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File metadata and controls

112 lines (71 loc) · 4.03 KB

Using gulp

We are using gulp to handle a shitload of frontend related tasks, below you can find all stuff that is done. This is more a guide for you to understand what is happening.


We will look into all bundles in the src-folder for all files in the Resources/assets/coffee-folder, these files will be copied to the assets/coffee-folder in the root directory. All files will be prefixed with the lowercased bundlename.

After that the files will be compiled into web/assets/js.

You can reference them in your templates

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/frameworkcorebundle.framework.locale.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/frameworkcorebundle.framework.form.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/frameworkcorebundle.framework.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('/assets/js/') }}"></script>


We will look into all bundles in the src-folder for all the ttf and otf-files in the Resources/assets/fonts-folder, these files will be copied to assets/fonts-folder in the root directory. When this is done all the other formats (eot, svg, ttf, woff) are created in the web/assets/fonts-folder.

You can link to the font-files with the compass-shortcurt font-url('filename') in your scss-files.


We will look into all bundle in the src folder for svg files in the Resources/assets/icon-font folder. These svg icons will be embedded in a CSS file which will be asynchronously loaded into the web page. If the browser doesn't support SVG, another CSS file with PNG fallbacks will be loaded. The class names are automatically generated based on the file name of the icon. For example, the icon with the name arrow.svg will generate a CSS class with the name icon-arrow. To keep the class names consistent, always use dashes in the file names, no underscores.


We will look into all bundles in the src-folder for all files in the Resources/assets/images-folder, these files will be copied to the web/assets/images-folder in the root directory. The folder structure you (optionally) created will be preserved.

Important: make sure you don't have duplicate filenames as the files will be overwritten.

You can link to the font-files with the compass-shortcurt image-url('filename')` in your scss-files.

When running gulp build the images will be optimized for web.

You can use the asset-method in twig templates like below:

<img src="{{ asset('assets/images/arrow_show_menu.png') }}" />


We will look into all bundles in the src-folder for all files in the Resources/assets/js-folder, these files will be copied to the web/assets/js-folder in the root directory. The folder structure you (optionally) created will be preserved.

You can use the asset-method in twig templates like below:

<img src="{{ asset('assets/js/sumo_plugins.js') }}" />


We will look into all bundles in the src-folder for all files in the Resources/assets/sass-folder, these files will be copied to the assets/sass-folder in the root directory. The folder structure you (optionally) created will be preserved.

After that the files will be compiled into web/assets/css. When running gulp build the files will be compiled as minified as possible, so without any comments.

When the sass/scss-files are compiled we use the gulp-autoprefixer-plugin


While developing

gulp serve

We have implemented live-reload, so your changes will be reloaded in the browser. This will only happen in the dev-environment.

Before launching your website

gulp build

You don't have to bother if you are using deployment as we will handle it for you.