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Solidity Smart Contracts of Matters Lab


Name Network Address
Logbook Polygon Mumbai 0x203197e074b7a2f4ff6890815e4657a9c47c68b1
Logbook Polygon Mainnet 0xcdf8D568EC808de5fCBb35849B5bAFB5d444D4c0
SpaceToken Polygon Mumbai 0xeb6814043dc2184b0b321f6de995bf11bdbcc5b8
SpaceToken Polygon Mainnet 0x264808855b0a6a5a318d238c6ee9f299179f27fc
TheSpace Polygon Mainnet 0x9b71045ac2a1563dc5ff8e0c537413a6aae16cd1
TheSpaceRegistry Polygon Mainnet 0x8da7a7a48ebbd870358f2fd824e52e5142f44257

In the "Contract" tab of Polygonscan/Etherscan, you can see the contract code and ABI.


See Docs for Contract ABI.


import { ethers } from "ethers";

 * Instantiate contract
const address = "0x203197e074b7a2f4ff6890815e4657a9c47c68b1";
const abi = '[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"string","name":"name_","type":"string"}...]';
const alchemyAPIKey = "...";
const provider = new ethers.providers.AlchemyProvider("maticmum", alchemyAPIKey);
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, provider);

 * Interact with contract
// mint a logbook
const publicSalePrice = await contract.publicSalePrice();
const tokenId = await contract.publicSaleMint({ value: publicSalePrice });

// set title, description & fork price in one transaction
const title = "Ut cupidatat";
const description = "Ut cupidatat amet ea et veniam amet aute aute eu.";
const forkPrice = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1"); // 0.1 Ether to Wei
const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(abi);
const calldata = [
  // title
  iface.encodeFunctionData("setTitle", [tokenId, title]),
  // description
  iface.encodeFunctionData("setDescription", [tokenId, title]),
  // fork price
  iface.encodeFunctionData("setForkPrice", [tokenId, forkPrice]),
await contract.multicall(calldata);

// donate
const donationAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.02");
await contract.donate(tokenId, { value: donationAmount });

Ethers.js also supports Human-Readable ABI, it's recommended to use, for smaller client bundle size.

To query the contract data, please checkout thematters/subgraphs.


Install Forge


cp .env.local.example .env.local


make build


make test


Deploy on Local Node:

# Preprare environment
cp .env.local.example .env.local
cp .env.polygon-mainnet.example .env.polygon-mainnet
cp .env.polygon-mumbai.example .env.polygon-mumbai

# Deploy Logbook contract (defaults to local node)
make deploy-logbook

# Deploy currency first, then add the contract address to THESPACE_CURRENCY_ADDRESS env variable
make deploy-the-space-currency
# Deploy the space contract
make deploy-the-space

# Deploy the snapper contract
make deploy-snapper

Deploy & Verify on testnet or mainnet:

# Deploy The Space contract
make deploy-the-space

# Deploy to Poygon Mainnet
make deploy-the-space NETWORK=polygon-mainnet

# Deploy to Polygon Mumbai
make deploy-the-space NETWORK=polygon-mumbai

Verify Contract Manually

# 1. Concat all file into one
forge flatten src/Logbook/Logbook.sol

# 2. On (Polygonscan)[], Select "Solidity (Single File)" and upload