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Releases: streetsidesoftware/vscode-spell-checker

Release v1.9.2

27 Sep 14:48
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Release v1.9.1

23 Sep 11:22
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Release v1.9.1-alpha.2

20 Sep 09:01
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Release v1.9.1-alpha.1

17 Sep 19:06
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Release v1.9.1-alpha.0

29 Aug 06:11
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Release v1.9.0

20 May 11:33
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Defining the workspace root path

  • workspaceRootPath - By default, the workspace root path matches the first folder listed in the
    workspace. If a cspell.json exists at the workspace root, it will be used and merged with any folder level
    cspell.json files found.

Note: the reason behind this change was to make the behaviour in multi-root workspace more predictable.


"cSpell.workspaceRootPath": "${workspaceFolder:client}/.."

Custom Dictionaries

It is now possible to tell the extension to use custom dictionaries. Three new configuration settings have been added.

  • customUserDictionaries - for defining custom user level dictionaries
  • customWorkspaceDictionaries - for defining custom workspace level dictionaries
  • customFolderDictionaries - for defining custom folder level dictionaries

Custom dictionaries can be either a dictionary reference (name of a defined dictionary) or a dictionary definition.

User Example

"cSpell.customUserDictionaries": [
    "name": "my words",     // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are the words I use in all projects.",
    "path": "~/custom-words.txt",
    "addWords": true        // Add Word to User Dictionary will add words to this file.
    "name": "company terms",
    "description": "These are terms used by my company.",
    "path": "~/gist/company-terms/company-terms.txt",
    "addWords": false        // Do not add to the company terms.

Workspace Example:

"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": [
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary will add words to this file.

Folder Example:

"cSpell.customFolderDictionaries": [
    "name": "folder words",   // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the current folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder}/folder-words.txt",
    "addWords": false         // Do NOT add to folder words.
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary when adding folder words.

Example with a dictionary reference


"dictionaryDefinitions": [
        "name": "cities",
        "path": "./sampleDictionaries/cities.txt"
        "name": "project-terms",
        "path": "./words.txt"

VS Code settings.json

"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": ["project-terms"]

Custom Dictionary Paths

Dictionary paths can be absolute or relative based upon the following patterns:

  • ~ - relative to the user home directory
  • . - relative to current workspace folder
  • ${workspaceRoot} or ${root} - relative to the workspaceRootPath
  • ${workspaceFolder} - relative to the first folder in the workspace
  • ${workspaceFolder:[folder name]} - [folder name] is one of the folders in the workspace. i.e ${workspaceFolder:client}

Adding words to Dictionaries

Editor Context Menu (right-click)

The menu options in the Context Menu change based upon the workspace configuration.
They are made visible by the setting: cSpell.showCommandsInEditorContextMenu

  1. Add Word to Folder Dictionary -- shows only if a workspace with more than one folder is open
  2. Add Word to Workspace Dictionary -- shows if a folder or workspace is open
  3. Add Word to User Dictionary -- always shows, add the word to the User's dictionary


These can be bound to keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Enable Spell Checking by Default - enables the spell checker if it has been disabled.
    • Command: cSpell.enableForGlobal
  2. Disable Spell Checker by Default - disables the spell checker.
    • Command: cSpell.disableForGlobal

Release v1.9.0-alpha.5

17 May 21:21
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1.9.0-alpha.5 (2020-05-17)

Bug Fixes


Defining the workspace root path

  • workspaceRootPath - By default, the workspace root path matches the first folder listed in the
    workspace. If a cspell.json exists at the workspace root, it will be used and merged with any folder level
    cspell.json files found.

Note: the reason behind this change was to make the behaviour in multi-root workspace more predictable.


"cSpell.workspaceRootPath": "${workspaceFolder:client}/.."

Custom Dictionaries

It is now possible to tell the extension to use custom dictionaries. Three new configuration settings have been added.

  • customUserDictionaries - for defining custom user level dictionaries
  • customWorkspaceDictionaries - for defining custom workspace level dictionaries
  • customFolderDictionaries - for defining custom folder level dictionaries

Custom dictionaries can be either a dictionary reference (name of a defined dictionary) or a dictionary definition.

User Example

"cSpell.customUserDictionaries": [
    "name": "my words",     // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are the words I use in all projects.",
    "path": "~/custom-words.txt",
    "addWords": true        // Add Word to User Dictionary will add words to this file.
    "name": "company terms",
    "description": "These are terms used by my company.",
    "path": "~/gist/company-terms/company-terms.txt",
    "addWords": false        // Do not add to the company terms.

