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205 lines (139 loc) · 5.96 KB

Developing Tianocore Edk2 PyTool Extensions (edk2toolext)

There are a lot of parts of pytools. Here's a helpful diagram to help you sort out all the different parts.

Picture that shows the parts of pytools


  • Make sure you have python 3.10.x or newer available on path
  • Make sure you have git installed and available on path
  1. Get the code

    git clone
  2. Strongly Recommended Create a Python virtual environment

    1. open cmd prompt

    2. Navigate to parent folder of where you cloned

      • NOTE: this is where I like to create my virtual environments. You can organize these however you like but you will want to launch this virtual environment each time you want to work on or test pytools.
    3. run python -m venv pytool-ext-venv to make your virtual environment. In this case pytool-ext-venv is the name of the virtual environment and folder that will be created. You can name it whatever works for you.

    4. Activate the virtual environment for this session

    5. Your shell prompt should now indicate you are in a virtual environment.

    6. change working directory to the root of the cloned repository.

  3. Install development dependencies into this virtual environment

    pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  4. Uninstall any copy of edk2-pytool-extensions

    pip uninstall edk2-pytool-extensions
  5. Install from local source (run command from root of repo)

    pip install -e .
  6. To support spell checking / validation NodeJs and cspell are used.

  7. To support linting the markdown files NodeJs and markdownlint are used.


  1. Run a Basic Syntax/Lint Check (using flake8) and resolve any issues

    flake8 .

    INFO: Newer editors are very helpful in resolving source formatting errors (whitespace, indentation, etc). In VSCode open the py file and use ++alt+shift+f++ to auto format.

  2. Run a Basic Python docstring Check (using pydocstring) and resolve any issues

    pydocstyle .
  3. Run the script to check file encoding, file naming, etc
  4. Run pytest with coverage data collected

    pytest -v --junitxml=test.junit.xml --html=pytest_report.html --self-contained-html --cov=edk2toolext --cov-report html:cov_html --cov-report xml:cov.xml --cov-config .coveragerc

    INFO: If you only want to test a single file you can supply that path at the end and then only that module will be run.

    Coverage is uploaded to For more information, review in the docs folder.

  5. Look at the reports

    • pytest_report.html
    • cov_html/index.html
  6. Run the spell checker

    cspell -c .cspell.json "**/*.py" "**/*.md"
  7. Run the markdown linter

    markdownlint "**/*.md"

Conventions Shortlist

File and folder names

Use python defined Pep conventions. For example package, module, and class naming should follow PEP8 (


Docstring style comments should be added to each public function and class. *Existing code should be updated to be compliant as it is modified.

New Module or Class

When creating a new module or class it should be clearly defined for a single purpose and provide general purpose support.

Documentation of the feature should be added to the docs/features folder in markdown format. The filename should be the package import path. For example for module the filename for documentation would be The content of this documentation should be focused on why. Docstrings within the module should describe functional parameters and usage info.

Unit tests should be written in python unittest or pytest format. A test module should be added test folder. The filename should be

Spell Checking / False Positives

The cspell dictionary is not perfect and there are cases where technical words or acronyms are not found in the dictionary. There are two ways to resolve false positives and the choice for which method should be based on how broadly the word should be accepted.

CSpell Base Config file

If the change should apply to all files in repository code and documentation then it should be added to the base config file (.cspell.json) words section. This is a list of accepted words for all spell checking operations in the repository.

In-line File

CSpell supports numerous methods to annotate your files to ignore words, sections, etc. This can be found in CSpell documentation. Suggestion here is to use a c-style comment at the top of the file to add words that should be ignored just for this file. Obviously this has the highest maintenance cost so it should only be used for file unique words.

// spell-checker:ignore unenroll, word2, word3


# spell-checker:ignore unenroll, word2, word3

Markdown linting

The linter uses the configuration defined in .markdownlint.yaml file found at the root of the repository.

In-line Ignore

See options listed here to ignore rules, ignore lines, or ignore files.