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Archesaurus demo


  1. Provision

    1. Create the templates/parent.config.yml, by making copy of parent.example.config.yml and setting the existing VpcID, SubnetId (at least two subntes) awless list subnets

    2. Create "users" stack, which will create AWS user and credentials for Travis CI

       make users
    3. Create "parent" stack, which will create ALB, ECS Cluster and ASG, etc

       make parent
    4. Build Docker image and create "app" stack, which will create ECS Service, Target Group, ALB Listener, etc

       make archersaurus
    5. Set the rollback trigger for "app" stack (this command is not aviliable in the latest (0.1.9) awless yet and require custom build from my fork)

       make set_rollback_trigger
    6. Deploy ecs-drain-lambda for instance drain automation

  2. ECS AMI Update process

    1. Get lastet ECS AMI Id. Example

    2. Update the AMI IDs map in the templates/parent.yml

    3. Update parent stack

       make parent_update
    4. Watch the ECS instance being drained in the UI on the ECS page and in the CloudWatch logs of deployed ecs-drain-lambda

  3. Deploying the app with TravisCI

    1. Fork this repository and configure TravisCI build

    2. Get the name of created ECR repository

       make repos

      and copy ECR repo url from output

    3. Get AWS User credentials from create "users" stack

       make show_users_stack

      and copy the credentials from output

    4. Configure Travis CI, by setting secret env variables for the project

      • AWS_REGION



      • ECR_REPO

    5. Push some changes and see that Travis Picked up the build, see the build progress

  4. Verifying rollback logic

    1. In the templates/archersaurus.yml uncomment the # Command: ["crash"] line and push changes