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Part 2 — Scala In Depth: Basic Types and Operations

Scala's basic types and how to use them

  • Introducing Scala's basic types: Byte, Short, Int...
  • Literals syntax for integral types, floats, characters, strings, booleans and symbols
  • Scala's string interpolators: the s, raw string and f string interpolators
  • Operators as regular methods: rules for infix, prefix and postfix operators
  • Arithmetic, relational, bitwise and logical operations in Scala
  • Object equality in Scala
  • Operator precedence and associativity
  • Additional methods on basic types: rich wrapper API

Scala's Basic Types

The following table lists the basic types available in Scala:

Basic Type Range
Byte 8-bit signed, two's complement integer (-2^7 to 2^7 - 1
Short 16-bit signed, two's complement integer (-2^15 to 2^15 - 1)
Int 32-bit signed, two's complement integer (-2^31 to 2^31 - 1)
Long 64-bit signed, two's complement integer (-2^64 to 2^64 - 1)
Char 16-bit unsigned Unicode character (-0 to 2^16 -1)
String Sequence of Chars
Float 32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision float
Double 64-bit IEEE 754 double-precision float
Boolean true or false

Except for String that resides in the java.lang package, the rest of the types are defined in the scala package. Both, java.lang and scala members are implicitly imported into every Scala source file, so you can use the simple names.


All the basic types can be written as literals (that is, can expressed as constant values in the code).

Integer Literals

Integer literals can be expressed in the same way as in Java, and both decimal and hexadecimal

scala> val hex = 0x5
hex: Int = 5

If the number begins with a non-zero digit, it is understood as a decimal (base 10)

scala> val dec = 5
dec: Int = 5

If an integer ends in an L or l it is Long otherwise, it is an Int.

scala> val longVal = 5L
longVal: Long = 5

You can force a literal to be a Short or Byte by explicitly declaring the type of the variable that holds the literal value:

scala> val byteVal: Byte = 5
byteVal: Byte = 5

scala> val shortVal: Short = 5
shortVal: Short = 5

Floating Point Literals

Floating point literals are made up of decimal digits, optionally containing a decimal point, and optionally followed by an E or e and an exponent (power of 10).

scala> val d = 1.2345
d: Double = 5

scala> val d1 = 1.2345e1
d1: Double = 12.345

If a floating-point literal ends in an F or f it is a Float; otherwise it is a Double. Optionally, a Double can also end in a D or d:

scala> val f = 1.2345f
f: Float = 5

scala> val d = 1.2345e1D
d: Double = 12.345

Character Literals

Character literals are composed of any Unicode character between single quotes.

scala> val a = 'A'
a: Char = A

You can also identify a character using its Unicode code point using the following syntax:

scala> val a = '\u0041'
a: Char = A

Note that Scala also allows these type of Unicode character specification to be found anywhere in a Scala program:

scala> val B\u0041\u0044 = 1
BAD: Int = 1

Special escape sequences:

Literal Meaning
\n line feed (\u000A)
\b backspace (\u0008)
\t tab (\u0009)
\f form feed (\u000C)
\r carriage return (\u000D)
" double quote (\u0022)
' single quote (\u0027)
\ backslash (\u005C)

String Literals

A string literal is composed of characters surrounded by double quotes:

scala> val hello = "hello"
hello: String = hello

You can use the escape sequences within quotes as with character literals:

scala> val escapes = "\\\"\'"
escapes: String = \"'

Scala allows you define raw strings, which is useful for strings that span multiple lines and/or contain a lot of escape sequence. You start and end a raw string with three double quotes and the interior of the raw string can contain any characters whatsoever:

println("""Hello to Jason Isaacs!
           Type "Help" for help.""")

Note that the output might not be quite what you'd expect, because the leading spaces of the second line are included in the string:

Hello to Jason Isaacs!
           Type "Help" for help.

This can be easily fixed by including a pipe character at the beginning of each line and then calling stripMargin before sending the string to println. Also some IDEs will help you with cleverer and clearer ways to format raw strings.

println("""|Hello Jason Isaacs!
           |Type "Help for help.""".stripMargin)

  """Hello Jason Isaacs!
    |Type "Help for help.

