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152 lines (101 loc) · 7.77 KB

File metadata and controls

152 lines (101 loc) · 7.77 KB


Because we use squash and merge, you should be able to see the changes by looking at the commit log. However, we have begun keeping track of breaking changes or optional rake tasks.

Addition of PriceGroupDiscount (#3397, #3594)

Rather than one discount being set on a schedule rule, each global price group has its own discount (PriceGroupDiscount) for each schedule rule.

When transitioning a school to use PriceGroupDiscounts, the schedule_rule:add_price_group_discounts rake task should be run, which adds PriceGroupDiscounts for every global price group to every schedule rule.

When adding a new global price group, the price_group:add_global_price_group rake task should be run. This creates the global price group and sets up PriceGroupDiscounts for it for every schedule rule.

Addition of facility_tile_list: true feature flag (#3193)

Schools that have set the feature flag facility_tile_list: false are not affected by this change.

Schools that have set the feature flag facility_tile_list: true have the home page's facility list in a tiled grid that can include images of each facility.

This change is a new implementation of this feature flag and may require changes to existing implementations.

In this implementation, facilities get their attached image via the DownloadableFiles::Image module. This module uses either Paperclip or ActiveStorage, depending on the active_storage feature flag. The attachment is called file and, if Paperclip is being used, the following migration is needed

class AddAttachmentToFacility < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  def change
    add_attachment :facilities, :file

In addition to this, interactions with the image are done using the DownloadableFile interface, rather than directly using Paperclip or ActiveStorage's interface.

Change in behavior of feature flag expense_accounts: false (#3153)

Schools that have set the feature flag expense_accounts: true are not affected by this change. Schools that have set the feature flag expense_accounts: false typically include the revenue_account as part of the chart string account number. This changes expands the scope of the feature flag, so that when it is set to false:

  • The revenue_account value is not displayed in parentheses as part of the account number
  • The input for revenue_account is hidden, but the value is still set to Settings.accounts.revenue_account_default
  • You can determine what value to include in journal exports by over-riding the FacilityAccount#revenue_account_for_journal method. The default is revenue_account.

Use .bashrc to determine which servers should run recurring tasks (#2994)

The recurring_tasks process should only run on one server per environment. Set RECURRING=true in the environment (.bashrc for example) to configure which servers should run these tasks. Attempting to set this via capistrano only works on deploy.

Rename auto_cancel daemon to recurring_tasks and consolidate recurring tasks there (#2957)

The recurring_tasks process should only run on one server per environment. This is managed via eye now. If you user another deployment process and have multiple servers running in production, you will need to ensure this daemon only runs on one server. Setting run_auto_cancel: false in secrets.yml will no longer have an impact. The list of recurring jobs is listed in RecurringTaskConfig. You can add or remove items from the list from your school-specific engine like so:

RecurringTaskConfig.recurring_tasks << [SecureRooms::AutoOrphanOccupancy, :perform, 5]

Configure auto_cancel process via secrets.yml (#2544)

The auto_cancel process should only run on one server per environment. If you have multiple servers running in production, setrun_auto_cancel: false in secrets.yml on all but one production server.

Rename username attribute key in ldap.yml.template (#2440)

If you are using the LDAP Authenitcation engine and have set a value for the attribute key in ldap.yml, you will need to rename the key to username_attribute.

# Old setting
attribute: uid

# New setting
username_attribute: uid

Uploaded file storage path change (#2365)

We want to move everything into public/system, which is the more modern standard.

In addition, with the previous default in settings.yml, files were not stored according to their class, so objects of different types with the same IDs could share the same folder, so we also want to add the class name to the path.

# Old setting
  storage: filesystem
  url: ":rails_relative_url_root/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:safe_filename"
  path: ":rails_root/public/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:safe_filename"

# New setting
  storage: filesystem
  url: ":rails_relative_url_root/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:safe_filename"
  path: ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:safe_filename"

If your old setting for path was something different, you'll need to change it in lib/tasks/paperclip-nucore.rake

  • Take a backup of public/files

  • Move the files to the new location

    bundle exec rake paperclip:migrate_path
  • Restart the server so it points at the new location

Welcome email refactoring/cleanup (#2362)

The locales for the new user (welcome) email have been simplified. If you have customized this email, you will need to make some changes.

views.notifier.new_user no longer uses any keys with the _html and _text suffixes. We recommend deleting one of the entries and removing the suffix from the other for each of intro, only_username, username_and_password, and outro. The content is presented as is for the plain-text version and parsed via Markdown for the HTML version.

For development, we've improved the previews so you can see both a netid user email as well as an external user email. http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifier

Rename BaseMailer to ApplicationMailer (#2362)

If you have custom mailers in any of your engines, you might need to rename < BaseMailer to < ApplicationMailer.

Fix price group membership logs (#2360)

In order to address an issue with add/removing subclasses of PriceGroupMember, we need to clean up old data:

rake cleanup:log_events:metadata

[Optional] Remove Cancer Center Price Group (#2347)

Many schools do not have a cancer center, so the price group does not make sense to include. For new implementations of NUcore, you can simply remove from settings.yml when you run the seeds.

rake cleanup:price_groups:cancer_center

[Recommended] Remove abandoned carts (#2292)

After releasing this PR, many fewer abandoned instrument-only carts should be created (see the PR for details on why). This rake task will clean up the existing abandoned carts, which could improve site performance for some users.

bundle exec rake cleanup:carts:destroy_abandoned