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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
464 lines (322 loc) · 13.5 KB


The building blocks of a Jetstream pipeline are templates. Templates are scripts that describe the steps required for a pipeline. Some pipelines can be a single template file. Other pipelines will require several templates and supporting data files (see pipelines).

Table of contents


Templates describe a set of tasks that can be run for multiple projects. You can think of templates like a declarative scripting language for building pipelines. They usually have variable components that will be filled-in with project data at runtime. Once the variables are filled-in, the tasks will be rendered, or finalized commands ready to execute.

Here is an example workflow template with one task to complete:

- name: hello_world
  cmd: echo "{{ greeting }} world"

Here is a template with two tasks:

- name: task1
  cmd: echo "{{ greeting }} world"

- name: task2
  after: task1
  cmd: echo "It is $(date)"

And here is a template with 100 tasks:

{% for i in range(99) %}
- name: task1
  cmd: echo "{{ greeting }} world number {{ i }}"

{% endfor %}

- name: task2
  after: task1
  cmd: echo "It is $(date)"

The foundation of template syntax is YAML. Each task starts with a hyphen, -, and then a set of task directives are given as directive: value lines. This is YAML syntax for describing a sequence of mappings.

Directives are the instructions that the runner will use to determine when and how to execute the task. See Tasks for more information.

Variables and logic can be included to make templates dynamic. In the example above, the {{ greeting }} will be filled in with data provided by the user when the template is run with jetstream run. Variables and logic provide endless potential for modeling complex workflows.

Templates can be run with the command-line tool:

$ jetstream run example.jst -c name bender

Dependencies between Tasks in templates

Dependencies between tasks can be specified with "flow" directives: before, after, input and output. In this example, "task2" needs to run after "task1". Adding the after directive will establish a dependency where "task2" depends_on "task1".

- name: task1
  cmd: hostname > info.txt

- name: task2
  after: task1
  cmd: date >> info.txt

Another way to set up dependencies is with the input and output directives. This example sets up the same workflow as above, but using different directives.

- cmd: hostname > info.txt
  output: info.txt

- cmd: date >> info.txt
  input: info.txt

output directives can be declared without having a task with a matching input directive. But, an error will be raised if there are input directives with no matching output directives.

All dependency directives (before, after, input, output, and *-re variants) can be sequences. This example will setup a third task that waits for both setup tasks to complete before it executes:

- name: setup_task_1
  cmd: hostname > info.txt

- name: setup_task_2
  after: setup_task_1
  cmd: date > info.txt

- name: start
    - setup_task_1
    - setup_task_2
  cmd: cat info.txt

Note that there are multiple syntax options for a sequence in YAML.

Some dependency directives (before-re, after-re, input-re) are treated as regex patterns. Regex patterns can be an easier way of setting up dependencies when there are many tasks you need to link. Here's the same workflow written with a pattern for the after-re directive instead of a sequence.

Note that patterns and input/output directives will increase the time it takes to calculate the workflow graph. For most workflows this is negligible but may become a concern for very large workflows.

- name: setup_task_1
  cmd: hostname > info.txt

- name: setup_task_2
  after: setup_task_1
  cmd: date >> info.txt

- name: start
  after-re: setup_task_.*
  cmd: cat info.txt

similarily input/outputs can be used:

- name: setup_task_1
  output: info1.txt
  cmd: hostname > info1.txt

- name: setup_task_2
  after: setup_task_1
  output: info2.txt
  cmd: date >> info.txt

- name: start
  input-re: ".*\.txt"
  cmd: cat info.txt

Variables and Logic

Details for variables and logic syntax can be found here designer documentation for details

Jinja2 can be used to add variables and logic to workflow templates. Prior to loading tasks and connecting dependencies, Jetstream will render templates with Jinja2. During the render, variables in the template are replaced with actual data given as command arguments, config files, or saved in the project and pipelines. Templating is a pattern used widely in web development, but other examples of using Jinja and YAML together to create dynamic structured documents can be found in tools like Ansible or SaltStack.


  • Add variables to templates with the double-curly-bracket syntax:

    - name: say_hello
      cmd: say "hello {{ name }}"
  • Use logical expressions with curly-bracket-parenthesis syntax:

    # comments are allowed throughout these documents following either yaml or
    # jinja2 comment syntax
    {% for name in names %}
    - name: say_hello
      cmd: say "hello {{ name }}"
    {% endfor %}
  • And much, much more... see designer documentation for details

Additional globals and filters

In addition to the included global functions and filters included with Jinja2, several other tools have been added with Jetstream and can be used inside templates:


  • raise: Raise an error while rendering the template

    • Example: {{ if foo < 42 }}{{ raise('foo should be at least 42') }}{{ endif }}
  • log: Log messages to the Jetstream logger while template renders

    • Example: {{ log('Foo is {}'.format(foo), level='CRITICAL') }}
  • env: Returns environment variable value

    • Example: echo foo is {{ getenv('FOO') }}
  • getenv: Returns environment variable value, this will return None if value is not set whereas env will raise an error. A different fallback value can be given as the second argument.

