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bstrees - BSTs made easier

bstrees is a library that provides kotlin implementations of 3 binary search trees data structures: Simple BST, AVL tree, Red-black tree. bstrees also provides implementation of Repository pattern which allows to store BSTs in either plain .json files, SQL or neo4j databases.

Getting started

To build the library run

  ./gradlew build

Using BSTs

Any Comparable data can be stored in trees.

import bstrees.AVLTree
import bstrees.RBTree
import bstrees.SimpleBST

val rbTree = RBTree<Int>() // instantiate empty red-black tree
val avlTree = AVLTree<Double>() // instantiate empty AVL tree
val simpleTree = SimpleBST<String>() // instantiate empty simple tree

Each tree supports 3 basic operations: insert, search, delete.

rbTree.insert(20) // returns 10 // returns null

rbTree.delete(20) // returns 20
rbTree.delete(-100) // returns null

Trees' nodes can be read-only accessed by root property.


//            10.0
//    ┌─────────┴─────────┐
// -10.0                20.0
//                        └────┐
//                           30.0

avlTree.root?.data // 10.0
avlTree.root?.left?.data // -10.0
avlTree.root?.right?.data // 20.0
avlTree.root?.right?.right?.data // 30.0
avlTree.root?.right?.left?.data // null

Storing BSTs

bstrees provides JsonRepository, SqlRepository and Neo4jRepository to save & load BSTs.

Each instance of repository is used to store exactly 1 tree type. To store different tree types several repositories can be instantiated. Repository must be provided with SerializationStrategy which describes how to serialize & deserialize any particular type of tree.

bstrees is shipped with AVLStrategy, RBStrategy and SimpleStrategy to serialize & deserialize AVL trees, Red-black trees and Simple BSTs respectively. As these strategies don't know anything about the data type stored in trees' nodes, user must provide serializeData and deserializeData functions to them.

val avlIntRepo = JsonRepository(
    AVLStrategy(Int::toString, String::toInt),
) // stores AVLTree<Int>

val rbDoubleRepo = JsonRepository(
    RBStrategy(Double::toString, String::toDouble),
) // stores RBTree<Double>

Saving & loading

Each repository acts like an associative array with trees' names as keys and trees as values.

val tree1 = AVLTree<Int>().apply {
    listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).forEach(::insert)
val tree2 = AVLTree<Int>().apply {
    listOf(-20, -30, 40, 50).forEach(::insert)

avlIntRepo["my tree"] = tree1
avlIntRepo["another tree"] = tree2
avlIntRepo.names // returns ["my tree", "another tree"]

avlIntRepo.remove("my tree") // returns true
avlIntRepo.names // returns ["another tree"]

val restored = avlIntRepo["another tree"] // 'restored' & 'tree2' are the same trees

Storing different tree types in the same database (directory)

Different tree types can be stored in the same database (directory) by creating several repositories and passing them same databases (directory paths).

val db = Database.connect(
    "jdbc:postgresql://url", driver = "org.postgresql.Driver",
    user = "user", password = "pass"

val avlRepo = SqlRepository(AVLStrategy(Int::toString, String::toInt), db) // stores AVLTree<Int>
val rbRepo = SqlRepository(RBStrategy(Int::toString, String::toInt), db) // stores RBTree<Int>

// avlRepo & rbRepo use the same database

Please note that storing 1 tree type (RB, AVL, Simple) with different data type in the same database (directory) is not supported.

val conf = Configuration.Builder()
    .credentials("neo4j", "neo")

val avlRepo1 = Neo4jRepository(AVLStrategy(Int::toString, String::toInt), conf)
val rbRepo = Neo4jRepository(RBStrategy(Double::toString, String::toDouble), conf)
// storing AVLTree<Int> and RBTree<Double> in the same database is ok

val avlRepo2 = Neo4jRepository(AVLStrategy<String>({ it }, { it }), conf)
// !!! storing AVLTree<Int> and AVLTree<String> in the same db is unsupported