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Part 1 — Scala Fundamentals — First Steps in Scala

the most basic Scala principles


This section will introduce Scala quickly will introduce Scala concepts to enable you to start reading and writing programs in Scala. Subsequent sections will tackle all these concepts in a more detailed way.

Variable Definition

Scala has two kind of variables:

  • val — a variable that once initialized it can never be reassigned throughout its lifetime
  • var — a variable that can be reassigned

The syntax is straightforward:

scala> val msg = "Hello to Jason Isaacs!"
msg: String = Hello to Jason Isaacs!

Note that Scala's type inference mechanism allows you to define the variable without specifying its type, which is correctly identified by the interpreter as String.

You can however, specify the variable type using the syntax:

scala> val msg: String = "Hello to Jeremy Irons"
msg: String = Hello to Jeremy Irons

Once defined, you can use the variable name in the expected way:

scala> println(msg)
Hello to Jason Isaacs
Statements spanning multiple lines
You can type statements into the interpreter that spans across multiple lines. The interpreter will respond with a `
scala> val multiline =
     | "This is the next line"
multiline: String = This is the next line

You can escapa from the multiline statement by pressing enter twice:

scala> val oops =
You typed two blank lines.  Starting a new command.


Function definition

Function definitions in Scala use this syntax:

def fn(param1: Type1, param2: type2, ...): FunctionResultType = {
  // function body here


  • a function definition start with def.
  • the function name is followed by a comma-separated list of parameters in parentheses. If the function receives no arguments, you can use () to indicate it.
  • function parameter types are not inferred, and therefore should be explicitly given using the syntax variableName: Type.
  • after the parameter list, you can give the function result type. This is often optional as Scala will be able to infer it.
  • then, an = sign and a pair of curly braces indicate the body function follows.

For example:

def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
  if (x > y) x
  else y

Note that no return is needed in this case.

The previous syntax can be greatly simplified in most of the cases:

  • the result type of the function will be inferred by Scala in most of the cases
  • if a function consists of a single statement, you can leave off the curly braces
def max(x: Int, y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y

Once defined, a function can be called by its name:

scala> max(2, 5)
res1: Int = 5

A function that returns nothing is said to return a Unit. A function returning a Unit is invoked to trigger side effects, such as printing a message in the stdout:

scala> def printGreeting() = println("Hello to Jason Isaacs")
printGreeting: ()Unit

For an example, see 02 — Hello Functions!.

while and if

Scala, being a functional language, features very advanced ways of iterating through collections. However, it also supports old-school index based iteration using while:

val args = List("Scala", "is", "fun")
var i = 0
while (i < args.length) {
  if (i != 0)
    print(" ")
  i += 1
} // -> Scala is fun

For an example, see 03 — while and if.

foreach and for

You can write the previous piece of code in a more concise way using functional programming concepts:

args.foreach(arg => println(arg))

Note that in this case, the you don't even need to make the argument type explicit, but you could do that using the syntax:

args.foreach((arg: String) => println(arg))

But you could even be more concise and use the syntax:


In all these three cases, what we're doing is using functions as first-class citizens of Scala, and thus, passing functions as parameters (i.e. arg => println) to other functions (i.e. args.foreach).

The syntax for a function literal is as follows:

(arg1: Type1, arg2: Type2 ...) => function_body

Scala also defines a functional for expression that can be used as follows:

for (arg <- args)

For an example, see 04 — foreach and for

Hello Arrays

In Scala, you parameterize an instance with types by specifying one or more types in square brackets. This is especially needed when working with arrays, as an array requires you to parameterize it with a type and value for the number of elements it can hold.

This is the syntax you use for instantiating a String array with three elements and how to access the individual elements of the array:

val greetStrings = new Array[String](3)
greetStrings(0) = "Hello"
greetStrings(1) = "to"
greetStrings(2) = "Jason"

for (i <- 0 to 2)

Note that:

  • In Scala, you instantiate objects using the new operator (e.g. val bigNumber = new java.math.BigInteger("12345"))
  • You could have given an explicit type to the array reference using val greetStrings: Array[String]
  • The syntax greetStrings(index) is used both for reading and writing
  • Note that val works as expected: you won't be able to reassign what greetStrings is referencing, but you will be able to change the internal state of the array
  • You can use the for-expression syntax for (i <- 0 to 2) for index-based iteration
What's happening behind the scenes in for (i <- 0 to 2)
In Scala, if a method takes only one parameter, you can call it without a dot or parentheses. In our example, the 0 to 2 is actually (0).to(2), that is, the argument 0 has a to method that is invoked with the argument 2.
For instance, you could also do Console println 10 which would be transformed internally to Console.println(10), or 1 + 2 which would result into (1).+(2).