See 01 — Basic Types and Operations: Raw Strings.

Symbol literals

A symbol literal is written 'ident, where ident can be any alphanumeric identifier. Such literals area mapped to instances of the predefined class scala.Symbol. Specifically, the literal cymbal will be expanded by the compiler to a factory method invocation Symbol("cymbal").

Symbol literals are typically used in situations where you would just use an identifier in a dynamically typed language.

Let's try to clarify this with an example. Let's suppose that you write a method that updates a record in a database:

scala> def updateRecordByName(r: Symbol, value: Any) = {
  // update is happening here

The method takes a symbol indicating the name of the record field and a value with which the field should be updated. A dynamically typed language, will not enfornce the field identifier to be declared beforehand, but a statically typed one, like Scala, will:

scala> updateRecordByName(favoriteAlbum, "OK Computer") // Err: not found: value favoriteAlbum

To work around this, Scala lets you pass a Symbol literal instead:

scala> updateRecordByName('favoriteAlbum, "OK Computer") // Err: not found: value favoriteAlbum

There's not much you can do with a symbol, except find its name:

scala> val s = 'aSymbol
s: Symbol = 'aSymbol

scala> val nm =
nm: String = aSymbol

Note that symbols are interned: references the same symbol literal will point to the same Symbol object.

See 01 — Basic Types and Operations: Symbols.

Boolean literals

The Boolean type has two literals:

scala> val bool = true
bool: Boolean = true

scala> val wool = false
wool: Boolean = false

String Interpolation

Scala includes a flexible mechanism for string interpolation:

val name = "Jason Isaacs"
println(s"Hello to $name!) // yields: Hello to Jason Isaacs!

Because the letter s precedes the open quote, Scala will use the s string interpolation to process the literal. This will evaluate each embedded expression, invoke toString on each result and replace the embedded expressions in the literal with those results.

Any expression can be placed after the dollar sign ($) in a processed string literal. If the expression uses something other than a variable identifier, you must place it in curly braces:

scala> s"The answer is ${6 * 7}."
res0: String = The answer is 42.

Scala provides two additional string interpolators: the raw string interpolator and the f string interpolator.

The raw string interpolator behaves like the s string interpolator except that it does not recognize character literal escape sequences:

println(raw"No\\\\escape\n") // -> No\\\\escape\n

The f string interpolator allows you to attach printf-style formatting instructions to embedded expressions. Those instructions should be placed after the expression, starting with a percent sign % using the syntax specificed by the java.util.Formatter:

scala> f"${math.Pi}%.5f"
res1: String = 3.14159

If the f string interpolator is used without formatting instructions, its implementation will default to %s, so the toString method will be used.

Libraries and users can define other string interpolators for other purposes.

Operators Are Methods

Scala provides a rich set of operators for its basic types, which happen to be nothing more than syntactic sugar for ordinary method calls.

For example, 1 + 2 is the same thing as (1).+(2). This means that Scala defines the +() method that takes an Int and returns an Int, and provides the necessary internal rules to make use of that +() method in a more natural way.

scala> val sum = 1 + 2
sum: Int = 3

scala> val uglySum = (1).+(2)
uglySum: Int = 3

Scala supports method overloading, so you can define different +() method that share the same name but accept different parameters:

scala> val sumLong = 1 + 2L
sumLong: Long = 3
The + symbol is an infix operator — the operator sits between the object and the parameter.
Scala also has two other operator notations: prefix and postfix. In prefix notation the method name is placed before the object on which you are invoking the method (e.g. the minus in -7). In postfix the method is placed after the object (e.g. toLong in 5.toLong)

The interesting thing, is that the syntactic sugar for the + operator can be applied to any method:

val s = "Hello to Jason Isaacs!"
s.indexOf('J') // -> 9

s indexOf 'J'  // -> 9

These rules can also be applied to methods taking several parameters. For example, there's an overloaded indexOf that takes two parameters, the character for which to search and an index at which to start:

val s = "Hello to Jason Isaacs!"
s.indexOf('o', 5) // -> 7
s indexOf('o', 5) // -> 7

As a consequence, any method can be an operator: it only depends on how you use it (which ultimately depends on how natural it feels to use a method as an operator).