    • Example: echo foo is {{ getenv('FOO', None) }}
  • setenv: Sets an environment variable when the template is rendered

    • Example: {{ setenv('FOO', '42') }}


  • fromjson: Parse a json string as an object

  • basename: Returns the basename of a path

  • dirname: Returns the directory name of a path

  • urlparse: Parse a url string as an object

  • sha256: Returns sha256 hexdigest for a string

  • md5: Returns md5sum of a file defined with a path

    • Example: {{ required_scripts.some_script.path | md5 }}
  • assignbin: Returns the 0-based bin the value falls in.

    • The default bin edges are 0 to infinity, meaning this will return 0 if the bin edges are not defined.
    • Returns -1 if the input value is out of bounds.
    • Any value landing on an edge will floor to lower bin.
    • This also accepts a list of labels such that: {{ assignbin(5,[0,2,4,6],['low','med','high']) }} returns 'high'. Moreover, {{ assignbin(4,[0,2,4,6],['low','med','high']) }} would return 'med'.

Template rendering data

When the template is rendered, data is pulled from several sources. Each is explained below in further detail (highest priority first):

  1. command-line arguments: -c/--config or -C/--config-file

  2. data stored in the project index (if using a project): <project>/jetstream/project.yaml

  3. data stored in the pipeline manifest (if using a pipeline): <pipeline>/pipeline.yaml

After these sources are loaded, they're collapsed into a single config object (a dictionary) that is used by Jinja2 as the context for rendering the template. Higher-priority data sources will overwrite other sources.

Template Data from Command-line Arguments

In the example below, the variable {{ name }} is what we want to replace, so we need to pass in config data with key name. To pass a single variable with command line arguments, use the -c/--config options. It takes two arguments: the first is the key, the second is the value. The key can optionally include the type of the variable being passed with the syntax: type:key value. If type is not given, the data will be loaded as a string. This syntax supports a wide range of datatypes, including entire files.

These arguments are also allowed when creating projects with jetstream init

You can test this process with the jetstream render command. The resulting template will be printed to stdout:

# example1.jst
- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello {{ name }}"
$ jetstream render example1.jst -c name bender
# example1.jst

- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello bender"

Batches of config data can also be loaded from files. Here the example template has been modified to accept a set of names. We can load that set of names from a json file:


# example2.jst
{% for name in names %}
- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello {{ name }}"

{% endfor %}


{"names": ["Philip J. Fry", "Bender Bending Rodriguez", "Leela Turanga"]}

To run, use -C/--config-file to load the entire file of variables.

$ jetstream render example2.jst -C config.json
# example2.jst
- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello Philip J. Fry"

- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello Bender Bending Rodriguez"

- name: say_hello
  cmd: say "hello Leela Turanga"

There is a dynamic file loader type that will handle json, yaml, and many tabular text file formats. It will determine the file type based on the extension of the path. But, this can be overridden with the --config-file-type option. See jetstream render -h help for a list of supported file types for your configuration.

Template Data saved in Projects

Projects are an optional but very helpful feature in Jetstream. A project is a directory that contains a jetstream folder and project.yaml (this folder will be referred to as the project index). You can create these directories with the jetstream init command.

Config variables can be used during project init. Any data will be saved into the project index so that it is available when running templates or pipelines on that project in the future.

When running many jetstream commands (project, tasks, run, pipelines, etc.) projects help jetstream to organize task data, logs, and store workflow progress. Projects also serve to store configuration data that will be used when running templates and pipelines. In the project index (jetstream folder) there is a project.yaml file that contains info about the project when it was created. This file is always included as a config data source when rendering templates or running pipelines.

Template Data saved in Pipelines

Pipelines may specify additional data that is available when rendering their templates. Pipelines should include a pipeline.yaml file. Inside this file the required field __pipeline__ contains information about the pipeline, but any additional fields can be specified.

An example use case for this would be when if a pipeline had a set of possible options to choose from. They could be stored in the pipeline.yaml, and remove the amound of config data needed to be included for each invocation of the pipeline. Here's an example:


  name: example_pipe
reference_file: gs://bucket/path/to/reference.file
    threads: 4
    index_uri: gs://bucket/path/to/basic.index
    threads: 16
    index_uri: gs://bucket/path/to/faster.index


Templates can be modularized, or divided into smaller pieces, to improve organization and reusablility. There are a few ways to modularize code: include, extends, and macros are some options. Full details can be found in the Jinja2 documentation on template inheritance. Here is an example using the {% include %} statement to use code from another template file:

# This template includes code from the next template

{% for sample in samples %}

- name: download_{{ sample }}
  cmd: wget $DOWNLOAD_URL_ROOT/{{ sample }}.gz

{% include 'process_sample.jst' with context %}

{% endfor %}

- name: finalize
  after: .*
  cmd: echo All done
# This template code is used in the template above

- name: decompress_{{ sample }}
  cmd: gunzip {{ sample }}.gz

- name: transform_{{ sample }}
  after: decompress_{{ sample }}
  cmd: sed -i 's/monday/friday/' {{ sample }}.txt

- name: compress_{{ sample }}
  after: transform_{{ sample }}
  cmd: gzip {{ sample }}.txt