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File metadata and controls

486 lines (346 loc) · 32.3 KB

The same as before, you can add help for the commands in the docstrings and the CLI options.

And the typer.Typer() application receives a parameter help that you can pass with the main help text for your CLI program:


Check it:

// Check the new help
$ python --help


  Awesome CLI user manager.

  --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  create      Create a new user with USERNAME.
  delete      Delete a user with USERNAME.
  delete-all  Delete ALL users in the database.
  init        Initialize the users database.

// Now the commands have inline help 🎉

// Check the help for create
$ python create --help

Usage: create [OPTIONS] USERNAME

  Create a new user with USERNAME.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

// Check the help for delete
$ python delete --help

Usage: delete [OPTIONS] USERNAME

  Delete a user with USERNAME.

  If --force is not used, will ask for confirmation.

  --force / --no-force  Force deletion without confirmation.  [required]
  --help                Show this message and exit.

// Check the help for delete-all
$ python delete-all --help

Usage: delete-all [OPTIONS]

  Delete ALL users in the database.

  If --force is not used, will ask for confirmation.

  --force / --no-force  Force deletion without confirmation.  [required]
  --help                Show this message and exit.

// Check the help for init
$ python init --help

Usage: init [OPTIONS]

  Initialize the users database.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

!!! tip typer.Typer() receives several other parameters for other things, we'll see that later.

You will also see how to use "Callbacks" later, and those include a way to add this same help message in a function docstring.

Overwrite command help

You will probably be better adding the help text as a docstring to your functions, but if for some reason you wanted to overwrite it, you can use the help function argument passed to @app.command():


Check it:

// Check the help
$ python --help

// Notice it uses the help passed to @app.command()

  --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy
                        it or customize the installation.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  create  Create a new user with USERNAME.
  delete  Delete a user with USERNAME.

// It uses "Create a new user with USERNAME." instead of "Some internal utility function to create."

Deprecate a Command

There could be cases where you have a command in your app that you need to deprecate, so that your users stop using it, even while it's still supported for a while.

You can mark it with the parameter deprecated=True:


And when you show the --help option you will see it's marked as "deprecated":

$ python --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                  </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--install-completion</b></font>          Install completion for the current  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell.                              │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--show-completion</b></font>             Show completion for the current     │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell, to copy it or customize the  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               installation.                       │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                        Show this message and exit.         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>create       </b></font> Create a user.                                      │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#6B9F98"><b>delete       </b></font> Delete a user.              <font color="#F92672">(deprecated)           </font> │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

And if you check the --help for the deprecated command (in this example, the command delete), it also shows it as deprecated:

$ python delete --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> delete [OPTIONS] USERNAME                    </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <font color="#F92672">(deprecated) </font>
 Delete a user.
 This is deprecated and will stop being supported soon.

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  [default: None] <font color="#A6194C">[required]</font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>          Show this message and exit.                       │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

Rich Markdown and Markup

If you have Rich installed as described in Printing and Colors{.internal-link target=_blank}, you can configure your app to enable markup text with the parameter rich_markup_mode.

Then you can use more formatting in the docstrings and the help parameter for CLI arguments and CLI options. You will see more about it below. 👇

!!! info By default, rich_markup_mode is None, which disables any rich text formatting.

Rich Markup

If you set rich_markup_mode="rich" when creating the typer.Typer() app, you will be able to use Rich Console Markup in the docstring, and even in the help for the CLI arguments and options:


With that, you can use Rich Console Markup to format the text in the docstring for the command create, make the word "create" bold and green, and even use an emoji.

You can also use markup in the help for the username CLI Argument.

And the same as before, the help text overwritten for the command delete can also use Rich Markup, the same in the CLI Argument and CLI Option.

If you run the program and check the help, you will see that Typer uses Rich internally to format the help.

Check the help for the create command:

$ python create --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> create [OPTIONS] USERNAME                     </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <font color="#A6E22E"><b>Create</b></font> a new <i>shinny</i> user. ✨
 This requires a <font color="#A5A5A1"><u style="text-decoration-style:single">username</u></font><font color="#A5A5A1">.                                           </font>

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  The username to be <font color="#A6E22E">created</font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          [default: None]                          │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          </font><font color="#A6194C">[required]                </font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>          Show this message and exit.                       │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

And check the help for the delete command:

$ python delete --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> delete [OPTIONS] USERNAME                     </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <font color="#F92672"><b>Delete</b></font> a user with <i>USERNAME</i>.

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  The username to be <font color="#F92672">deleted</font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          [default: None]                          │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          </font><font color="#A6194C">[required]                </font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--force</b></font>    <font color="#AE81FF"><b>--no-force</b></font>      Force the <font color="#F92672"><b>deletion</b></font> 💥                  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                            [default: no-force]                    │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                     Show this message and exit.            │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

Rich Markdown

If you set rich_markup_mode="markdown" when creating the typer.Typer() app, you will be able to use Markdown in the docstring:


With that, you can use Markdown to format the text in the docstring for the command create, make the word "create" bold, show a list of items, and even use an emoji.

And the same as before, the help text overwritten for the command delete can also use Markdown.

