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File metadata and controls

207 lines (156 loc) · 5.53 KB

Add another route to the router.

path is a string of path segments separated by /. Each segment can be either static, a capture, or a wildcard.

service is the [Service] that should receive the request if the path matches path. service will commonly be a handler wrapped in a method router like get. See handler for more details on handlers.

Static paths


  • /
  • /foo
  • /users/123

If the incoming request matches the path exactly the corresponding service will be called.


Paths can contain segments like /:key which matches any single segment and will store the value captured at key.


  • /:key
  • /users/:id
  • /users/:id/tweets

Captures can be extracted using Path. See its documentation for more details.

It is not possible to create segments that only match some types like numbers or regular expression. You must handle that manually in your handlers.

MatchedPath can be used to extract the matched path rather than the actual path.


Paths can end in /*key which matches all segments and will store the segments captured at key.


  • /*key
  • /assets/*path
  • /:id/:repo/*tree

Wildcard captures can also be extracted using Path. Note that the leading slash is not included, i.e. for the route /foo/*rest and the path /foo/bar/baz the value of rest will be bar/baz.

Accepting multiple methods

To accept multiple methods for the same route you must add all handlers at the same time:

use axum::{Router, routing::{get, delete}, extract::Path};

let app = Router::new().route(

async fn get_root() {}

async fn post_root() {}

async fn delete_root() {}
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

More examples

use axum::{Router, routing::{get, delete}, extract::Path};

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(root))
    .route("/users", get(list_users).post(create_user))
    .route("/users/:id", get(show_user))
    .route("/api/:version/users/:id/action", delete(do_users_action))
    .route("/assets/*path", get(serve_asset));

async fn root() {}

async fn list_users() {}

async fn create_user() {}

async fn show_user(Path(id): Path<u64>) {}

async fn do_users_action(Path((version, id)): Path<(String, u64)>) {}

async fn serve_asset(Path(path): Path<String>) {}
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

Routing to any [Service]

axum also supports routing to general [Service]s:

use axum::{
    routing::{any_service, get_service},
    http::{Request, StatusCode},
use tower_http::services::ServeFile;
use http::Response;
use std::{convert::Infallible, io};
use tower::service_fn;

let app = Router::new()
        // Any request to `/` goes to a service
        // Services whose response body is not `axum::body::BoxBody`
        // can be wrapped in `axum::routing::any_service` (or one of the other routing filters)
        // to have the response body mapped
        any_service(service_fn(|_: Request<Body>| async {
            let res = Response::new(Body::from("Hi from `GET /`"));
            Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
        // This service's response body is `axum::body::BoxBody` so
        // it can be routed to directly.
        service_fn(|req: Request<Body>| async move {
            let body = Body::from(format!("Hi from `{} /foo`", req.method()));
            let body = axum::body::boxed(body);
            let res = Response::new(body);
            Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
        // GET `/static/Cargo.toml` goes to a service from tower-http
            // though we must handle any potential errors
            .handle_error(|error: io::Error| async move {
                    format!("Unhandled internal error: {}", error),
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

Routing to arbitrary services in this way has complications for backpressure ([Service::poll_ready]). See the Routing to services and backpressure module for more details.


Panics if the route overlaps with another route:

use axum::{routing::get, Router};

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(|| async {}))
    .route("/", get(|| async {}));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

The static route /foo and the dynamic route /:key are not considered to overlap and /foo will take precedence.

Also panics if path is empty.


route cannot be used to nest Routers. Instead use [Router::nest].

Attempting to will result in a panic:

use axum::{routing::get, Router};

let app = Router::new().route(
    Router::new().route("/foo", get(|| async {})),
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };