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File metadata and controls

170 lines (140 loc) · 12.9 KB

import LinkTo from '@storybook/addon-links/react'; import { Meta } from '@storybook/react';


Some design aspects of the visualizations, such as the font-size of the tick labels, the color of the title, the color of the axes, etc. are controlled by CSS. We provide sane defaults that should be sufficient to start with, but at some point you might like to tweak a few things so the visualizations integrate better with your app's design.

Inherited font properties

Font properties (font-size, font-family, font-weight, etc.) of textual elements (tick labels, plot title, etc.) are inherited by default, so tweaking them all at once is easy. Story Inherited Styles demonstrates this technique. For instance, if you'd like to change the font-size and font-family of the LineVis, here is what you could do:

<div className="my-container">
  <LineVis {...props} />
.my-container {
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 90%;

CSS custom properties

For more advanced customization, the library exposes a number of CSS custom properties, which you may use as you see fit. For instance, if you'd like to change the color of the curve of the LineVis, here is what you could do:

<div className="my-container">
  <LineVis {...props} />
.my-container {
  --h5w-line--color: teal;

/* If you want every `LineVis` in your app to have the same curve color, you could even use `:root` */
:root {
  --h5w-line--color: teal;


Name Default Description
--h5w-canvas--bgColor transparent Background color of canvas
--h5w-plotTitle--color inherit Text color of plot title
--h5w-plotTitle--fontFamily inherit Font family of plot title
--h5w-plotTitle--fontSize 1.125em Font size of plot title
--h5w-plotTitle--fontWeight inherit Font weight of plot title
--h5w-ticks--color gray Color of ticks
--h5w-tickLabels--color #333 Text color of tick labels
--h5w-tickLabels--fontFamily inherit Font family of tick labels
--h5w-tickLabels--fontSize inherit Font size of tick labels
--h5w-axisLabels--color #333 Text color of axis labels
--h5w-axisLabels--fontFamily inherit Font family of axis labels
--h5w-axisLabels--fontSize inherit Font size of axis labels
--h5w-axisLabels--fontWeight 600 Font weight of axis labels
--h5w-grid--color gray Color of grid lines
--h5w-grid--opacity 0.33 Opacity of grid lines
--h5w-tooltip--color inherit Text color of tooltip
--h5w-tooltip--bgColor rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9) Background color of tooltip
--h5w-tooltip--fontFamily inherit Font family of tooltip
--h5w-tooltip--fontSize 0.75em Font size of tooltip
--h5w-tooltip-guide--color gray Color of tooltip guide
--h5w-tooltip-guide--width 1.5 Width of tooltip guide
--h5w-tooltip-guide--opacity 0.5 Opacity of tooltip guide
Name Default Description
--h5w‑line‑‑color midnightblue Color of main curve and error bars/caps
--h5w‑line‑‑colorAux orangered, forestgreen, crimson, mediumslateblue, sienna Color(s) of auxiliary curves. Accepts a comma-separated list of colors. If the number of colours is lower than the number of auxiliary curves, the last color in the list is used.
Name Default Description
--h5w-colorBar-ticks--color var(--h5w-ticks--color, gray) Color of color bar ticks
--h5w-colorBar-tickLabels--color var(--h5w-tickLabels--color, #333) Text color of color bar tick labels
--h5w-colorBar-tickLabels--fontFamily var(--h5w-tickLabels--fontFamily, inherit) Font family of color bar tick labels
--h5w-colorBar-tickLabels--fontSize 0.75em Font size of color bar tick labels
--h5w-colorBar-bounds--color #333 Font size of color bar min and max bounds
--h5w-colorBar-bounds--fontSize 0.875em Font size of color bar min and max bounds
Name Default Description
--h5w-matrix--color inherit Text color of matrix vis
--h5w-matrix--fontFamily monospace Font family of matrix vis
--h5w-matrix--fontSize inherit Font size of matrix vis
--h5w-matrix-cell--bgColor transparent Background colour of even cells
--h5w-matrix-cell--bgColorAlt #eee Background colour of odd cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--bgColor #eee Background colour of even index cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--bgColorAlt lightgray Background colour of odd index cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--color var(--h5w-matrix--color, inherit) Text color of index cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--fontFamily var(--h5w-matrix--fontFamily, monospace) Font family of index cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--fontSize var(--h5w-matrix--fontSize, inherit) Font size of index cells
--h5w-matrix-indexCell--fontWeight 600 Font weight of index cells
--h5w-matrix-anchorCell--bgColor silver Background colour of anchor cell


Name Default Description
--h5w-error--color brown Color of error messages and UI elements in error state
Name Default Description
--h5w-toolbar--bgColor aliceblue Background color of toolbar
--h5w-toolbar-separator--color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) Color of toolbar separators
Name Default Description
--h5w-btn-hover--bgColor whitesmoke Background color of buttons on hover
--h5w-btn-hover--shadowColor var(--h5w-btnRaised--shadowColor, gray) Box shadow color of buttons on hover
--h5w-btnPressed--bgColor white Background color of pressed buttons
--h5w-btnPressed--shadowColor var(--h5w-btnRaised--shadowColor, gray) Box shadow color of pressed buttons
--h5w‑btnPressed‑hover‑‑shadowColor var(--h5w-btnRaised-hover--shadowColor, dimgray) Box shadow color of pressed buttons on hover
--h5w-btnRaised--shadowColor gray Box shadow color of raised buttons
--h5w-btnRaised-hover--shadowColor dimgray Box shadow color of raised buttons on hover
Name Default Description
--h5w-selector-label--color royalblue Text color of label
--h5w-selector-menu--bgColor white Background color of menu
--h5w-selector-arrowIcon--color dimgray Color of arrow icon
--h5w-selector-option-hover--bgColor whitesmoke Background color of options on hover
--h5w-selector-option-selected--bgColor #eee Background color of selected option
--h5w-selector-groupLabel--color gray Text color of group labels in menu
Domain slider
Name Default Description
--h5w-domainSlider-track--width 8rem Width of track
--h5w-domainSlider-track--height 0.625rem Height of track
--h5w-domainSlider-track--bgColor gray Background color of track
--h5w-domainSlider-track--shadowColor gray Box shadow color of track
--h5w-domainSlider-dataTrack--bgColor royalblue Background color of data track
--h5w-domainSlider-dataTrack--shadowColor midnightblue Box shadow color of data track
--h5w-domainSlider-thumb--bgColor lightgray Background color of thumbs
--h5w-domainSlider-thumb-auto--bgColor whitesmoke Background color of auto-scaled thumbs
--h5w-domainSlider-tooltip--bgColor rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9) Background color of tooltip
--h5w-domainSlider-tooltip--colorAlt #333 Text color of bounds and data range in tooltip
--h5w-domainSlider-boundInput--shadowColor dimgray Box shadow color of bound inputs
--h5w-domainSlider-boundInput-focus--shadowColor royalblue Box shadow color of bound inputs on focus
--h5w-domainSlider-boundInput-editing--bgColor white Background color of bound inputs when editing
--h5w-domainSlider-boundInput-editing--borderColor royalblue Border color of bound inputs when editing
--h5w-domainSlider-histogram--color royalblue Fill color of histogram bars
--h5w-domainSlider-histogram-indicator--color midnightblue Color of histogram indicators
--h5w-domainSlider-histogram-bgColor white Background color of histogram