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File metadata and controls

84 lines (60 loc) · 2.98 KB

Advanced usage


You can set naming and storage strategies for each defined storage.

            filesystem: gaufrette.default_filesystem
            naming_strategy: your_naming_strategy_service
            storage_strategy: your_storage_strategy_service

Naming strategy

The naming strategy is responsible to set the name that the stored file will have. The default naming strategy create a random file name.

To create your own strategy you just have to create a class that implements the NamingStrategy interface. Here's an example with a strategy that generate a random file name but with its extension or the default one as fallback.

namespace Acme\Storage\Strategy;

use SRIO\RestUploadBundle\Upload\UploadContext;
use SRIO\RestUploadBundle\Strategy\NamingStrategy;

class DefaultNamingStrategy implements NamingStrategy
    const DEFAULT_EXTENSION = 'png';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getName(UploadContext $context)
        $name = uniqid();
        $extension = self::DEFAULT_EXTENSION;

        if (($request = $context->getRequest()) !== null) {
            $files = $request->files->all();

            /** @var $file \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile */
            $file = array_pop($files);

            if ($file !== null) {
                $parts = explode('.', $file->getClientOriginalName());
                $extension = array_pop($parts);

        return $name.'.'.$extension;

Then, define a service and change the naming_strategy of your storage configuration with the created service ID.

Storage strategy

It defines the (sub)directory in which the file will be created in your filesystem.

The storage strategy is working the same way than the naming strategy: create a service with a class that implements StorageStrategy and set the storage_strategy configuration of your storage with the created service.

Create a custom handler

You can easily create your custom upload providers (and feel free to PR them on GitHub) by creating a tagged service with the rest_upload.processor tag

    <parameter key="">Acme\AcmeBundle\Processor\MyUploadProcessor</parameter>

    <service id="" class="">
        <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" />
        <tag name="rest_upload.processor" uploadType="acme" />

Note the uploadType attribute that define the unique name of the upload way, set in the uploadType query parameters.

Your MyUploadProcessor class should then implements the ProcessorInterface or extends the AbstractUploadProcessor