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Cross-chain Swaps using the Swing API in Next.js

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Swing Integration

The implementation of Swing's Cross-chain API can be found in src/components/Swap.tsx.

This example demonstrates how you can perform a cross-chain transaction between the Bitcoin and Ethereum chains.

In this example, we will be using thirdweb's SDK to connect to a user's wallet. The process/steps for performing a BTC to ETH transaction, and vice versa, are as follows:

Although not essential for performing a swap transaction, providing your users with real-time updates on the transaction's status by polling the status can significantly enhance the user experience.

Getting started

To get started with this template, first install the required npm dependencies:

yarn install

Next, launch the development server by running the following command:

yarn dev --filter=swaps-api-nextjs-bitcoin

Finally, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.

Getting a Quote

To perform a swap between ETH and BTC, we first have to get a quote from Swing's Cross-Chain API.



Property Example Description
tokenAmount 1000000000000000000 Amount of the source token being sent (in wei for ETH).
fromChain ethereum Source Chain slug
fromUserAddress 0x018c15DA1239B84b08283799B89045CD476BBbBb Sender's wallet address
fromTokenAddress 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Source Token Address
tokenSymbol ETH Source Token slug
toTokenAddress btc Destination Token Address.
toTokenSymbol BTC Destination Token slug
toChain bitcoin Destination Chain slug
toUserAddress bc1qeegt8mserjpwmaylfmprfswcx6twa4psusas8x Receiver's wallet address
projectId replug Your project's ID

Navigating to our src/services/requests.ts file, you will find our method for getting a quote from Swing's Cross-Chain API called getQuoteRequest().

export const getQuoteRequest = async (
  queryParams: QuoteQueryParams,
): Promise<QuoteAPIResponse> => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get<QuoteAPIResponse>(
      { params: { ...queryParams, projectId } },
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching quote:", error);
    throw error;

The response received from the getQuoteRequest endpoint provides us with the fees a user will have to pay when performing a transaction, as well as a list of possible routes for the user to choose from.

The definition for the getQuoteRequest response can be found in src/interfaces/quote.interface.ts.

export interface QuoteAPIResponse {
  routes: Route[];
  fromToken: Token;
  fromChain: Chain;
  toToken: Token;
  toChain: Chain;

Each Route contains a gasFee, bridgeFee and the amount of tokens the destination wallet will receive.

Here's an example response that contains the route data:

"routes": [
        "duration": 10,
        "gas": "439824241499248",
        "quote": {
            "integration": "thorswap",
            "type": "swap",
            "bridgeFee": "343736",
            "bridgeFeeInNativeToken": "0",
            "amount": "9360457",
            "decimals": 8,
            "amountUSD": "6303.051",
            "bridgeFeeUSD": "231.462",
            "bridgeFeeInNativeTokenUSD": "0",
            "fees": [
                    "type": "bridge",
                    "amount": "343736",
                    "amountUSD": "231.462",
                    "chainSlug": "bitcoin",
                    "tokenSymbol": "BTC",
                    "tokenAddress": "btc",
                    "decimals": 8,
                    "deductedFromSourceToken": true
                    "type": "gas",
                    "amount": "439824241499248",
                    "amountUSD": "1.439",
                    "chainSlug": "ethereum",
                    "tokenSymbol": "ETH",
                    "tokenAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "decimals": 18,
                    "deductedFromSourceToken": false
        "route": [
                "bridge": "thorswap",
                "bridgeTokenAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "steps": [
                "name": "ETH",
                "part": 100
        "distribution": {
            "thorswap": 1
        "gasUSD": "1.439"

Navigating to our src/components/Swap.tsx file, you'll find our defaultTransferParams object which will store the default transaction config for our example:

const defaultTransferParams: TransferParams = {
  tokenAmount: "1",
  fromChain: "ethereum",
  fromUserAddress: "",
  fromTokenAddress: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  fromChainDecimal: 18,
  tokenSymbol: "ETH",
  toTokenAddress: "btc",
  toTokenSymbol: "BTC",
  toChain: "bitcoin",
  toUserAddress: "bc1qeegt8mserjpwmaylfmprfswcx6twa4psusas8x", // enter your bitcoin wallet here
  toChainDecimal: 8,

Sending a Transaction

After getting a quote, you'll next have to send a transaction to Swing's Cross-Chain API.

The steps for sending a transaction are as followed:

Making a /send Request

Navigating to our src/services/requests.ts, you'll find our request implemenation for the /send endpoint:

export const sendTransactionRequest = async (
  payload: SendTransactionPayload,
): Promise<SendTransactionApiResponse> => {
  try {
    const response = await<SendTransactionApiResponse>(
      { ...payload, projectId },
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error sending transaction:", error);
    throw error;

The SendTransactionPayload body payload contains the source chain, destination chain, tokenAmount, and the desired route.



Key Example Description
fromChain ethereum The blockchain where the transaction originates.
fromTokenAddress 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Source Token Address
fromUserAddress 0x018c15DA1239B84b08283799B89045CD476BBbBb Sender's wallet address
tokenSymbol ETH Source Token slug
toTokenAddress btc Destination Token Address.
toChain bitcoin Destination Source slug
toTokenAmount 4376081 Amount of the destination token being received.
toTokenSymbol BTC Destination Chain slug
toUserAddress bc1qeegt8mserjpwmaylfmprfswcx6twa4psusas8x Receiver's wallet address
tokenAmount 1000000000000000000 Amount of the source token being sent (in wei for ETH).
type swap Type of transaction.
projectId replug Your project's ID
route see Route insrc/interfaces/send.interface.ts Selected Route

Since performing a swap will change the state of a user's wallet, the next step of this transaction must be done via a Smart Contract Transaction and not via Swing's Cross-Chain API. The response received from the sendTransactionRequest endpoint provides us with the necessary txData/callData needed to be passed on to a user's wallet to sign the transaction.

