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[DEPRECATED] Production Deployment

  1. Ensure changelog is up to date

    • Do a commit log diff against the previous version, ensure all the important changes are in the upcoming release
    • Keep a blank upcoming release
    • Verify changelog with other teams
  2. Tag release

    • Create a tag off master with the same name as in the changelog. Typically with the format: yyyy-mm-dd-n.
    • Add a short description in the tag for the release
    • git tag -a <yyyy-mm-dd-n> -m "<description>"
    • git push --tags
  3. Understand migrations to be run as a part of this release

    • git diff <previous-tag>..<current-tag> db/migrate
    • lookout for data migrations, and irreversible migrations

Perform the following steps on staging.

  1. If there is a data migration

    • Check for changes in lib: git diff -w 2018-08-13-1..2018-09-17-1 lib/
    • Run the migration locally with the prod data to ensure it succeeds
    • Make a backup of the production DB before doing the data migration
    • What to do if there is a data migration?
      • Sometimes, data migrations can be run after the deploy, and sometimes they need to be run before.
      • The cap deploy script does a code deploy, runs schema migrations, and starts the service.
      • If data migrations need to be run before, ensure cap deploy does not start the service before that.
  2. Setup configs, and feature flags

    • Find out what config has changed since the last release
    • git diff -w <previous-tag>..<current-tag> .env.development
    • Verify ansible vault has all the required keys and values
    • Run ansible deploy from deployment repository to ensure config is updated
    • ansible-playbook -v --vault-id ~/Projects/resolve/secrets/password_file deploy.yml -i hosts.<env>
  3. Prepare for potential downtime

    • Figure out the right time of the day during which downtime is acceptable
    • Inform stakeholders of this downtime, and ensure this is alright.
    • Announce deployment and downtime on slack in advance, and when deploying
  4. Deploy the tag

    • Deploy the current tag to the env
    • BRANCH=2018-09-17-1 bundle exec cap <env> deploy
  5. Run any required data migration rake tasks

  6. [FOR CRITICAL RELEASES] Do an end-to-end QA of the app, and surgically remove the data created

  7. Monitor the service

    • Monitor vitals, rails logs, nginx logs, and dashboards

Repeat steps 4 to 10 on the production environment if everything went well on staging.