Check the help for the create command:

$ python create --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> create [OPTIONS] USERNAME                     </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <b>Create</b> a new <i>shinny</i> user. ✨

 <font color="#F4BF75"><b> • </b></font><font color="#A5A5A1">Create a username                                                </font>
 <font color="#F4BF75"><b> • </b></font><font color="#A5A5A1">Show that the username is created                                </font>

 <font color="#F4BF75">───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────</font>
 Learn more at the <font color="#44919F">Typer docs website</font>

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  The username to be <b>created</b>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          [default: None]                          │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          </font><font color="#A6194C">[required]                              </font> │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>          Show this message and exit.                       │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

And the same for the delete command:

$ python delete --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> delete [OPTIONS] USERNAME                     </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <b>Delete</b> a user with <i>USERNAME</i>.

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  The username to be <b>deleted</b>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          [default: None]                          │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          </font><font color="#A6194C">[required]                              </font> │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--force</b></font>    <font color="#AE81FF"><b>--no-force</b></font>      Force the <b>deletion</b> 💥                  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                            [default: no-force]                    │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                     Show this message and exit.            │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

!!! info Notice that in Markdown you cannot define colors. For colors you might prefer to use Rich markup.

Help Panels

If you have many commands or CLI parameters, you might want to show their documentation in different panels when using the --help option.

If you installed Rich as described in Printing and Colors{.internal-link target=_blank}, you can configure the panel to use for each command or CLI parameter.

Help Panels for Commands

To set the panel for a command you can pass the argument rich_help_panel with the name of the panel you want to use:


Commands without a panel will be shown in the default panel Commands, and the rest will be shown in the next panels:

$ python --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                   </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--install-completion</b></font>          Install completion for the current  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell.                              │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--show-completion</b></font>             Show completion for the current     │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell, to copy it or customize the  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               installation.                       │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                        Show this message and exit.         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>create          </b></font> <font color="#A6E22E">Create</font> a new user. ✨                            │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>delete          </b></font> <font color="#F92672">Delete</font> a user. 🔥                                │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Utils and Configs ───────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>config  </b></font> <font color="#66D9EF">Configure</font> the system. 🔧                                 │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>sync    </b></font> <font color="#66D9EF">Synchronize</font> the system or something fancy like that. ♻   │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Help and Others ─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>help         </b></font> Get <font color="#F4BF75">help</font> with the system. ❓                        │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>report       </b></font> <font color="#F4BF75">Report</font> an issue. 🐛                                 │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

Help Panels for CLI Parameters

The same way, you can configure the panels for CLI arguments and CLI options with rich_help_panel.

And of course, in the same application you can also set the rich_help_panel for commands.


Then if you run the application you will see all the CLI parameters in their respective panels.

  • First the CLI arguments that don't have a panel name set in a default one named "Arguments".
  • Next the CLI arguments with a custom panel. In this example named "Secondary Arguments".
  • After that, the CLI options that don't have a panel in a default one named "Options".
  • And finally, the CLI options with a custom panel set. In this example named "Additional Data".

You can check the --help option for the command create:

$ python create --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> create [OPTIONS] USERNAME [LASTNAME]          </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <font color="#A6E22E">Create</font> a new user. ✨

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  The username to create [default: None]   │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                          </font><font color="#A6194C">[required]            </font>                   │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Secondary Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│   lastname      </font><font color="#A37F4E"><b>[LASTNAME]</b></font>  The last name of the new user         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--force</b></font>    <font color="#AE81FF"><b>--no-force</b></font>      Force the creation of the user         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                            [default: no-force]                    │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                     Show this message and exit.            │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Additional Data ─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--age</b></font>                   <font color="#F4BF75"><b>INTEGER</b></font>  The age of the new user          │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                                  [default: None]                  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--favorite-color</b></font>        <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT   </b></font>  The favorite color of the new    │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                                  user                             │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                                  [default: None]                  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

And of course, the rich_help_panel can be used in the same way for commands in the same application.

And those panels will be shown when you use the main --help option.

$ python --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                   </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--install-completion</b></font>          Install completion for the current  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell.                              │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--show-completion</b></font>             Show completion for the current     │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell, to copy it or customize the  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               installation.                       │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                        Show this message and exit.         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>create          </b></font> <font color="#A6E22E">Create</font> a new user. ✨                            │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Utils and Configs ───────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>config         </b></font> <font color="#66D9EF">Configure</font> the system. 🔧                          │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

You can see the custom panel for the commands for "Utils and Configs".


If you need, you can also add an epilog section to the help of your commands:


And when you check the --help option it will look like:

$ python --help

<b> </b><font color="#F4BF75"><b>Usage: </b></font><b> [OPTIONS] USERNAME                            </b>
<b>                                                                     </b>
 <font color="#A6E22E">Create</font> a new user. ✨

<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#F92672">*</font>    username      <font color="#F4BF75"><b>TEXT</b></font>  [default: None] <font color="#A6194C">[required]</font>               │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--install-completion</b></font>          Install completion for the current  │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell.                              │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--show-completion</b></font>             Show completion for the current     │
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               shell, to copy it or customize the  │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│                               installation.                       │</font>
<font color="#A5A5A1">│ </font><font color="#A1EFE4"><b>--help</b></font>                        Show this message and exit.         │
<font color="#A5A5A1">╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯</font>

 Made with ❤ in <font color="#66D9EF">Venus</font>