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File metadata and controls

222 lines (150 loc) · 5.91 KB

How to contribute

Soaringmeteo team is glad you are reading this, because we always need volunteers to keep this service up to date.

  • Find a bug? Do not hesitate to open an issue using the bug template.
  • Have an awesome improvement idea? Do not hesitate to open an issue using the feature template.
  • Want to help translate the user interface in another language, or fix an existing translation? Please see the translating guide.

Setup the development environment

The following steps assumes that you are running a debian based OS, and has been tested under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Tools install for the backend

You need to install a JDK 17 (such as OpenJDK) and the build tool sbt.

  1. java
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
# to confirm
java --version
  1. sbt
echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
echo "deb /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt_old.list
curl -sL "" | sudo apt-key add
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sbt

More information is available on the sbt website.

Tools install for the frontend

  1. yarn 3 (instructions taken from the Yarn website
corepack enable
yarn set version 3
yarn --version
  1. node 18 (managed through nvm)
curl -o- | bash

nvm install 18

Build and run the backend

The backend programs gfs and wrf must be built and run to create the assets consumed by the frontend.

  1. Move to backend directory
cd backend
  1. Start the sbt shell
  1. Run the gfs and the wrf programs:
  • Put the .nc files given by the project maintainer in the backend folder.

  • Run all the necessary steps and generate the assets (in the sbt console in the backend folder)


makeGfsAssets downloads a subset of the usual data to speed up the development workflow.

You can customize the settings by changing the configuration file dev.conf. Look at the file reference.conf for an overview of all the configuration options.

The different backend options are documented here

Run the frontend

Move to the frontend folder and run:

yarn install --immutable
yarn build
yarn start

Open a browser to the address suggested in your console (by default Congratulations! Your development environment is ready.

Test the code


Open a console in the backend folder and run the sbt tool to get a sbt console. The following command runs all the available tests:



No testing procedure yet.

Submit your changes

Please open a pull request with a clear and detailed list of the modification you have made. Please use one commit per modification and add a clear message.

sbt Commands Cheat Sheet

Run the following commands from the sbt shell (started in the backend directory).

Compile all the subprojects:


Compile one subproject by writing its name followed by /compile:


Run all the tests of all the subprojects:


Run the tests of one subproject by writing its name followed by /test:


Build binaries:


Or, to build the wrf program:


It should create a tarball named soaringmeteo-gfs.tgz or soaringmeteo-wrf.tgz in the target/universal/ directory of the corresponding subproject. Then, extract the content of the archive from your *nix shell:

tar -xzf soaringmeteo-gfs.tgz

Deployment on Soaringmeteo servers (project maintainers only)

Deploy the backend

From the sbt shell (started in the backend directory), deploy the content of your working directory by running the task deploy in the project gfs or wrf:

gfs/deploy soarwrf1
# or
gfs/deploy soarwrf3

wrf/deploy soarwrf1
# or
wrf/deploy soarwrf3

The task packages the app, uploads it to the server, and replaces the previous version of the app.

Deploy the frontend

In the frontend directory, run the following command:

yarn deploy

It type-checks the code source, build minified JavaScript bundles, and uploads them to the production server:

To select which server to deploy to, use the SERVER variable: yarn deploy

Evolving the Format of the Forecast Data

The frontend consumes the forecast data produced by the backend, so both parties need to agree on their format. Furthermore, the frontend also reads several forecast data in the past (users can show the data from the latest forecast run, or from older runs as well). This has consequences on how the format of the forecast data produced by the backend can evolve:

  • We can add or remove optional fields,
  • We can remove non-optional fields (the frontend will simply ignore those fields on the older forecast data).

However, to add non-optional fields we have to perform the following procedure:

  • Bump the format version both in the backend and the frontend
    • backend/common/src/main/scala/org/soaringmeteo/out/package.scala
    • frontend/src/data/ForecastMetadata.ts
  • Perform a two-stage deployment
    1. Deploy the backend,
    2. Only after the backend has produced some data, we can deploy the frontend (in the meantime, the frontend still shows the older forecast data).