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Releases: taskcluster/taskcluster


04 Dec 18:46
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▶ [MAJOR] #5514
Removes postgres v11 support.

▶ [minor] #6716
Services now support graceful server termination by listening to SIGTERM and letting existing connections to be served while rejecting new connections.

Automated Package Updates

6 Dependabot updates
  • bump the deps group in /ui with 21 updates (9a5f92a)
  • build(deps): bump the deps group with 14 updates (2c4e721)
  • build(deps-dev): bump the deps group in /clients/client with 1 update (7d6e6cb)
  • build(deps): bump taskcluster from 57.0.1 to 58.0.2 in /taskcluster (6cdb51e)
  • build(deps): bump the deps group with 8 updates (6eff15e)
  • build(deps): bump aiohttp from 3.8.6 to 3.9.0 in /taskcluster (cf99858)


22 Nov 20:57
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▶ [patch] #6701
Generic Worker: Fixes permission denied error while checking if generic-worker binary is executable by the task user for simple engine.

▶ [patch]
Upgrades rust version to 1.74.0 and ran cargo audit fix to fix insecure crates.

Automated Package Updates

1 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps): bump slugid from 4.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /clients/client (947e00b)


21 Nov 20:56
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▶ [patch]
Generic Worker: Adds validation that the task user is able to read and execute the generic-worker binary on startup of the worker. If the task user is not able to read and execute the binary, the worker will exit with exit code 69, internal error.


▶ [patch] #4998
This fixes a bug in the Python client where an exception was raised on 300 HTTP


17 Nov 15:44
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▶ [MAJOR] bug 1855653
Generic Worker: The generic-worker binary must be readable and executable by the task user. If it's not, artifact uploads will fail.

Generic Worker: Add copy-to-temp-file subcommand to generic-worker to copy a file (--copy-file) to a temporary file.

▶ [patch] #6671
Introduces workerManager.workerPoolErrorStats() to return total number of errors for any worker pool or all worker pools.
Stats are split into totals by day, hour, kind of error and error code.
Worker Pool errors are kept in db for 7 days.

▶ [patch]
Removes compatibility columns in refactored queue tables that were used during migration for backward-compatibility purposes.

▶ [patch] #6682
Tweaking server.keepAliveTimeout to fix downstream errors in reverse proxy and load balancer.
Default node's http server keepAliveTimeout is 5s which might be an issue when working behind a reverse proxy which has bigger timeouts.
To reduce number of 502 errors, application's keep alive timeout should be larger than the one of the reverse proxy,
and that in turn, should be larger than the Load Balancer's one.

▶ [patch]
Upgrades to go1.21.4 and node 18.18.2.


▶ [patch] bug 1859323
Generic Worker now reports the full path of tasks-resolved-count.txt, next-task-user.json and current-task-user.json in worker logs.

Automated Package Updates

3 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps): bump aiohttp from 3.8.5 to 3.8.6 in /taskcluster (cfd8296)
  • build(deps): bump @babel/traverse from 7.13.13 to 7.23.2 in /ui (ea44085)
  • build(deps-dev): bump the deps group in /clients/client with 1 update (575193a)


02 Nov 14:40
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▶ [minor] #2939
Introduces queue.listPendingTasks(taskQueueId) and queue.listClaimedTasks(taskQueueId).
Those endpoints return a list of tasks that are currently pending or claimed by workers.

New scopes introduced for those endpoints:

  • queue:pending-list:<taskQueueId>
  • queue:claimed-list:<taskQueueId>

▶ [patch] #6656
D2G now shell escapes environment variable key names in case they contain spaces or special characters that would previously mess up the podman run... command.

Automated Package Updates

3 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps-dev): bump the deps group (ef65976)
  • build(deps): bump taskcluster from 55.3.2 to 57.0.1 in /taskcluster (dfbcf2c)
  • build(deps): bump the deps group with 3 updates (79ce5c8)


31 Oct 16:47
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▶ [patch]
Expired azure test certificates updated

▶ [patch]
Fix hooks UI page "unknown" task state error.

▶ [patch] #6636
Fix Dockerfile from PR #6646. The .yarn directory does not exist anymore, so it shouldn't be copied.


▶ [patch] #6636
Upgrades to modern Yarn version 4.

To enable on your machine:

corepack enable
yarn set version berry


30 Oct 13:41
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▶ [patch] #6644
Fixes version endpiont in web-server

▶ [patch] #6634
Fixes queue.claimWork endpoint returning 500 in some rare conditions.


▶ [minor] #6371
D2G tool now can convert an entire Docker Worker task definition to a Generic Worker task definition.

New taskcluster d2g -h output:

Converts a docker-worker payload (JSON) to a generic-worker payload (JSON).
To convert a task definition (JSON), you must use the task definition flag (-t, --task-def).

  taskcluster d2g [flags]

  taskcluster d2g -f /path/to/input/payload.json
  taskcluster d2g -t -f /path/to/input/task-definition.json
  cat /path/to/input/payload.json | taskcluster d2g
  cat /path/to/input/task-definition.json | taskcluster d2g -t
  echo '{"image": "ubuntu", "command": ["bash", "-c", "echo hello world"], "maxRunTime": 300}' | taskcluster d2g

  -f, --file string   Path to a .json file containing a docker-worker payload or task definition.
  -h, --help          help for d2g
  -t, --task-def      Must use if the input is a docker-worker task definition.

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output

▶ [patch]
Hooks last fires display unknown as task state if task is missing or not scheduled. This can happen with task was expired and removed but last run information still exist.

▶ [patch] #6472
D2G: Add the kvm OS group to the Generic Worker payload if the KVM device is enabled in the Docker Worker payload.

▶ [patch]
docker-worker: fix error message when a task is missing scopes for cache volumes


▶ [MAJOR] #4260
Javascript codebase converted to use ECMAScript modules (ESM).
This includes db, libraries/*, services/* and infrastructure/tooling/* folders.

Clients remain unchanged.

▶ [patch]
Introduces helper databaes utilities to create new version (migration) and renumber existing.

yarn db:new creates new db migration and test
yarn db:renumber old new renumbers existing version

▶ [patch]
Move docker compose image names to .env file to keep compose files unchanged between releases.


▶ Additional change not described here: #6621.

Automated Package Updates

4 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps): bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 in /ui (bc0ca94)
  • build(deps): bump browserify-sign in /clients/client-web (140940e)
  • build(deps): bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /ui (1b8caf4)
  • build(deps): bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /clients/client-web (49f3816)


18 Oct 14:07
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▶ [patch] #6616
Github service no longer cancels builds for the same SHA for push events.
Only pull_request events would cancel running builds for the same pull request if they exist.

This is to avoid canceling same commit pushed to different branches.

▶ [patch]
Allow specifying 0 as a value for onExitStatus.purgeCaches.

Automated Package Updates

2 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps): bump @babel/traverse in /clients/client-web (c197264)
  • build(deps): bump urllib3 from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in /taskcluster (54593c4)


12 Oct 18:48
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▶ [patch] #2940
Fixes claimed task resolver db query that returned too many records. Bug introduced in migration 91

▶ [patch] #2940
Patches existing migration to prevent data loss because of incorrect field values.

▶ [patch]
Upgrades to go1.21.3 and node v18.18.1

Automated Package Updates

1 Dependabot updates
  • build(deps): bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 (a2da524)


11 Oct 15:43
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▶ [patch] #2940
Patches 91-migration script to account for non-unique pending tasks. This was a blocking exception during migration time.