Note also that Scala does not have operator overloading, but the fact that it does not require the use of . for methods taking one parameter, and that it allows you to name methods with characters like + or ! will make you feel it does.

Another interesting thing is that , when using greetStrings(2), it gets transformed into greetStrings.apply(2), and greetStrings(1) = "to" into greetStrings.update(1, "to").

Although useful to explain the concepts, arrays can be initialized in a better way using:

val numNames = Array("zero", "one", "two")

The previous snippet uses a factory method named apply which creates a new array of length three, with the elements initialized according to the given values.

For an example, see 05 — Hello Arrays.

Hello Lists

Functional programming fosters the use of methods without side effects. Applying this philosophy to the world of objects means making objects immutable. The arrays in Scala are a mutable sequence of objects that share the same type. For an immutable sequence of objects sharing the same type Scala provides the List class, and therefore, it is especially suited for functional programming.

The following snippet creates two lists and a third one that results from joining the first two.

val oneTwo = List(1, 2)
val twoThree = List(2, 3)
val oneTwoThreeFour = oneTwo ::: twoThree // -> List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val oneTwoThree = 1 :: twoThree           // -> List(1, 2, 3)

As lists are immutable, oneTwoThreeFour and oneTwoThree are completely new lists. Note that we have also introduced a couple of convenience methods for lists:

  • the list concatenation operator :::
  • the cons operator, which prepends an element to a list
Methods ending in :
You might be wondering why 1 :: twoThree works.

In Scala, if a method is used in operator notation, as in a * b the method is invoked on the left operand, so it ends up being a.*(b).

However, if the method names ends in a colon, the method is invoked on the right operand, so 1 :: twoThree is transformed into twoThree.::(1). |

Scala defines the term Nil to identify an empty list. So a convenient way to initialize a list is:

val oneFourSix = 1 :: 4 :: 6 :: Nil

The List class also supports and append operation, but it is rarely used as it is less efficient than the cons operation, so even if you need to build a list appending items, it pays off to use the cons operator and then reverse it.

The following table is a List cheatsheet:

Concept Description
List() or Nil The empty List
List("One", "Two", "Three") Creates a new List[String] with the given values
val list = "One" :: "Two" :: "Three" :: Nil Creates a new List[String] with the given values using the cons operator
List("a", "b") ::: List("c", "d") Returns the list that results from concatenating the given lists (returns `List("a", "b", "c", "d"))
list(2) Returns the element at index 2 (the third element in the list)
list.count(str => str.length == 4) Counts the number of elements in the list satisfying the given predicate
list.drop(2) Returns the list without its first two elements (returns List("Three"))
list.dropRight(2) Returns the list without its rightmost two elements (returns List("One))
list.exists(str => str == "Three") Returns whether an element satisfying the given predicate exists
list.filter(str => str.length == 4) Returns a list with the elements satisfying the given predicate
list.forall(str => str.endsWith("e")) Returns whether all the elements of the list satisfy the given predicate
list.foreach(str => print(str))
Executes the given action for each of the elements. The second option is more concise
list.head Returns the first element in the list (returns "One")
list.init Returns a list of all but the last element in the list
list.isEmpty Returns whether the list is empty
list.last Returns the last element in the list (returns "Three")
list.length Returns the number of elements in the list (returns 3) => str + "s") Returns a list resulting of appending "s" to all the existing elements (returns List("Ones", "Twos", "Threes"))
list.mkString(", ") Returns a string with all the elements in the list joined by the given string (returns `"One, Two, Three")
list.filterNot(str => str.length == 4) Returns a list with all the elements not satisfying the given predicate
list.reverse Returns a list containing the elements in reverse order
list.sortWith((s, t) => s.charAt(0).toLower < t.charAt(0).toLower) Returns a list containing the elements sorted by the given comparison rule (sorted in alphabetical order by the first character, lowercased)
list.tail Returns the list minus the first element (returns List("Two", "Three"))

For an example, see 06 — Hello Lists.

Hello Tuples

The tuple is another fundamental, immutable container in Scala that unlike a List can contain different types of elements (i.e. a list might be a List[Int] or List[String], but a tuple can contain both and integer and a string at the same time).

Tuples excel at situations in which you would have to define a bean in Java, for instance, when having to return multiple things from a method.

