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Contributing to Terraform Plugin SDK

First: if you're unsure or afraid of anything, just ask or submit the issue describing the problem you're aiming to solve.

Any bug fix and feature has to be considered in the context of many (100+) providers and the wider Terraform ecosystem. This is great as your contribution can have a big positive impact, but we have to assess potential negative impact too (e.g. breaking existing providers which may not use a new feature).

To provide some safety to the wider provider ecosystem, we strictly follow semantic versioning and any changes that could be considered as breaking will only be released as part of major release.

Table of Contents

I just have a question

Note: We use GitHub for tracking bugs and feature requests related to Plugin SDK.

For questions, please see relevant channels at

I want to report a vulnerability

Please disclose security vulnerabilities responsibly by following the procedure described at

Scope (Core vs SDK vs Providers)

While Terraform acts as a single program from the user's perspective it is made up of a few parts, each of which have different role and repository.

This section describes the scope of notable repositories, which may help you ensure you're in the right place when reporting bugs and feature requests, or submitting a patch.

  • hashicorp/terraform - Terraform Core which implements all the low-level functionality which isn't domain specific (that's covered by providers). Read more about distinction between core & providers in the Readme.
  • terraform-providers/* - This organization contains all official Terraform Providers built on top of the Plugin SDK
  • hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk - Terraform Plugin SDK used to build Providers
  • hashicorp/terraform-website - Source code of documentation published on, including Extend section which has source in the extend folder.
  • hashicorp/hcl2 - HCL (HashiCorp Config Language) is the language used by users of Terraform (Core) to describe infrastructure. The parser and other features concerning the language (such as builtin functions) are found here.
  • zclconf/go-cty - cty, the type system used by both Terraform (Core) and SDK (therefore providers too) to represent data in state before and after gRPC encoding/decoding

New Issue

We welcome issues of all kinds including feature requests, bug reports or documentation contributions. Below are guidelines for well-formed issues of each type.

Bug Reports

  • Test against latest release: Make sure you test against the latest avaiable version of both Terraform and SDK. It is possible we already fixed the bug you're experiencing.

  • Search for duplicates: It's helpful to keep bug reports consolidated to one thread, so do a quick search on existing bug reports to check if anybody else has reported the same thing. You can scope searches by the label bug to help narrow things down.

  • Include steps to reproduce: Provide steps to reproduce the issue, along with code examples (both HCL and Go, where applicable) and/or real code, so we can try to reproduce it. Without this, it makes it much harder (sometimes impossible) to fix the issue.

Feature Requests

  • Search for possible duplicate requests: It's helpful to keep requests consolidated to one thread, so do a quick search on existing requests to check if anybody else has reported the same thing. You can scope searches by the label enhancement to help narrow things down.

  • Include a use case description: In addition to describing the behavior of the feature you'd like to see added, it's helpful to also lay out the reason why the feature would be important and how it would benefit the wider Terraform ecosystem. Use case in context of 1 provider is good, wider context of more providers is better.

Documentation Contributions

  • Search for possible duplicate suggestions: It's helpful to keep suggestions consolidated to one thread, so do a quick search on existing @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ type. "how do servers' schemas get merged?" in mind. This helps us ensure the documentation is targeted, specific, and framed in a useful way.

  • Contribute: This repository contains the markdown files that generate versioned documentation for Please open a pull request with documentation changes. Refer to the website README for more information.

New Pull Request

Thank you for contributing!

We are happy to review pull requests without associated issues, but we highly recommend starting by describing and discussing your problem or feature and attaching use cases to an issue first before raising a pull request.

  • Early validation of idea and implementation plan: Terraform's SDK is complicated enough that there are often several ways to implement something, each of which has different implications and tradeoffs. Working through a plan of attack with the team before you dive into implementation will help ensure that you're working in the right direction.

  • Unit Tests: It may go without saying, but every new patch should be covered by tests wherever possible.

  • Provider testing: The SDK's Test Framework is still undergoing active development and may not catch all corner cases when patches are tested outside of real provider code. It is therefore extremely valuable if you can run acceptance tests of at least one provider which takes advantage of your bug fix or uses new feature and demonstrate that your patch doesn't break other provider(s) relying on the existing SDK.

  • Go Modules: We use Go Modules to manage and version all our dependencies. Please make sure that you reflect dependency changes in your pull requests appropriately (e.g. go get, go mod tidy or other commands). Refer to the dependency updates section for more information about how this project maintains existing dependencies.