Note that:

  • infix operators are binary; they take two operands
  • prefix and postfix operators are unary; they take just one operand

As with infix operators, prefix and postfix operators (e.g. -2.0, !found, ~0xFF) are shorthands for method invocation. In this case, the name of the method must have unary_ prepended to the operator name.

val minus2 = -2.0
val uglyMinus2 = (2.0).unary_-

There are only a bunch of characters that can be used as prefix operators are +, -, ! and ~. Thus if you define a method named unary_! you could invoke that method on a value or variable of the appropriate type using the prefix operator notation. Note that, as * is not one of the supported prefix operators, you wouldn't be able to use something like *p even when defining a method named unary_*.

Postfix operators take no arguments. As Scala lets you leave off parentheses in method calls not requiring arguments, you can do:

val msg = "Hello to Jason"
msg.toLower // regular method call, yielding hello to jason
msg toLower // postfix use of toLower of msg operand
Leaving off parentheses in method calls
The convention is that you should only include parentheses in method calls without arguments when the method has side-effects. In any other case, it's a best practice to leave them off (toLower, toLong, ...)

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic methods (+, -, *, / and %) via infix operation notation can be invoked on any numeric type.

When both left and right operands are integral types the / operator will yield the whole number portion of the quotient, excluding any remainder. In that case, the % will give you the remainder of an implied integer division.

The numeric types also offer the unary prefix operators + and - that indicates whether a literal number is positive or negative.

Relational and Logical Operations

Numeric types can be compared using >, <, >= and <= and yield a Boolean result. In addition, you can use the unary operator ! to invert a boolean value.

Logical methods (&& and & and || and |) take Boolean operands in infix notation and yield a Booleanresult.

The && and || short-circuit: expressions built from these operators are only evaluated as far as needed to determine a result, from left to right. However, the & and | operators performs the same logical operation, but don't short-circuit like && and || does.

def salt(): Boolean = { println("salt"); true }
def pepper(): Boolean = { println("pepper"); false }
salt() && pepper()  // -> false, prints salt and pepper
salt() || pepper()  // -> true, prints only salt because it short-circuits
salt() | pepper()   // -> true, prints salt and pepper because it doesn't short-circuit

Bitwise Operations

The bitwise operations are and (&), or (|) and xor (^). The unary bitwise operator ~ inverts each bit in its operand.

Alsom Scala defines three shift methods: shift-left (<<), shift-right (>>) and unsigned shift right (>>>). Shift-left and unsigned shift right fill with zeroes as they shift. Shift right fills with the highest but of the left-hand value as it shifts.

Object Equality

Two objects can be compared for equality using either == or !=. In contrast to Java, these operations apply to all objects and not only basic types:

val aList = List(1, 2, 3)
val anotherList = List(1, 2, 3)
aList == anotherList

You can compare two objects of differen types:

1 == 1.0 // -> true
"hello" == List(1, 2, 3) // -> false

You can even compare against null, or against things that might be null and no exception will be thrown:

List(1, 2, 3) == null // -> false
null == List(1, 2, 3) // -> false

Using == will yield true on different objects provided that their contents are the same and their equals method is written based on contents. That's why 1 == 1.0 yields true.

== in Scala
== has been carefully crafted in Scala so that you just get the equality comparison you want int most cases. This is accomplished by first checking the left side for null. If it is not null, then the equals method is called. Since equals is a method, the precise comparison depends on the type of the left-hand argument. Since there is an automatic null check, you do not have to check yourself.

As you see, == compares value equality, rather than reference equality. Scala provides a facility for comparing reference equality eq and ne but are only applied to objects that directly map to Java objects.

Operator Precedence and Associativity

Operator precedence determines which parts of an expression are evaluated before the other parts. For example, 2 + 2 * 7 evaluate to 16 because the * operator has a higher precedence than the + operator.

