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File metadata and controls

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Command Line Interface (CLI)


stylelint is an npm package. Install it using:

npm install stylelint --save-dev


stylelint --help prints the CLI documentation.

The CLI outputs formatted results into process.stdout, which you can read with your human eyes or pipe elsewhere (e.g. write the information to a file).


When you run commands similar to the examples below, be sure to include the quotation marks around file globs. This ensures that you can use the powers of globby (like the ** globstar) regardless of your shell.

Looking for .stylelintrc and linting all .css files in the foo directory:

stylelint "foo/*.css"

Looking for .stylelintrc and linting all <style> blocks within the .html files in the bar directory:

stylelint "bar/*.html"

Looking for .stylelintrc and linting stdin:

echo "a { color: pink; }" | stylelint

Using bar/mySpecialConfig.json as config to lint all .css files in the foo directory, then writing the output to myTestReport.txt:

stylelint "foo/*.css" --config bar/mySpecialConfig.json > myTestReport.txt

Using bar/mySpecialConfig.json as config, with quiet mode on, to lint all .css files in the foo directory and any of its subdirectories and also all .css files in the bar directory:

stylelint "foo/**/*.css" "bar/*.css" -q -f json --config bar/mySpecialConfig.json

Linting all .css files except those within docker subfolders, using negation in the input glob:

stylelint "**/*.css" "!**/docker/**"

Caching processed .scss files in order to operate only on changed ones in the foo directory, using the cache and cache-location options:

stylelint "foo/**/*.scss" --cache --cache-location "/Users/user/.stylelintcache/"

stylelint will automatically infer the syntax. You can, however, force a specific syntax using the --syntax option. For example, linting all the .css files in the foo directory as Scss:

stylelint "foo/**/*.css" --syntax scss

stylelint can also accept a custom PostCSS-compatible syntax. To use a custom syntax, supply a syntax module name or path to the syntax file: --custom-syntax custom-syntax or --custom-syntax ./path/to/custom-syntax.

Recursively linting a directory

To recursively lint a directory, using the ** globstar:

stylelint "foo/**/*.scss"

The quotation marks around the glob are important because they will allow stylelint to interpret the glob, using globby, instead of your shell, which might not support all the same features.

Autofixing errors

With --fix option stylelint will fix as many errors as possible. The fixes are made to the actual source files. All unfixed errors will be reported.

Linting all .css files in the foo directory. And fixing source files if violated rules support autofixing:

stylelint "foo/*.css" --fix

Note: It's an experimental feature. It currently does not respect special comments for disabling stylelint within sources (e. g. /* stylelint-disable */). Autofixing will be applied regardless of these comments.

If you're using both these special comments and autofixing, please run stylelint twice as a temporary solution. On the first run, some violations could be missed, or some violations might be reported incorrectly.

For CSS with standard syntax, stylelint will use postcss-safe-parser to fix syntax errors.

Write Report to a File

With the --output-file filename option, stylelint will output the report to the specified filename in addition to the standard output.

Logging the stylelint output to stylelint.log:

stylelint "foo/*.css" --output-file stylelint.log

Troubleshooting configurations

With the --print-config option, stylelint outputs the configuration to be used for the file passed. When present, no linting is performed and only config-related options are valid.



Path to a specific configuration file (JSON, YAML, or CommonJS), or the name of a module in node_modules that points to one. If no --config argument is provided, stylelint will search for configuration files in the following places, in this order:

  • a stylelint property in package.json;
  • a .stylelintrc file (with or without filename extension: .json, .yaml, .yml, and .js are available);
  • a stylelint.config.js file exporting a JS object.

The search will begin in the working directory and move up the directory tree until a configuration file is found.


An absolute path to the directory that relative paths defining "extends" and "plugins" are relative to. Only necessary if these values are relative paths.


Print the configuration for the given path.

--ignore-path, -i

Path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore. The path can be absolute or relative to process.cwd(). By default, stylelint looks for .stylelintignore in process.cwd().

--ignore-pattern, --ip

Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .stylelintignore).

--syntax, -s

Specify a syntax. Options:

  • css
  • css-in-js
  • html
  • less
  • markdown
  • sass
  • scss
  • sugarss

If you do not specify a syntax, syntaxes will be automatically inferred by the file extensions and file content.


Automatically fix violations of certain rules.


Module name or path to a JS file exporting a PostCSS-compatible syntax.


A filename to assign stdin input.

--ignore-disables, --id

Ignore styleline-disable comments.

--disable-default-ignores, --di

Allow linting of node_modules.


Store the info about processed files in order to only operate on the changed ones the next time you run stylelint. By default, the cache is stored in ./.stylelintcache. To adjust this, use --cache-location.

Default: false.


Path to a file or directory to be used for the cache location.

Default is "./.stylelintcache". If a directory is specified, a cache file will be created inside the specified folder, with a name derived from a hash of the current working directory.

If the directory for the cache does not exist, make sure you add a trailing / on *nix systems or \\ on Windows. Otherwise the path will be assumed to be a file.

--formatter, -f

The output formatter. Options are:

  • compact
  • json
  • string (default)
  • unix
  • verbose


Path to a JS file exporting a custom formatting function.

--quiet, -q

Only register violations for rules with an "error"-level severity (ignore "warning"-level).

--color, --no-color

Force enabling/disabling of color.

--report-needless-disables, --rd

Also report errors for stylelint-disable comments that are not blocking a lint warning.

The process will exit with code 2 if needless disables are found.

--report-invalid-scope-disables, --risd

Report stylelint-disable comments that used for rules that don't exist within the configuration object.

The process will exit with code 2 if invalid scope disables are found.

--max-warnings, --mw

Number of warnings above which the process will exit with code 2.

Useful when setting defaultSeverity to "warning" and expecting the process to fail on warnings (e.g. CI build).

--output-file, -o

Path of file to write report.

--version, -v

Show the currently installed version of stylelint.

--allow-empty-input, --aei

When glob pattern matches no files, the process will exit without throwing an error.

Syntax errors

The CLI informs you about syntax errors in your CSS. It uses the same format as it uses for linting violations. The error name is CssSyntaxError.

Exit codes

The CLI can exit the process with the following exit codes:

  • 1: Something unknown went wrong.
  • 2: At least one rule with an "error"-level severity triggered at least one violations.
  • 78: There was some problem with the configuration file.
  • 80: A file glob was passed, but it found no files.