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Confusing onlyRole modifier might lead to function revert


When there is a nested function, the roles for each function changes, which might lead to function revert.

Vulnerability Detail

In createFromRouter(), the onlyRole(ROUTER_ROLE) modifier is required. The notice states that this function can only be called by router

 * @notice Creates an option with the specified parameters
 * @dev Can only be called by router
function createFromRouter(
    OptionParams calldata optionParams,
    bool isReferralValid
) external override onlyRole(ROUTER_ROLE) returns (uint256 optionID) {

However, in the function, it does a nested call to pool.lock(),

    pool.lock(optionID, option.lockedAmount, option.premium);

which has a new set of modifier, onlyRole(OPTION_ISSUER_ROLE). This function can only be called by BufferCallOptions as stated in the notice.

 * @notice Called by BufferCallOptions to lock the funds
 * @param id optionId
 * @param tokenXAmount Amount of funds that should be locked in an option
 * @param premium Premium paid to liquidity pool to lock the above funds
function lock(
    uint256 id,
    uint256 tokenXAmount,
    uint256 premium
) external override onlyRole(OPTION_ISSUER_ROLE) {

The function, lock(), is external. This means that the OPTION_ISSUER_ROLE can call it. However, the function aforementioned, createFromRouter(), is unable to call this lock() function.


Funds cannot be locked and options cannot start.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Make sure that the roles are aligned. Also, I think that the protocol is referring to BufferBinaryOptions instead of BufferCallOptions (which does not exist as a contract)