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If you're wanting to remove style props from HTML output, see Emotion's shouldForwardProp API or check the open issue on styled-components.

Removes unwanted style props from the underlying HTML element when using styled-components.

If you see React warnings when using styled-components, this can help.

npm i clean-tag

Styled-components has a long-standing issue related to how it whitelists HTML attributes when parsing props. The whitelist method will cause certain React props to be passed to the underlying HTML element if they happen to be a valid (often legacy) HTML attribute, such as color or fontSize.

import styled from 'styled-components'
import { space, width, color } from 'styled-system'
import tag from 'clean-tag'

const Box = styled(tag)`

export default Box
// custom HTML element on component definition
const Heading = styled(tag.h2)`

is prop

Changes the underlying HTML element per component instance.

<Heading is='h1' />

omitProps prop

Provide a custom list of prop keys to remove from the backing styled component.

The default list is based on Styled System's propType definitions.


innerRef prop

Pass the innerRef prop to the styled-component.

  innerRef={ref => this.heading = ref}

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