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File metadata and controls

131 lines (113 loc) · 7.41 KB

a Chrome Manifest V3 extension that reads the current page, and offers a popup UI that has the page title+content and a textarea for a prompt (with a default value we specify). When the user hits submit, it sends the page title+content to the Anthropic Claude API along with the up to date prompt to summarize it. The user can modify that prompt and re-send the prompt+content to get another summary view of the content.

  • Only when clicked:
    • it injects a content script content_script.js on the currently open tab, and accesses the title pageTitle and main content (innerText) pageContent of the currently open page (extracted via an injected content script, and sent over using a storePageContent action)
    • in the background, receives the storePageContent data and stores it
    • only once the new page content is stored, then it pops up a full height window with a minimalistic styled html popup
    • in the popup script
      • the popup should display a 10px tall rounded css animated red and white candy stripe loading indicator loadingIndicator, while waiting for the anthropic api to return
        • with the currently fetching page title and a running timer in the center showing time elapsed since call started
        • do not show it until the api call begins, and hide it when it ends.
      • retrieves the page content data using a getPageContent action (and the background listens for the getPageContent action and retrieves that data) and displays the title at the top of the popup
      • check extension storage for an apiKey, and if it isn't stored, asks for an API key to Anthropic Claude and stores it.
      • at the bottom of the popup, show a vertically resizable form that has:
        • a 2 line textarea with an id and label of userPrompt
          • userPrompt has a default value of
            defaultPrompt = `Please provide a detailed, easy to read HTML summary of the given content`;
        • a 4 line textarea with an id and label of stylePrompt
          • stylePrompt has a default value of
            defaultStyle = `Respond with 3-4 highlights per section with important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded in this HTML format:
            <h1>{title here}</h1>
            <h3>{section title here}</h3>
              <summary>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</summary>
                <li><strong>{first point}</strong>: {short explanation with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong>}</li>
                <li><strong>{second point}</strong>: {same as above}</li>
                <li><strong>{third point}</strong>: {same as above}</li>
                <!-- a fourth point if warranted -->
            <h3>{second section here}</h3>
            <p>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</p>
              <summary>{summary of the section with <strong>important keywords, people, numbers, and facts bolded</strong> and key quotes repeated}</summary>
                <!-- as many points as warranted in the same format as above -->
            <h3>{third section here}</h3>
            <!-- and so on, as many sections and details/summary subpoints as warranted -->
            With all the words in brackets replaced by the summary of the content. sanitize non visual HTML tags with HTML entities, so <template> becomes &lt;template&gt; but <strong> stays the same. Only draw from the source content, do not hallucinate. Finally, end with other questions that the user might want answered based on this source content:
            <h2>Next prompts</h2>
              <li>{question 1}</li>
              <li>{question 2}</li>
              <li>{question 3}</li>
        • and in the last row, on either side,
          • and a nicely styled submit button with an id of sendButton (tactile styling that "depresses" on click)
        • only when sendButton is clicked, calls the Anthropic model endpoint with:
          • append the page title
          • append the page content
          • add the prompt which is a concatenation of
            finalPrompt = `Human: ${userPrompt} \n\n ${stylePrompt} \n\n Assistant:`
          • and use the claude-instant-v1 model (if pageContent is <70k words) or the claude-instant-v1-100k model (if more)
          • requesting max tokens = the higher of (25% of the length of the page content, or 750 words)
          • if another submit event is hit while the previous api call is still inflight, cancel that and start the new one
      • renders the Anthropic-generated result at the top of the popup in a div with an id of content

Important Details:

  • It has to run in a browser environment, so no Nodejs APIs allowed.

  • the return signature of the anthropic api is curl\ -H "x-api-key: $API_KEY"
    -H 'content-type: application/json'
    -d '{ "prompt": "\n\nHuman: Tell me a haiku about trees\n\nAssistant: ", "model": "claude-v1", "max_tokens_to_sample": 1000, "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:"] }' {"completion":" Here is a haiku about trees:\n\nSilent sentinels, \nStanding solemn in the woods,\nBranches reaching sky.","stop":"\n\nHuman:","stop_reason":"stop_sequence","truncated":false,"log_id":"f5d95cf326a4ac39ee36a35f434a59d5","model":"claude-v1","exception":null}

  • in the string prompt sent to Anthropic, first include the page title and page content, and finally append the prompt, clearly vertically separated by spacing.

  • if the Anthropic api call is a 401, handle that by clearing the stored anthropic api key and asking for it again.

  • add styles to make sure the popup's styling follows the basic rules of web design, for example having margins around the body, and a system font stack.

  • style the popup body with but insist on body margins of 16 and a minimum width of 400 and height of 600.

debugging notes

inside of background.js, just take the getPageContent response directly

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
  if (request.action === 'storePageContent') {
    // dont access request.pageContent{ pageContent: request }, () => {
      sendResponse({ success: true });
  } else if (request.action === 'getPageContent') {['pageContent'], (result) => {
      // dont access request.pageContent
  return true;

inside of popup.js, Update the function calls to requestAnthropicSummary in popup.js to pass the apiKey:['apiKey'], (result) => {
  const apiKey = result.apiKey;
  requestAnthropicSummary(defaultPrompt, apiKey);

sendButton.addEventListener('click', () => {['apiKey'], (result) => {
    const apiKey = result.apiKey;
    requestAnthropicSummary(userPrompt.value, apiKey);

in popup.js, store the defaultPrompt at the top level. also, give a HTML format to the anthropic prompt