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Configuration validation fails when using brackets in glob pattern #4751

JaZo opened this issue Aug 4, 2021 · 0 comments

Configuration validation fails when using brackets in glob pattern #4751

JaZo opened this issue Aug 4, 2021 · 0 comments
feature/test-runner CLI test runner type/bug Something is broken


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JaZo commented Aug 4, 2021

PHPUnit version 9.5.8
PHP version 7.4.3
Installation Method Composer

Composer info

bacon/bacon-qr-code                     2.0.4      
barryvdh/laravel-debugbar               v3.6.2     
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper             v2.10.0    
barryvdh/reflection-docblock            v2.0.6
bepsvpt/secure-headers                  7.1.0      
brick/math                              0.9.2      
bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel                 v2.22.1    
bugsnag/bugsnag-psr-logger              v1.4.3     
bugsnag/bugsnag                         v3.26.0    
clue/stream-filter                      v1.5.0     
composer/ca-bundle                      1.2.10     
composer/composer                       2.1.5      
composer/metadata-minifier              1.0.0      
composer/semver                         3.2.5      
composer/spdx-licenses                  1.5.5      
composer/xdebug-handler                 2.0.2      
danielstjules/stringy                   3.1.0      
dasprid/enum                            1.0.3      
dflydev/dot-access-data                 v3.0.0     
doctrine/annotations                    1.13.1     
doctrine/cache                          2.1.1      
doctrine/dbal                           3.1.1      
doctrine/deprecations                   v0.5.3     
doctrine/event-manager                  1.1.1      
doctrine/inflector                      2.0.3      
doctrine/instantiator                   1.4.0      
doctrine/lexer                          1.2.1      
dragonmantank/cron-expression           v3.1.0     
egulias/email-validator                 2.1.25     
facade/flare-client-php                 1.8.1      
facade/ignition                         2.11.2     
facade/ignition-contracts               1.0.2      
fakerphp/faker                          v1.15.0    
fideloper/proxy                         4.4.1      
filp/whoops                             2.14.0     
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer               v3.0.1     
graham-campbell/result-type             v1.0.1     
guzzlehttp/guzzle                       7.3.0      
guzzlehttp/promises                     1.4.1      
guzzlehttp/psr7                         2.0.0      
hamcrest/hamcrest-php                   v2.0.1     
hannesvdvreken/guzzle-debugbar          3.0.1      
hannesvdvreken/guzzle-profiler          2.0.0      
justinrainbow/json-schema               5.2.11     
kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware        v3.4.0     
laracasts/flash                         3.2        
laracasts/presenter                     0.2.4      
laravelcollective/html                  v6.2.1     
laravel/framework                       v8.53.0    
laravel/tinker                          v2.6.1     
league/commonmark                       2.0.1      
league/config                           v1.1.0     
league/flysystem                        1.1.4      
league/fractal                          0.19.2     
league/mime-type-detection              1.7.0      
league/oauth2-client                    2.6.0      
limedeck/phpunit-detailed-printer       6.0.0      
maximebf/debugbar                       v1.17.1    
mockery/mockery                         1.4.3      
monolog/monolog                         2.3.2      
myclabs/deep-copy                       1.10.2     
myclabs/php-enum                        1.8.3      
nesbot/carbon                           2.51.1     
nette/schema                            v1.2.1     
nette/utils                             v3.2.2     
nikic/php-parser                        v4.12.0    
nunomaduro/collision                    v5.6.0     
opis/closure                            3.6.2      
paragonie/random_compat                 v9.99.100  
phar-io/manifest                        2.0.3      
phar-io/version                         3.1.0      
php-cs-fixer/diff                       v2.0.2     
phpdocumentor/reflection-common         2.2.0      
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock       5.2.2      
phpdocumentor/type-resolver             1.4.0      
php-http/client-common                  2.4.0      
php-http/discovery                      1.14.0     
php-http/httplug                        2.2.0      
php-http/message                        1.11.2     
php-http/message-factory                v1.0.2     
php-http/mock-client                    1.4.1      
php-http/promise                        1.1.0      
phpoption/phpoption                     1.7.5      
phpspec/prophecy                        1.13.0     
phpunit/php-code-coverage               9.2.6      
phpunit/php-file-iterator               3.0.5      
phpunit/php-invoker                     3.1.1      
phpunit/php-text-template               2.0.4      
phpunit/php-timer                       5.0.3      
phpunit/phpunit                         9.5.8      
php-webdriver/webdriver                 1.11.1     
psr/cache                               1.0.1      