You can create a tuple and access its elements using the following syntax:

val pair = (99, "Bugs in the code")

For an example, see 07 — Hello Tuples

Hello Sets

Scala provides mutable and immutable alternatives for sets and maps, but uses the same simple names for both versions.

For example, the Scala API contains a base trait for sets, where a trait is similar to a Java interface. Scala then provides two subtraits: one for mutable sets and another for immutable sets.

The following picture illustrates that these three traits share the same simple name, Set. Their fully qualified names differ, because each reside in a different package. Concrete set classes, such as the HashSet extend either the mutable or immutable Set trait. Long story short, as a developer, you will be able to choose between a mutable or immutable implementation of a HashSet. HashSet class hierarchy

You can create a Set in similarly to how you create lists and arrays invoking a factory method. This will return an instance of a default immutable set:

var jetSet = Set("Boeing", "Airbus")  // -> scala.collection.immutable.Set[String]
jetSet += "Learjet"                   // -> a new Set will be assigned to jetSet
jetSet.contains("Cessna")             // -> false
jetSet = jetSet + "Beechcraft"        // -> same as +=

If you want a mutable set, an explicit import is needed:

import scala.collection.mutable

val movieSet = mutable.Set("Sicario", "Regression")
movieSet += "Detroit" // OK, movieSet is mutable

As with Java, an import statement allows you to use a simple name, such as Set instead of the longer, fully qualified name.

The approach is similar if you have to use an explicit implementation like HashSet:

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet

val hashSet = HashSet("Tomatoes", "Chillies", "Onions")
// hashSet += "Coriander" // Err: It's immutable
println(hashSet + "Coriander")

For an example, see 08 — Hello Sets.

Hello Maps

As with Set, Scala provides mutable and immutable versions of Map using a class hierarchy. Map hierarchy

As you can see, there's a base Map trait in scala.collection and two subtraits for the mutable and immutable variants. Below that, you have the concrete implementations you can explicitly select.

Maps are created in the same way as Sets, using a factory method

import scala.collection.mutable

val treasureMap = mutable.Map[Int, String]()
treasureMap += (1 -> "Go to island")
treasureMap += (2 -> "Find big X on the ground")
treasureMap += (3 -> "Dig, dig and dig")

println(treasureMap(2)) // -> Find big X on the ground

Note that once away, Scala transforms 1 -> "Go to island" into (1).->("Go to island") which returns a two element tuple (1, "Go to island").

Immutable maps are easier to declare, as they require no imports

val romanNumerals = Map(1 -> "I", 2 -> "II", 3 -> "III", 4 -> "IV")

For an example, see 09 — Hello Maps

A Journey to Functional Programming

If you're coming from an imperative background, the journey to functional programming might seem daunting at first. However, you should strive for making your code as functional as possible, as you will get a lot of benefits in return.

When facing a piece of imperative code that you should refactor into a functional one think about:

  • how to get rid of var — you should strive for immutability
  • look for functions without side effects — use referencial transparency

See 10 — From Imperative to Functional Programming for basic example of such transformation.

Pure imperative

def printArgs(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  var i = 0
  while (i < args.length) {
    i += 1

In the first step, remove the var and use functional approach to iteration:

def printArgs(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  for (arg <- args)

// or...
def printArgs3(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  args.foreach(arg => println(arg))

// or...
def printArgs4(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

But then, you have to remove the side effects for the function:

def formatArgs(args: Array[String]) = args.mkString("\n")

The immediate benefit is that you will be able to check that the functions does exactly what it is supposed to do:

val result = formatArgs(Array("One", "Two", "Three"))
assert(result == "One\nTwo\nThree")

In summary:

  • prefer val over var
  • use immutable objects
  • use methods without side effects

For a more contrived example, see 11 — Read lines from a file in Scala. The example imports the package, which exposes a method Source.fromFile(arg).getLines() that returns a structure that you can iterate over.


An empty project used to start the Scala interpreter from SBT.

Defining and using functions in Scala

Old-school, index-based iteration using while.

Introduces the functional iteration Scala supports using foreach and the for expression.

Illustrates how to create arrays in Scala.

Illustrates how to create and use lists in Scala.

Illustrates how to create and use tuples in Scala.

Illustrates how to create and use Sets in Scala.

Illustrates how to create and use Maps in Scala.

Illustrates how to transform a piece of code from an imperative to a functional programming style.

Illustrates how to write a simple program in Scala that read lines from a file and prints those lines prepended by the number of characters of each line.

An understanding exercise of reduceLeft operation in Scala