The txData from the sendTransactionRequest will look something like this:

    "tx": {
        "from": "0x018c15DA1239B84b08283799B89045CD476BBbBb",
        "to": "0x39E3e49C99834C9573c9FC7Ff5A4B226cD7B0E63",
        "data": "0x301a3720000000000000000000000000eeeeeeeeeeee........",
        "value": "0x0e35fa931a0000",
        "gas": "0x06a02f"

To demonstrate, we first make a request by calling the sendTransactionRequest method.

// src/components/Swaps.tsx

const transfer = await sendTransactionRequest({
  fromChain: transferParams.fromChain,
  fromTokenAddress: transferParams.fromTokenAddress,
  fromUserAddress: transferParams.fromUserAddress,
  tokenSymbol: transferParams.tokenSymbol,

  toTokenAddress: transferParams.toTokenAddress!,
  toChain: transferParams.toChain,
  toTokenAmount: transferRoute.quote.amount,
  toTokenSymbol: transferParams.toTokenSymbol!,
  toUserAddress: transferParams.toUserAddress!,

  tokenAmount: convertEthToWei(
  route: transferRoute.route,
  type: "swap",

Next, we'll extract the txData:

// src/components/Swaps.tsx

let txData: any = {
  from: transfer.tx.from,
  value: transfer.tx.value,
  gasLimit: transfer.tx.gas,

Using our wallet provider, we will send a transaction to the user's wallet.

// src/components/Swaps.tsx

const txResponse = await signer?.sendTransaction(txData); // <- `txResponse` contains the `txHash` of our transaction. You will need this later for getting a transaction's status.

const receipt = await txResponse?.wait();

console.log("Transaction receipt:", receipt);

The definition for the sendTransactionRequest response can be found in src/interfaces/send.interface.ts.

export interface SendTransactionApiResponse {
  id: number;
  fromToken: Token;
  toToken: Token;
  fromChain: Chain;
  toChain: Chain;
  route: Route[];
  tx: TransactionDetails;

The sendTransactionRequest will return and id whilst the txResponse will contain a txHash which we will need later for checking the status of a transaction.

Sending a Bitcoin Transaction to the Network

To perform a swap from a Non-EVM chain like Bitcoin, you'll need to send the transaction using a wallet provider that supports Bitcoin.

If you decided to perform a cross chain swap with Bitcoin as the source chain, you'll need to sign the transaction using a wallet provider that supports Bitcoin like xDEFI.

Remember, you'll have to call the /send endpoint via sendTransactionRequest before signing the transaction.

Here's a simple demonstration using xDEFI's Injected SDK:

if (transfer.tx.meta) {
  //<- For Bitcoin to ETH, the send endpoint will return an object called `meta`

  const { from, recipient, amount, memo } = transfer.tx.meta; // extra txData from `meta` object

    //<- Here, we're prompting a users wallet using xDEFI injected SDK
      method: "transfer",
      params: [
    (error: any, result: any) => {
      console.debug(error, result);
} else {
    "Please install xDEFI Wallet or any wallet that supports Bitcoin",

Polling Transaction Status

After sending a transaction over to the network, for the sake of user experience, it's best to poll the transaction status endpoint by periodically checking to see if the transaction is complete. This will let the user using your dapp know in realtime, the status of the current transaction.

Navigating to our src/services/requests.ts file, you will find our method for getting a transaction status called getTransationStatus().

export const getTransationStatus = async (
  statusParams: TransactionStatusParams,
): Promise<TransactionStatusAPIResponse> => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get<TransactionStatusAPIResponse>(
      { params: { ...statusParams, projectId } },

    if (response.status === 404) {
      return { status: "Not Found " };
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching transaction status:", error);

    return { status: "Transaction Failed" };

The TransactionStatusParams params contains the three properties, namely: id, txHash and projectId



Key Example Description
id 239750 Transaction ID from /send response
txHash 0x3b2a04e2d16489bcbbb10960a248..... The transaction hash identifier.
projectId replug Your project's ID

To poll the /status endpoint, we'll be using setTimeout() to to retry getTransationStatus() over a period of time. We will define a function, pollTransactionStatus(), which will recursively call getTransStatus() until the transaction is completed.

// src/components/Swaps.tsx

const pendingStatuses = ["Submitted", "Not Sent", "Pending Source Chain", "Pending Destination Chain"];


async function getTransStatus(transId: string, txHash: string) {
  const transactionStatus = await getTransationStatus({
    id: transId,


  return transactionStatus;

async function pollTransactionStatus(transId: string, txHash: string) {
  const transactionStatus = await getTransStatus(transId, txHash);

  if (pendingStatuses.includes(transactionStatus?.status)) {
      () => pollTransactionStatus(transId, txHash),
  } else {

In our startTransfer() method, we will execute the pollTransactionStatus() right after our transaction is sent over the network

// src/components/Swaps.tsx

setTransStatus({ status: "Wallet Interaction Required" });

const txResponse = await signer?.sendTransaction(txData);

pollTransactionStatus(, txResponse.hash);


You can start editing this template by modifying the files in the /src folder. The site will auto-update as you edit these files.