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A Helm chart for Stress

Required Values

Set the stressCmd to a command that you might run with stress, such as stress -c 1.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
daemonset.enabled bool false If True, will be run as a daemonset. Not recommended to set true along with deployment.enabled
deployment.enabled bool true If true, will be deployed as a deployment. Not recommended to set true along with daemonset.enabled
deployment.replicaCount int 1 The number of replicas to run. Only affects deployments.
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "Always" The pullPolicy. Usually best set to Always
image.repository string "ubuntu" The image repository. Probably don't change this unless you know what's going on here.
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list []
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":0} This is intentionally insecure in order to accomodate how this chart runs.
resources object {} How you set this will largely depend on how you want to use this chart.
securityContext object {"readOnlyRootFilesystem":false,"runAsGroup":0,"runAsNonRoot":false,"runAsUser":0} This is intentionally insecure in order to accomodate how this chart runs.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
stressCmd string "stress --help" The stress command to run, with all of the flags. Try stress -c 1
tolerations list []