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Image (v3)

Image component written in HTL that renders an adaptive image.


  • Native lazy loading enabled by default
  • Native loading of optimal rendition
  • Image title, description, accessibility text and link
  • SVG support
  • Styles
  • Dynamic Media images support, including Image Presets and Smart Crop

Use Object

The Image component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Image Sling Model as its Use-object.

Component Policy Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are used:

  1. ./allowedRenditionWidths - defines the allowed renditions (as an integer array) that will be generated for the images rendered by this component; the actual size will be requested by the client device;
  2. ./jpegQuality - defines the image quality for JPEGs (0 lowest quality / size to 100 highest quality / size). Default value is 82.
  3. ./disableLazyLoading - if true, the browser's native lazy loading of images (loading only when the image is visible on the client device) is disabled.
  4. ./enableDmFeatures - if true, Dynamic Media features are enabled.
  5. ./resizeWidth - Defines a resize width for resizing the images which are DAM assets, while keeping the original aspect ratio. If the value is bigger than the natural width of the image, it will have no effect. It will also have no effect on SVG images.
  6. ./enableAssetDelivery - If true, assets will be delivered through the Asset Delivery system (based on Dynamic Media for AEMaaCS). This will also enable optimizations based on content negotiation. Currently, this optimization is available only for webp. 7./sizes - defines the sizes attribute for responsive image loading.

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this Image component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./fileReference property or file child node - will store either a reference to the image file, or the image file
  2. ./isDecorative - if set to true, then the image will be ignored by assistive technology
  3. ./alt - defines the value of the HTML alt attribute (not needed if ./isDecorative is set to true)
  4. ./altValueFromDAM - if true, the HTML alt attribute is inherited from the DAM asset.
  5. ./linkURL - allows defining a URL to which the image will link to
  6. ./jcr:title - defines the value of the HTML title attribute or the value of the caption, depending on the value of
  7. ./displayPopupTitle - if set to true it will render the value of the ./jcr:title property through the HTML title attribute, otherwise a caption will be rendered
  8. ./id - defines the component HTML ID attribute.
  9. ./dmPresetType - defines the type of Dynamic Media image rendering, possible values are imagePreset, smartCrop.
  10. ./imagePreset - defines the name for the Dynamic Media Image Preset to apply to the Dynamic Media image URL.
  11. ./smartCropRendition - defines how Dynamic Media Smart Crop image renders. SmartCrop:Auto means that the component will automatically select Smart Crop rendition which fits the container size better; the name of specific Smart Crop rendition will force the component to render that image rendition only.
  12. ./imageModifiers - defines additional Dynamic Media Image Serving commands separated by '&'. Field gives complete flexibility to change Dynamic Media image rendering.
  13. ./imageFromPageImage - if true, the image is inherited from the featured image of either the linked page if ./linkURL is set or the current page.
  14. ./altValueFromPageImage - if true and if ./imageFromPageImage is true, the HTML alt attribute is inherited from the featured image of either the linked page if ./linkURL is set or the current page.
  15. ./disableLazyLoading - if true the lazy loading of the image is disabled regardless of the lazy loading setting in the design policy.

Extending from This Component

  1. In case you overwrite the image's HTL script, make sure the necessary attributes for the JavaScript loading script are contained in the markup at the right position (see section below).
  2. In case your own component does not only render an image but does also renders something else, use the following approach:
  3. resourceSuperType should be set to core/wcm/components/image/v3/image (to make sure the image rendering servlet is being used)
  4. Your HTL script should include the image markup via <div class="cmp-image" data-sly-include="image.html"></div>
  5. You derived component should reset cq:htmlTags
  6. You component's dialog should overwrite the dialog fully from the image component via sling:hideResource="true" on the node cq:dialog/content/items/image

URL Formats

In case Dynamic Media features are not used the images are loaded through the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.servlets.AdaptiveImageServlet, therefore their URLs have the following patterns:



When an image is a Dynamic Media asset and Dynamic Media features are enabled in component's policy the images are loaded from Dynamic Media Image Serving, the URL format differs depending on image rendering type chosen. In the case of 'Smart Crop':

/is/image/<company>/<assetId><:smart crop rendition>?ts=<timestamp>&<image modifiers>

<DM publish server>/is/image/<company>/<assetId><:smart crop rendition>?ts=<timestamp>&<image modifiers>

In the case of 'Image preset':



Client Libraries

The component provides a core.wcm.components.image.v3 client library category that contains a recommended base CSS styling. It should be added to a relevant site client library using the embed property.

It also provides a core.wcm.components.image.v3.editor editor client library category that includes JavaScript handling for dialog interaction. It is already included by its edit dialog.

BEM Description

BLOCK cmp-image
    ELEMENT cmp-image__link
    ELEMENT cmp-image__image
    ELEMENT cmp-image__title

JavaScript Data Attribute Bindings

The following attributes can be added to the same element to provide options:

  1. data-cmp-dmimage - if not false, indicates that the image is DM image.

Native lazy loading is enabled by default. It can be disabled from Component Policy Configuration (./disableLazyLoading).

If there are alternative widths (./allowedRenditionWidths) defined in the Component Policy Configuration, the srcset attribute will be constructed and set to the <img>. In this way the the browser will figure out based on its native adaptive capabilities which image to load from the srcset attribute in relation with the viewport width.

[IMPORTANT] This only supports responsiveness (different image sizes at different breakpoints) of the image component and should not be considered as a base for art direction (different images/crops at different breakpoints).


SVG MIME-types are supported, but have some specific handling. Alternative smart image widths defined at the component policy dialog are ignored for SVG images, with Image#getWidths returning an empty array. In addition, SVG image types have a more limited set of editing options available in the AEM inline image editor. The lazy loading feature is still supported for SVG images.