  • Changelog: Refer to the changelog section for more information about how to create changelog entries.

Cosmetic changes, code formatting, and typos

In general we do not accept PRs containing only the following changes:

  • Correcting spelling or typos
  • Code formatting, including whitespace
  • Other cosmetic changes that do not affect functionality

While we appreciate the effort that goes into preparing PRs, there is always a tradeoff between benefit and cost. The costs involved in accepting such contributions include the time taken for thorough review, the noise created in the git history, and the increased number of GitHub notifications that maintainers must attend to.

In the case of terraform-plugin-sdk, the repo's close relationship to the terraform repo means that maintainers will sometimes port changes from terraform to terraform-plugin-sdk. Cosmetic changes to the SDK repo make this much more time-consuming as they will cause merge conflicts. This is the major hidden cost of cosmetic PRs, and the main reason we do not accept them at this time.


We belive that one should "leave the campsite cleaner than you found it", so you are welcome to clean up cosmetic issues in the neighbourhood when submitting a patch that makes functional changes or fixes.

Dependency Updates

Dependency management is performed by dependabot. Where possible, dependency updates should occur through that system to ensure all Go module files are appropriately updated and to prevent duplicated effort of concurrent update submissions. Once available, updates are expected to be verified and merged to prevent latent technical debt.


HashiCorp’s open-source projects have always maintained user-friendly, readable CHANGELOGs that allow practitioners and developers to tell at a glance whether a release should have any effect on them, and to gauge the risk of an upgrade. We use go-changelog to generate and update the changelog from files created in the .changelog/ directory.

Changelog Format

The changelog format requires an entry in the following format, where HEADER corresponds to the changelog category, and the entry is the changelog entry itself. The entry should be included in a file in the .changelog directory with the naming convention {PR-NUMBER}.txt. For example, to create a changelog entry for pull request 1234, there should be a file named .changelog/1234.txt.


If a pull request should contain multiple changelog entries, then multiple blocks can be added to the same changelog file. For example:

tfsdk: The `Old()` function has been deprecated. Any code using `Old()` should be updated to use the new `New()` function instead.

tfsdk: Added `New()` function, which does new and exciting things

Pull Request Types to CHANGELOG

The CHANGELOG is intended to show developer-impacting changes to the codebase for a particular version. If every change or commit to the code resulted in an entry, the CHANGELOG would become less useful for developers. The lists below are general guidelines and examples for when a decision needs to be made to decide whether a change should have an entry.

Changes that should not have a CHANGELOG entry
  • Documentation updates
  • Testing updates
  • Code refactoring
Changes that may have a CHANGELOG entry
  • Dependency updates: If the update contains relevant bug fixes or enhancements that affect developers, those should be called out.
Changes that should have a CHANGELOG entry
Major Features

A major feature entry should use the release-note:feature header.

Added `great` package, which solves all the problems
Bug Fixes

A new bug entry should use the release-note:bug header and have a prefix indicating the sub-package it corresponds to, a colon, then followed by a brief summary. Use an all prefix should the fix apply to all sub-packages.

tfsdk: Prevented potential panic in `Example()` function

A new enhancement entry should use the release-note:enhancement header and have a prefix indicating the sub-package it corresponds to, a colon, then followed by a brief summary. Use an all prefix for enchancements that apply to all sub-packages.

attr: Added `Great` interface for doing great things

A deprecation entry should use the release-note:note header and have a prefix indicating the sub-package it corresponds to, a colon, then followed by a brief summary. Use an all prefix for changes that apply to all sub-packages.

diag: The `Old()` function is being deprecated in favor of the `New()` function
Breaking Changes and Removals

A breaking-change entry should use the release-note:breaking-change header and have a prefix indicating the sub-package it corresponds to, a colon, then followed by a brief summary. Use an all prefix for changes that apply to all sub-packages.

tfsdk: The `Example` type `Old` field has been removed since it is not necessary


GitHub Actions workflow bug and style checking is performed via actionlint.

To run the GitHub Actions linters locally, install the actionlint tool, and run:


Go code bug and style checking is performed via golangci-lint.

To run the Go linters locally, install the golangci-lint tool, and run:

golangci-lint run ./...


Code contributions should be supported by both unit and integration tests wherever possible.

GitHub Actions Tests

GitHub Actions workflow testing is performed via act.

