTranslationWindow, getFieldValues and onGetTranslatableFields function
  • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\GraduatedPricesGatewayInterface requires now a provided ShopContextInterface
  • Categories of Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Article::getArticleCategories($articleId) are no longer indexed by category id
  • Moved <form> element in checkout confirm outside the agreement box to wrap around address and payment boxes
  • Removed smarty variable sCategoryInfo in listing and blog controllers. Use sCategoryContent instead.
  • Added creation of custom __construct() method to Shopware\Components\Model\Generator, which initializes any default values of properties when generating attribute models
  • Removed sAdmin::sUpdateAccount()
  • Removed saveAccount() in Controllers/Frontend/Account.php
  • Moved field birthday from billing address to customer
  • Added validation of order number to Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Variant::prepareData() to respond with meaningful error message for duplicate order numbers
  • Added service shopware.number_range_manager for safely retrieving the next number of a number range (s_order_number)
  • Changed the following methods to use the shopware.number_range_manager service for retrieving the next number of a range:
    • sAdmin::assignCustomerNumber()
    • sOrder::sGetOrderNumber()
    • Shopware_Components_Document::saveDocument()
  • HttpCache: Added possibility to add multiple, comma separated proxy URLs
  • API cache endpoint: Changed batchDelete in a way, that multiple cache types can be invalidated
  • Removed landingPageTeaser and landingPageBlock fields from emotion shopping worlds.
  • Removed unnecessary method getCampaignByCategoryQuery() from Models/Emotion/Repository.php.
  • Removed template blocks for campaign boxes corresponding to the removed emotion fields.
    • frontend_index_left_campaigns_top
    • frontend_index_left_campaigns_middle
    • frontend_index_left_campaigns_bottom
    • frontend_blog_index_campaign_top
    • frontend_blog_index_campaign_middle
    • frontend_blog_index_campaign_bottom
  • Removed unnecessary template file for campaign boxes frontend/campaign/box.tpl.
  • Removed third party jQuery plugin dependency masonry.
  • Deprecated initMasonryGrid method and plugin/swEmotion/onInitMasonryGrid event in jquery.emotion.js
  • Removed shopping world mode masonry. The fallback is the new mode fluid.
  • Replaced old LESS mixin createColumnSizes for new grid mixins createGrid and createColumns in _components/emotion.less.
  • Added new blocks to widgets/emotion/index.tpl for better overriding of the configuration.
    • widgets/emotion/index/config
    • widgets/emotion/index/attributes
    • widgets/emotion/index/element/config
  • Changed markup and styling on checkout confirm and finish page
  • Support arbitrary namespaces for doctrine entities instead of the Shopware\CustomModels namespace.
  • Deprecated Shopware()->Models()->__call()
  • Removed unused database fields s_core_config_elements.filters, s_core_config_elements.validators, s_core_config_forms.scope
  • Removed deprecated \Shopware\Models\Menu\Repository::save() and \Shopware\Models\Menu\Repository::addItem()
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveOrderAttributes_FilterSQL
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveOrderAttributes_FilterDetailsSQL
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveBillingAttributes_FilterSQL
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveBillingAttributes_FilterArray
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterShippingAttributes_FilterSql
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterShippingAttributes_Return
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterBillingAttributes_FilterSql
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterBillingAttributes_Return
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterMainDataAttributes_FilterSql
  • Removed event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterMainDataAttributes_Return
  • The filter event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveBilling_FilterArray now contains an associative array instead of one with numeric keys.
  • The filter event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveBilling_FilterSQL now uses named parameters in the query instead of question marks.
  • The filter event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveShipping_FilterArray now contains an associative array instead of one with numeric keys.
  • The filter event Shopware_Modules_Order_SaveShipping_FilterSQL now uses named parameters in the query instead of question marks.
  • Moved s_articles_prices.baseprice to s_articles_details.purchaseprice
    • Added new database field s_articles_details.purchaseprice.
    • Added property purchasePrice to Shopware\Models\Article\Detail.
    • Removed property basePrice of Shopware\Models\Article\Price.
    • Removed methods Shopware\Models\Article\Price::getBasePrice() and Shopware\Models\Article\Price::setBasePrice().
    • Deprecated database field s_articles_prices.baseprice. All data is left intact but this field is not used in shopware anymore and will be dropped in a future version.
    • Removed property basePrice of Shopware\Models\Article\Configurator\Template\Price.
    • Removed database field s_article_configurator_template_prices.baseprice.
