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Graphcore benchmarks: ResNeXt inference

This readme describes how to run a ResNeXt101 model for bulk inference on IPUs.


ResNeXt is a simple, highly modularized network architecture for image classification. The network is constructed by repeating a building block that aggregates a set of transformations with the same topology.

ResNeXt101 model

The ResNeXt101 model is taken from the research paper Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks: The simple design results in a homogeneous, multi-branch architecture that has only a few hyper-parameters to set. This strategy exposes a new dimension, cardinality, which is the size of the set of transformations.


This benchmark uses the COCO dataset (COCOval2014) which can be downloaded from here:

Running the model

This application runs resnext101_32d.onnx for inference over 8 IPUs. Each IPU runs a single PopART inference session, and receives one portion of the total dataset.

The following files are provided for running the ResNeXt benchmark.

File Description Define a dataset class. Instances are iterated over to feed the model Prepare and load the data into host buffer Download the pre-trained ResNeXt model Partition the COCO dataset into 8 directories for the 8 IPUs
requirements.txt Python requirements ResNeXt model definition Launch multiple inference sessions as child processes

Quick start guide

Prepare the environment

1) Download the Poplar SDK

Install the Poplar SDK following the instructions in the Getting Started guide for your IPU system. Make sure to source the scripts for Poplar and PopART.

2) Python

Create a virtualenv and install the required packages:

virtualenv venv -p python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the data

Download the the COCO dataset (COCOval2014) from and unzip.

Prepare the dataset and model

The following script can be run to prepare the data and add the configured model to the directory models/resnext101_32x4d/.

(popart) $ ./ path/to/coco/val2014 datasets

The first argument is the path to the COCO dataset, the second is the output directory for the processed datasets.

NOTE: If this script is run, the Prepare the dataset and Prepare the model sections below can be skipped.

Prepare the dataset

Assuming you are running on 8 IPUs, the COCO dataset should be partitioned into 8 distinct directories so each one can be read and streamed onto an IPU by a different process. To set the dataset partition up, make a directory to contain the data subsets, and then run as follows:

(popart) $ mkdir datasets
(popart) $ python --data-dir /localdata/datasets/coco/val2014 --partitions 8 --output datasets

Where data-dir is the location of the COCO dataset.

Prepare the model

This application can run over multiple IPUs. It does this by creating multiple PopART inference Sessions, each of which uses one ONNX model and processes a fraction of the total batch of data. The size of the data that is used by one model is called the micro batch size. The total batch size used will therefore be micro-batch-size * num-ipus.

1) Download the model

To download the pretrained ResNext101 model from Cadene’s pretrained models repository (, convert it to ONNX format, and create a copy with chosen micro batch size (in this example a micro batch size of 6), run:

(popart) $ python --micro-batch-size 6

This will add the configured model to the directory models/resnext101_32x4d/.

Running the model

Now you have set up the data and created the model you can run the model on the partitioned data. The entry point is This takes the batch size, which is the sum of all micro batch sizes over all the IPUs you are using.

(popart) $ python --batch_size 48 --num_ipus 8

Logging data, including throughput, is written per subprocess in logs/ and aggregated over all subprocesses in stdout. Inference results are fetched but not written to file. This can be changed in '', where outputs are saved as results.

Run unit-tests for the Deep Voice model

To run unit-tests, simply do:



python -help

       USAGE: [flags]
  --batch_size: Overall size of batch (across all devices).
    (default: '48')
    (an integer)
  --batches_per_step: Number of batches to fetch on the host ready for streaming onto the device, reducing host IO
    (default: '1500')
    (an integer)
  --data_dir: Parent directory containing subdirectory dataset(s). The number of sub directories should equal num_ipus
    (default: 'datasets/')
  --iterations: Number of iterations to run if using synthetic data. Each iteration uses one `batches_per_step` x `batch_size` x `H` x `W` x `C` sized input tensor.
    (default: '1')
    (an integer)
  --model_name: model name. Used to locate ONNX protobuf in models/
    (default: 'resnext101_32x4d')
  --num_ipus: Number of IPUs to be used. One IPU runs one compute process and processes a fraction of the batch of samples.
    (default: '8')
    (an integer)
  --num_workers: Number of threads per dataloader. There is one dataloader per IPU.
    (default: '4')
    (an integer)
  --[no]synthetic: Use synthetic data created on the IPU.
    (default: 'false')
  --model-path: Directory containing the saved model required to run the model.
    (default: 'models/')
  --log-path: The directory where the logs will be saved.
    (default: 'logs/')
  --hide-output: If set the stdout of the subprocess that runs the model will be hidden.
    (default: 'false')