To run the GitHub Actions testing locally (setting appropriate event):

act --artifact-server-path /tmp --env ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN=test -P pull_request

The command options can be added to a ~/.actrc file:

--artifact-server-path /tmp

So they do not need to be specified every invocation:

act pull_request

To test the ci-go/terraform-provider-corner job, a valid GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with public read permissions is required. It can be passed in via the -s GITHUB_TOKEN=... command option.

Go Unit Tests

Go code unit testing is perfomed via Go's built-in testing functionality.

To run the Go unit testing locally:

go test ./...

This codebase follows Go conventions for unit testing. Some guidelines include:

  • File Naming: Test files should be named *_test.go and usually reside in the same package as the code being tested.
  • Test Naming: Test functions must include the Test prefix and should be named after the function or method under test. An Example() function test should be named TestExample. A Data type Example() method test should be named TestDataExample.
  • Concurrency: Where possible, unit tests should be able to run concurrently and include a call to t.Parallel(). Usage of mutable shared data, such as environment variables or global variables that are used with reads and writes, is strongly discouraged.
  • Table Driven: Where possible, unit tests should be written using the table driven testing style.
  • go-cmp: Where possible, comparison testing should be done via go-cmp. In particular, the cmp.Diff() and cmp.Equal() functions are helpful.

A common template for implementing unit tests is:

func TestExample(t *testing.T) {

    testCases := map[string]struct{
        // fields to store inputs and expectations
        "test-description": {
            // fields from above

    for name, testCase := range testCases {
        // Do not omit this next line
        name, testCase := name, testCase

        t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {

            // Implement test referencing testCase fields

Integration tests

We use a special "corner case" Terraform provider for integration testing of terraform-plugin-sdk, called terraform-provider-corner.

Integration testing for terraform-plugin-sdk involves compiling this provider against the version of the framework to be tested, and running the provider's acceptance tests. The ci-go/terraform-provider-corner CI job does this automatically for each PR commit and each commit to main. This ensures that changes to terraform-plugin-sdk do not cause regressions.

Creating a test case in terraform-provider-corner

The terraform-provider-corner repo contains several provider servers (which are combined in order to test terraform-plugin-mux) to test different versions of the Terraform Plugin SDK and Framework.

To add a test case for terraform-plugin-sdk, add or modify resource code as appropriate in the sdkv2provider. Then, create an acceptance test for the desired behaviour.

Creating a test case in terraform-provider-corner is a very helpful way to illustrate your bug report or feature request with easily reproducible provider code. We welcome PRs to terraform-provider-corner that demonstrate bugs and edge cases.

Adding integration tests to your terraform-plugin-sdk PR

When fixing a bug or adding a new feature to the framework, it is helpful to create a test case in real provider code. Since the test will fail until your change is included in a terraform-plugin-sdk release used by terraform-provider-corner, we recommend doing the following:

  1. Fork and clone the terraform-plugin-sdk and terraform-provider-corner repositories to your local machine. Identify the bug you want to fix or the feature you want to add to terraform-plugin-sdk.
  2. On your local fork of terraform-provider-corner, create a failing acceptance test demonstrating this behaviour. The test should be named testAcc*.
  3. Add a replace directive to the go.mod file in your local terraform-provider-corner, pointing to your local fork of terraform-plugin-sdk.
  4. Make the desired code change on your local fork of terraform-plugin-sdk. Don't forget unit tests as well!
  5. Verify that the acceptance test now passes.
  6. Make a PR to terraform-plugin-sdk proposing the code change.
  7. Make a PR to terraform-provider-corner adding the new acceptance test and noting that it depends on the PR to terraform-plugin-sdk.

Maintainers will ensure that the acceptance test is merged into terraform-provider-corner once the terraform-plugin-sdk change is merged and released.

Maintainers Guide

This section is dedicated to the maintainers of this project.


Before running a release:

  • meta/meta.go: The versions must be appropriately updated.
  • Changelog: The changelog must be constructed from unreleased entries in the .changelog directory.

Install the latest version of the changelog-build command, if it not already available:

go install

Run the changelog-build command from the root directory of the repository:

changelog-build -changelog-template .changelog.tmpl -entries-dir .changelog -last-release $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) -note-template .changelog-note.tmpl -this-release HEAD

This will generate a section of Markdown text for the next release. Open the file, add a # X.Y.Z header as the first line, then add the output from the changelog-build command.

Commit, push, create a release Git tag, and push the tag:

git add meta/meta.go
git commit -m "Update CHANGELOG and versions for v1.2.3"
git push
git tag v1.2.3
git push --tags

GitHub Actions will pick up the new release tag and kick off the release workflow.