  • Removed unused class Shopware_Components_Menu_Item and Shopware_Components_Menu_SaveHandler_DbTable
  • Removed database fields
    • s_core_menu.hyperlink
    • s_core_menu.resourceID
  • Removed method Shopware\Models\Menu\Menu::setStyle() and Shopware\Models\Menu\Menu::getStyle()
  • Removed class Shopware_Models_Payment
  • Removed class Shopware_Models_PaymentManager
  • Removed Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_Payment_Bootstrap, Service: Shopware()->Payments()
  • Removed following methods:
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::saveRegister
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::personalAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::savePersonalAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::billingAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::saveBillingAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::shippingAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::saveShippingAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::paymentAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::savePaymentAction
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::validatePersonal
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::setRegisterData
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::validateBilling
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::validateShipping
    • \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register::validatePayment
    • \sAdmin::sSaveRegisterMainData
    • \sAdmin::sSaveRegisterNewsletter
    • \sAdmin::sSaveRegisterBilling
    • \sAdmin::sSaveRegisterShipping
    • \sAdmin::sSaveRegister
    • \sAdmin::validateRegistrationFields
    • \sAdmin::assignCustomerNumber
    • \sAdmin::logRegistrationMailException
  • Removed the following events:
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterMainData_FilterSql
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterMainData_Return
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterMainData_Return
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterBilling_FilterSql
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterBilling_Return
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterShipping_FilterSql
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegisterShipping_Return
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_Start
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_GetCustomerNumber
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_FilterNeededFields
    • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_FilterErrors
  • Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_Successful contains no more subject
  • Changed following registration templates
    • frontend/register/index.tpl
    • frontend/register/shipping_fieldset.tpl
    • frontend/register/personal_fieldset.tpl
    • frontend/register/error_messages.tpl
    • frontend/register/billing_fieldset.tpl
  • Moved s_user_billingaddress.customernumber to s_user table
  • Removed \Shopware\Models\Customer\Billing::number property
  • Removed method Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Service\InstallerService::getPluginBootstrap()
  • Changed Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager::addAttribute() to allow using empty string and boolean as default value when adding attribute fields
  • Removed s_categories.noviewselect
  • Removed \Shopware\Models\Category\Category::$noViewSelect
  • Removed \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Category::$allowViewSelect
  • Include the departments, salutations, cities and countries in the address comparison of the backend order details
  • Display the departments in the backend order details overview
  • Added new API resource 'Country' and respective REST API controller 'countries'
  • Renamed input fields in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/account/reset_password.tpl with surrounding password[]
  • Removed method \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Account::validatePasswordResetForm()
  • Removed method \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Account::resetPassword()
  • Added new shopping world type rows which is based on single rows.
  • Changed structure of billing and shipping to \Shopware\Models\Customer\Address in \Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Customer
  • Replaced buttons with a toolbar in dockedItems in Shopware.apps.Order.view.detail.Detail
  • Removed method createButtons() in Shopware.apps.Order.view.detail.Detail
  • Fixed \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\ConditionHandler\VoteAverageConditionHandler vote average value
  • Fixed \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\SortingHandler\ReleaseDateSortingHandler field usage
  • Fixed \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\ConditionHandler\ProductAttributeConditionHandler null value handling, not null handling and string operations.
  • Added attributes.core mapping in \Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductMapping
  • Fixed attribute assignment in \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ProductNumberSearch
  • Added all source values as attributes of each product in \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\ProductNumberSearch
  • Added unified product slider template
    • Created template files
      • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/_includes/product_slider.tpl
      • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/_includes/product_slider_item.tpl
      • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/_includes/product_slider_items.tpl
    • Created template blocks
      • frontend_common_product_slider_config
      • frontend_common_product_slider_component
      • frontend_common_product_slider_container
      • frontend_common_product_slider_items
      • frontend_common_product_slider_item_config
      • frontend_common_product_slider_item
    • Removed template blocks
      • checkout_ajax_add_cross_slider_item
      • frontend_detail_index_streams_slider_container
      • frontend_detail_index_similar_slider_item
      • widget_emotion_component_product_slider
      • widgets_listing_top_seller_slider_container
      • widgets_listing_top_seller_slider_container_inner
      • widgets_listing_top_seller_slider_container_include
      • frontend_detail_index_also_bought_slider_inner
      • frontend_detail_index_similar_viewed_slider_inner
      • frontend_widgets_slide_articles_item
    • Removed template files
      • themes/Frontend/Bare/widgets/emotion/slide_articles.tpl
  • Removed customer options in import export module which results in the removal of
    • Properties
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::$customerRepository
    • Methods
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::getCustomerRepository()
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::exportCustomersAction()
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::importCustomers()
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::saveCustomer()
      • \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ImportExport::prepareCustomerData()
  • Removed unused controller endpoints ajax_login and ajax_logout in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/index.tpl
  • \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\ConditionHandler\ProductAttributeConditionHandler requires now the \Shopware\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Service\CrudService as constructor dependency
  • Merged \Shopware\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Service\CrudService create and update function
  • Removed $basket from sAdmin::sManageRisks($paymentID, $basket, $user)
  • Added new \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\VariantCoverServiceInterface which allows to load variant covers without considering forceMainImageInListing parameter
  • Removed wrong parameter usage of Shopware\Models\Menu\Repository::findOneBy, which allows to provide two strings as criteria instead of array.
  • Updated composer dependency elasticsearch/elasticsearch to version 2.2.0
  • Changed default labelWidth for emotion component fields in Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Base to 170 pixels
  • IonCube Loader version requirement bumped to 5.0 or higher
  • PHP setting display_errors defaults to off now in engine/Shopware/Configs/Default.php
  • Removed \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Context class
  • Deprecated following classes and functions:
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::getContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::getProductContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::getLocationContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::initializeContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::initializeLocationContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Service\ContextServiceInterface::initializeProductContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\LocationContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\ProductContext
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\LocationContextInterface
    • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\ProductContextInterface
  • Added support for loading a new store instance by ID in the config combo box Shopware.apps.Config.view.element.Select
  • Added attributes to interface Enlight_Controller_Request_Request. New methods:
    • Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::getAttributes()
    • Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::getAttribute()
    • Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::setAttribute()
    • Enlight_Controller_Request_Request::unsetAttribute()
  • Fixed tax free for company configuration. If the delivery country contains the flag taxfree_ustid, the vat id of the shipping address is checked.