psr/container                           1.1.1      
psr/event-dispatcher                    1.0.0      
psr/http-client                         1.0.1      
psr/http-factory                        1.0.1      
psr/http-message                        1.0.1      
psr/log                                 1.1.4      
psr/simple-cache                        1.0.1      
psy/psysh                               v0.10.8    
ralouphie/getallheaders                 3.0.3      
ramsey/collection                       1.1.4      
ramsey/uuid                             4.1.1      
react/promise                           v2.8.0     
sebastian/cli-parser                    1.0.1      
sebastian/code-unit                     1.0.8      
sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup      2.0.3      
sebastian/comparator                    4.0.6      
sebastian/complexity                    2.0.2      
sebastian/diff                          4.0.4      
sebastian/environment                   5.1.3      
sebastian/exporter                      4.0.3      
sebastian/global-state                  5.0.3      
sebastian/lines-of-code                 1.0.3      
sebastian/object-enumerator             4.0.4      
sebastian/object-reflector              2.0.4      
sebastian/recursion-context             4.0.4      
sebastian/resource-operations           3.0.3      
sebastian/type                          2.3.4      
sebastian/version                       3.0.2      
seld/jsonlint                           1.8.3      
seld/phar-utils                         1.1.1      
spatie/fractalistic                     2.9.1      
spatie/laravel-fractal                  5.8.1      
swiftmailer/swiftmailer                 v6.2.7     
swisnl/guzzle-fixture-handler           2.3.0      
swisnl/illuminate-collections           8.0.0      
swisnl/json-api-client                  2.0.0-beta 
swisnl/json-api-client-laravel          1.0.0-beta 
swisnl/laravel-javascript-data-response 1.4.0      
swisnl/php-cs-fixer-config              1.3.0      
swisnl/php-http-fixture-client          2.3.0      
symfony/console                         v5.3.6     
symfony/css-selector                    v5.3.4     
symfony/debug                           v4.4.27    
symfony/deprecation-contracts           v2.4.0     
symfony/dom-crawler                     v5.3.4     
symfony/error-handler                   v5.3.4     
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts      v2.4.0     
symfony/event-dispatcher                v5.3.4     
symfony/filesystem                      v5.3.4     
symfony/finder                          v5.3.4     
symfony/http-client-contracts           v2.4.0     
symfony/http-foundation                 v5.3.6     
symfony/http-kernel                     v5.3.6     
symfony/mime                            v5.3.4     
symfony/options-resolver                v5.3.4     
symfony/polyfill-ctype                  v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-iconv                  v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme          v1.23.1    
symfony/polyfill-intl-idn               v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer        v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-mbstring               v1.23.1    
symfony/polyfill-php72                  v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-php73                  v1.23.0    
symfony/polyfill-php80                  v1.23.1    
symfony/process                         v5.3.4     
symfony/routing                         v5.3.4     
symfony/service-contracts               v2.4.0     
symfony/stopwatch                       v5.3.4     
symfony/string                          v5.3.3     
symfony/translation-contracts           v2.4.0     
symfony/translation                     v5.3.4     
symfony/var-dumper                      v5.3.6     
theseer/tokenizer                       1.2.1      
tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles       2.2.3      
vlucas/phpdotenv                        v5.3.0     
voku/portable-ascii                     1.5.6      
webmozart/assert                        1.10.0     


Configuration validation fails when using brackets (character group) in glob pattern.

Current behavior

Warning - The configuration file did not pass validation!
The following problems have been detected:

Line 7:
- Element 'directory': './tests/[a-h]*' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:anyURI'.

Line 11:
- Element 'exclude': './tests/[a-h]*' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:anyURI'.

Test results may not be as expected.

Despite the warning, it does work as expected.

How to reproduce

$ tree
├── phpunit.xml
└── tests
    ├── one
    │   └── OneTest.php
    └── two
        └── TwoTest.php
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
      <testsuite name="A">
      <testsuite name="B">

Expected behavior

No configuration validation warning.

@JaZo JaZo added the type/bug Something is broken label Aug 4, 2021
@sebastianbergmann sebastianbergmann added the feature/test-runner CLI test runner label Aug 4, 2021
@sebastianbergmann sebastianbergmann self-assigned this Aug 10, 2021
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feature/test-runner CLI test runner type/bug Something is broken
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2 participants