Workspace Example:

"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": [
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary will add words to this file.

Folder Example:

"cSpell.customFolderDictionaries": [
    "name": "folder words",   // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the current folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder}/folder-words.txt",
    "addWords": false         // Do NOT add to folder words.
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary when adding folder words.

Example with a dictionary reference


"dictionaryDefinitions": [
        "name": "cities",
        "path": "./sampleDictionaries/cities.txt"
        "name": "project-terms",
        "path": "./words.txt"

VS Code settings.json

"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": ["project-terms"]

Custom Dictionary Paths

Dictionary paths can be absolute or relative based upon the following patterns:

  • ~ - relative to the user home directory
  • . - relative to current workspace folder
  • ${workspaceRoot} or ${root} - relative to the workspaceRootPath
  • ${workspaceFolder} - relative to the first folder in the workspace
  • ${workspaceFolder:[folder name]} - [folder name] is one of the folders in the workspace. i.e ${workspaceFolder:client}

Adding words to Dictionaries

Editor Context Menu (right-click)

The menu options in the Context Menu change based upon the workspace configuration.
They are made visible by the setting: cSpell.showCommandsInEditorContextMenu

  1. Add Word to Folder Dictionary -- shows only if a workspace with more than one folder is open
  2. Add Word to Workspace Dictionary -- shows if a folder or workspace is open
  3. Add Word to User Dictionary -- always shows, add the word to the User's dictionary


These can be bound to keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Enable Spell Checking by Default - enables the spell checker if it has been disabled.
    • Command: cSpell.enableForGlobal
  2. Disable Spell Checker by Default - disables the spell checker.
    • Command: cSpell.disableForGlobal

Release v1.9.0-alpha.4

14 May 12:53
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Release v1.9.0-alpha.3

14 May 07:57
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11 May 08:26
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v1.9.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Bug Fixes

  • Make sure to listen for all settings changes. (#484) (ffd9a97)


Defining the workspace root path

  • workspaceRootPath - By default, the workspace root path matches the first folder listed in the
    workspace. If a cspell.json exists at the workspace root, it will be used and merged with any folder level
    cspell.json files found.

Note: the reason behind this change was to make the behaviour in multi-root workspace more predictable.


"cSpell.workspaceRootPath": "${workspaceFolder:client}/.."

Custom Dictionaries

It is now possible to tell the extension to use custom dictionaries. Three new configuration settings have been added.

  • customUserDictionaries - for defining custom user level dictionaries
  • customWorkspaceDictionaries - for defining custom workspace level dictionaries
  • customFolderDictionaries - for defining custom folder level dictionaries

User Example

"cSpell.customUserDictionaries": [
    "name": "my words",     // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are the words I use in all projects.",
    "path": "~/custom-words.txt",
    "addWords": true        // Add Word to User Dictionary will add words to this file.
    "name": "company terms",
    "description": "These are terms used by my company.",
    "path": "~/gist/company-terms/company-terms.txt",
    "addWords": false        // Do not add to the company terms.

Workspace Example:

"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": [
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary will add words to this file.

Folder Example:

"cSpell.customFolderDictionaries": [
    "name": "folder words",   // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the current folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder}/folder-words.txt",
    "addWords": false         // Do NOT add to folder words.
    "name": "project words",  // name of dictionary (should be unique)
    "description": "These are words for this project.",
    // Relative to the "client" folder in the workspace.
    "path": "${workspaceFolder:client}/project-words.txt",
    "addWords": true          // Add Word to Workspace Dictionary when adding folder words.

Custom Dictionary Paths

Dictionary paths can be absolute or relative based upon the following patterns:

  • ~ - relative to the user home directory
  • . - relative to the workspaceRootPath
  • ${workspaceFolder} - relative to current workspace folder
  • ${workspaceFolder:[folder name]} - [folder name] is one of the folders in the workspace.

Adding words to Dictionaries

Editor Context Menu (right-click)

The menu options in the Context Menu change based upon the workspace configuration.
They are made visible by the setting: cSpell.showCommandsInEditorContextMenu

  1. Add Word to Folder Dictionary -- shows only if a workspace with more than one folder is open
  2. Add Word to Workspace Dictionary -- shows if a folder or workspace is open
  3. Add Word to User Dictionary -- always shows, add the word to the User's dictionary


These can be bound to keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Enable Spell Checking by Default - enables the spell checker if it has been disabled.
    • Command: cSpell.enableForGlobal
  2. Disable Spell Checker by Default - disables the spell checker.
    • Command: cSpell.disableForGlobal