As Scala doesn't have operators (but rather methods that can be used in operator notation), precedence is decided by inspecting the first character of the methods used in operator notation, with one exception (the assignment operator).

Operator Precedence (from highest to lowest)
(all other special characters)
* / %
+ -
= !
< >
(all letters)
(all assignment operators)

For example,

scala> 2 << 2 + 2  // evaluate as 2 << (2 + 2)
Int: 32

The one exception concerns the assignment operator: if an operator ends in an equal character (=), and the operator is not one of the comparison operators (<=, >=, == or !=), then the precedence of the operator is the same as that of simple assignment (=).

Thus, x *= y + 1 is the same as x *= (y + 1) because *= is classified as an assignment operator (it ends in an equal character), whose precedence is lower than +.

When multiple operators of the same precedence appear side by side in an expression, the associativity of the operators determines the way the operators are grouped. This associativity is determined in Scala by inspecting the last character of the method name. Any method that ends in a : character is invoked on its right operand, passign in the left operand. Methods that end in any other character are the other way around: they're invoked on their left operand, passing in the right operand.

Thus, a * b yields a.*(b) while a ::: b yields b.:::(a).

Independently of the associativity rules, operands are always evaluated from left to right.

The associativity rule also plays a role when multiple operators of the same precedence appear side by side. If the methods end in : those are grouped right to left as in a ::: b ::: c -> a ::: (b ::: c); otherwise they're grouped from left to right as in a * b * c -> (a * b) *c.

As always, it is considered good style to use parentheses to clarify precedence on complex operations.

Rich Wrappers

Many more methods are available on Scala's basic types via implicit conversions. This technique allows you to define a rich wrapper on a basic type to provide such methods.

Here we have a few examples:

Code Result
0 max 5 5
0 min 5 0
-2.7 abs 2.7
-2.7 round -3L
1.5 isInfinity false
(1.0 / 0) isInfinity true
4 to 6 Range(4, 5, 6)
"bob" capitalize "Bob"
"robert" drop 2 "bert"

You can find more information about those methods on the API documentation for the rich wrappers:

Basic Type Rich Wrapper
Byte scala.runtime.RichByte
Short scala.runtime.RichShort
Int scala.runtime.RichInt
Long scala.runtime.RichLong
Char scala.runtime.RichChar
Float scala.runtime.RichFloat
Double scala.runtime.RichDouble
Boolean scala.runtime.RichBoolean
String scala.collection.immutable.StringOps

You know you've mastered this chapter when...

  • You are aware of the different basic types that Scala provides and recognize them as full-fledged objects (rather than primitive types as in other programming languages).
  • You know how to define integer, floating point, character, string, boolean and symbol literals. You must be aware of the intrincacies of each literal definitions:
    • decimal and hexadecimal literals for integer types, the L (or l) suffix to specify Longs and how to force the exact type of an integer literal (by declaring its type).
    • exponent notation for floats and the F (or f) and D (or d) to give the specific type.
    • escape sequences and Unicode specification of character literals.
    • raw strings and how to use them.
    • symbol literals and what they try to achieve (where you'd use an identifier in a dynamically typed language).
  • You're aware of the different string interpolators available in Scala, the s interpolator, the raw string interpolator and the f string interpolator.
  • You're aware that operators in Scala are just regular methods that are invoked using a special syntax that feels more natural for certain operations. You must know that methods can be overloaded and that there are different rules for infix, prefix and postfix operators. You're aware that only a bunch of characters can be used as prefix operators and must follow a strict naming rule (unary_<char>).
  • You're comfortable with arithmetic, relational and logical operations and bitwise operations
  • You're aware of how to check for object equality in Scala using == and != and that Scala provides a special operator to check for reference equality (eq and ne).
  • You're aware of the operator precedence and associativity rules.
  • You know about the basic types rich wrappers, which provide additional methods on basic types.


IntelliJ worksheet project with several worksheet illustrating the concepts of the section.

Simple SBT project that illustrates how to define an application entrypoint in Scala.

[03 — Hello App Trait SBT] (./03-hello-app-trait-sbt)

Simple SBT project that illustrates how to define an application entrypoint in Scala by extending the App trait.