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File metadata and controls

230 lines (168 loc) · 6.55 KB


The uiSchema ui:widget property tells the form which UI widget should be used to render a field.


import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";
import validator from "@rjsf/validator-ajv8";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    done: {
      type: "boolean"

const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
  done: {
    "ui:widget": "radio" // could also be "select"

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} validator={validator} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

Here's a list of supported alternative widgets for different JSON Schema data types:

For boolean fields

  • radio: a radio button group with true and false as selectable values;
  • select: a select box with true and false as options;
  • by default, a checkbox is used

Note: To set the labels for a boolean field, instead of using true and false, your schema can use oneOf with const values for both true and false, where you can specify the custom label in the title field. You will also need to specify a widget in your uiSchema. See the following example:


  "properties": {
    "booleanWithCustomLabels": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "oneOf": [
        {"const": true, "title": "Custom label for true"},
        {"const": false, "title": "Custom label for false"}


    "booleanWithCustomLabels": {
      "ui:widget": "radio" // or "select"

For string fields

  • textarea: a textarea element is used;
  • password: an input[type=password] element is used;
  • color: an input[type=color] element is used;
  • by default, a regular input[type=text] element is used.

String formats

The built-in string field also supports the JSON Schema format property, and will render an appropriate widget by default for the following string formats:

  • email: An input[type=email] element is used;
  • uri: An input[type=url] element is used;
  • data-url: By default, an input[type=file] element is used; in case the string is part of an array, multiple files will be handled automatically (see File widgets).
  • date: By default, an input[type=date] element is used;
  • date-time: By default, an input[type=datetime-local] element is used.

Please note that, even though they are standardized, datetime-local and date input elements are not yet supported by Firefox and IE. If you plan on targeting these platforms, two alternative widgets are available:

  • alt-datetime: Six select elements are used to select the year, the month, the day, the hour, the minute and the second;
  • alt-date: Three select elements are used to select the year, month and the day.

Firefox 57 - 66: Firefox partially supporting date and time input types, but not datetime-local, month or week

You can customize the list of years displayed in the year dropdown by providing a yearsRange property to ui:options in your uiSchema. Its also possible to remove the Now and Clear buttons with the hideNowButton and hideClearButton options.

import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";
import validator from "@rjsf/validator-ajv8";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "string"

const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "alt-datetime",
  "ui:options": {
    yearsRange: [1980, 2030],
    hideNowButton: true,
    hideClearButton: true,

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} validator={validator} />
), document.getElementById("app"));

For number and integer fields

  • updown: an input[type=number] updown selector;
  • range: an input[type=range] slider;
  • radio: a radio button group with enum values. This can only be used when enum values are specified for this input.
  • By default, a regular input[type=number] element is used.

Note: If JSON Schema's minimum, maximum and multipleOf values are defined, the min, max and step input attributes values will take those values.

Hidden widgets

It's possible to use a hidden widget for a field by setting its ui:widget uiSchema directive to hidden:

import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";
import validator from "@rjsf/validator-ajv8";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    foo: {type: "boolean"}

const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
  foo: {"ui:widget": "hidden"}

  <Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} validator={validator} />
), document.getElementById("app"));


  • Hiding widgets is only supported for boolean, string, number and integer schema types;
  • A hidden widget takes its value from the formData prop.

File widgets

This library supports a limited form of input[type=file] widgets, in the sense that it will propagate file contents to form data state as data-urls.

There are two ways to use file widgets.

  1. By declaring a string json schema type along a data-url format:
import { RJSFSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";
import validator from "@rjsf/validator-ajv8";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "string",
  format: "data-url",

  <Form schema={schema} validator={validator} />
), document.getElementById("app"));
  1. By specifying a ui:widget field uiSchema directive as file:
import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "string",

const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
  "ui:widget": "file",

Multiple files

Multiple files selectors are supported by defining an array of strings having data-url as a format:

import { RJSFSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "array",
  items: {
    type: "string",
    format: "data-url",

Note that storing large dataURIs into form state might slow rendering.

File widget input ref

The included FileWidget exposes a reference to the <input type="file" /> element node as an inputRef component property.

This allows you to programmatically trigger the browser's file selector, which can be used in a custom file widget.

accept option

You can use the accept attribute to specify a filter for what file types the user can upload:

import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from "@rjsf/utils";

const schema: RJSFSchema = {
  type: "string",
  format: "data-url"

const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
  "ui:options": { accept: ".pdf" }