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File metadata and controls

130 lines (97 loc) · 3.65 KB

Custom Namer

The purpose of a namer service is to name an uploaded file before it is stored to the storage layer.

Currently the OneupUploaderBundle provides two namer methods.

  • Default used is a namer called UniqidNamer, which will return a system wide unique filename using the uniqid() function.
  • The other method called UrlSafeNamer using random_bytes function, see Using UrlSafeNamer how to use it


To enable UrlSafeNamer you will need to change your namer in your mappings to oneup_uploader.namer.urlsafe


            namer: oneup_uploader.namer.urlsafe

Use a custom namer

First, create a custom namer which implements Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\Naming\NamerInterface.


namespace AppBundle\Uploader\Naming;

use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\File\FileInterface;
use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\Naming\NamerInterface;

class CatNamer implements NamerInterface
    public function name(FileInterface $file)
        return 'grumpycat.jpg';

To match the NamerInterface you have to implement the function name() which expects an FileInterface and should return a string representing the name of the given file. The example above would name every file grumpycat.jpg and is therefore not very useful. The namer should return an unique name to avoid issues if the file already exists.

Next, register your created namer as a service in your services.xml

    <service id="acme_demo.custom_namer" class="Acme\DemoBundle\CatNamer" />
        class: AppBundle\Uploader\Naming\CatNamer

Now you can use your custom service by adding it to your configuration:

            namer: app.cat_namer

Every file uploaded through the Controller of this mapping will be named with your custom namer.

Change the directory structure

With the NameInterface you can change the directory structure to provide a better files organization or to use your own existing structure. For example, you need to separate the uploaded files by users with a user_id folder.

You need to inject the security.token_storage service to your namer.

    <service id="acme_demo.custom_namer" class="Acme\DemoBundle\CatNamer">
        <argument type="service" id="security.token_storage"/>
        class: Acme\DemoBundle\CatNamer
        arguments: ["@security.token_storage"]

Now you can use the service to get the logged user id and return the custom directory like below:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle;

use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\File\FileInterface;
use Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\Naming\NamerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage;

class CatNamer implements NamerInterface
    private $tokenStorage;
    public function __construct(TokenStorage $tokenStorage){
        $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
     * Creates a user directory name for the file being uploaded.
     * @param FileInterface $file
     * @return string The directory name.
    public function name(FileInterface $file)
        $userId = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser()->getId();
        return sprintf('%s/%s.%s',

Every file uploaded through the Controller of this mapping will be named with your new directory structure.