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231 lines (156 loc) · 8.13 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (156 loc) · 8.13 KB



Use the npm cli to install as a dependancy into your project

npm install --save git+

then in your .env file add the following keys


# use the pk and sk obtained from your iexcloud account
# make sure the .env file is in your .gitignore file
# do not hard code the keys into your application code
# do not upload the keys to github.
# you can easily change the keys if they become compromised

To test that everything installed correctly and the .env file is properly setup you can use the following or similar code

// reminder: this is an async interface's promises all the way down

const  iex = require( 'iexcloud_api_wrapper' )

const quote = async (sym) => {
    const quoteData = await iex.quote(sym);
    // do something with returned quote data


//  Quote {
//   symbol: 'WDC',
//   companyName: 'Western Digital Corporation',
//   calculationPrice: 'tops',
//   open: 47.56,
//   openTime: 1550154600850,
//   close: 47.69,
//   closeTime: 1550091600563,
//   high: 48.75,
//   low: 47.43,
//   latestPrice: 47.89,
//   latestSource: 'IEX real time price',
//   latestTime: '11:53:07 AM',
//   latestUpdate: 1550163187646,
//   latestVolume: 2660380,
//   iexRealtimePrice: 47.89,
//   iexRealtimeSize: 1,
//   iexLastUpdated: 1550163187646,
//   delayedPrice: 47.925,
//   delayedPriceTime: 1550162368700,
//   extendedPrice: 47.56,
//   extendedChange: -0.33,
//   extendedChangePercent: -0.00689,
//   extendedPriceTime: 1550189098346,
//   previousClose: 47.69,
//   change: 0.2,
//   changePercent: 0.00419,
//   iexMarketPercent: 0.03971124425833904,
//   iexVolume: 105647,
//   avgTotalVolume: 8340178,
//   iexBidPrice: 47.8,
//   iexBidSize: 100,
//   iexAskPrice: 47.89,
//   iexAskSize: 100,
//   marketCap: 13928854390,
//   week52High: 106.96,
//   week52Low: 33.83,
//   ytdChange: 0.25066151071615267 }

Package function call signitures


export declare const accountMetadata: () => Promise<AccountMetaData>

export declare const enablePayAsYouGo: () => Promise<any>;
export declare const disablePayAsYouGo: () => Promise<any>;

export declare type UsageType = "messages" | "rules" | "rule-records" | "alerts" | "alert-records";

export declare const accountUsage: (type: UsageType) => Promise<any>;


export declare const advancedStats: (symbol: string) => Promise<AdvancedStats>;

export declare const balanceSheet: (symbol: string, period?: string, lastN: number =1) => Promise<BalanceSheet[]>;

export declare const book: (symbol: string) => Promise<Book>;

export declare const cashFlowStatement: (symbol: string, period?: string, lastN: number =1) => Promise<CashFlowStatement[]>;

export declare const ceoCompensation: (symbol: string) => Promise<CeoCompensation>;

export declare type CollectionType = "sector" | "tag" | "list";

export declare const collection: (collectionType: CollectionType, collectionName: string) => Promise<Quote[]>;

export declare const company: (symbol: string) => Promise<Company>;

export declare const cryptoQuote: (symbol: string) => Promise<CryptoQuote>;

export declare const delayedQuote: (symbol: string) => Promise<DelayedQuote>;

export declare type timePeriod = "next" | "1m" | "3m" | "6m" | "ytd" | "1y" | "2y" | "5y";

export declare const dividends: (symbol: string, range?: timePeriod) => Promise<Dividends[]>;

export declare const earnings: (symbol: string, lastn?: number) => Promise<Earnings[]>;

export declare const earningsToday: (symbol: string) => Promise<EarningsToday[]>;

export declare const effectiveSpread: (symbol: string) => Promise<EffectiveSpread[]>;

export declare type timePeriod = "1m" | "3m" | "6m" | "ytd" | "1y" | "2y" | "5y";

export declare const endOfDay: (symbol: string, period?: timePeriod="1m", chartLastN?: number = 1, chartInterval?: number =1 , changeFromClose?: boolean=false, chartReset?: boolean = false, chartSimplify?: boolean= false) => Promise<EndOfDay[]>;

export declare const endOfDayCloseOnly: (symbol: string, period?: timePeriod, chartLastN?: number, chartInterval?: number, changeFromClose?: boolean, chartReset?: boolean, chartSimplify?: boolean) => Promise<EndOfDayCloseOnly[]>;

export declare const estimates: (symbol: string, lastN?: number) => Promise<Estimates[]>;

export declare const endOfDayCloseOnly: (symbol: string, period?: timePeriod, chartLastN?: number, chartInterval?: number, changeFromClose?: boolean, chartReset?: boolean, chartSimplify?: boolean) => Promise<EndOfDayCloseOnly[]>;

export declare const estimates: (symbol: string, lastN?: number) => Promise<Estimates[]>;

export declare const financials: (symbol: string, lastn?: number) => Promise<Financials[]>;

export declare const history: (symbol: string, 
  {changeFromClose= true,
   closeOnly=  false,
   date = "",
   iexOnly = false,
   lastN = 0,
   interval = 1,
   period = "1m",
   reset = false,
   simplify = false}?: {
    changeFromClose?: boolean | undefined;
    closeOnly?: boolean | undefined;
    chartByDay?: boolean | undefined;
    date?: string | undefined;
    iexOnly?: boolean | undefined;
    interval?: number | undefined;
    lastN?: number | undefined;
    period?: string | undefined;
    reset?: boolean | undefined;
    simplify?: boolean | undefined;
   } ={}
) => Promise<(EndOfDay | Intraday)[]>;

export declare const iexApiRequest: (endpoint: string) => Promise<any>;

export declare const iexSymbols: () => Promise<IEXSymbol[]>;

export declare const incomeStatement: (symbol: string, period?: string, lastN: number =1) => Promise<IncomeStatement[]>;

export declare const intraday: (symbol: string, chartLastN?: number, chartInterval?: number, changeFromClose?: boolean, chartReset?: boolean, chartSimplify?: boolean) => Promise<Intraday[]>;

export declare const intradayForDate: (symbol: string, date:string, chartLastN?: number, chartInterval?: number, changeFromClose?: boolean, chartReset?: boolean, chartSimplify?: boolean) => Promise<IntradayIEXOnly[]>;

export declare const intradayIEXOnly: (symbol: string, chartLastN?: number, chartInterval?: number, changeFromClose?: boolean, chartReset?: boolean, chartSimplify?: boolean) => Promise<IntradayIEXOnly[]>;

export declare const keyStats: (symbol: string) => Promise<KeyStats>;

export declare type ListType = "mostactive" | "gainers" | "losers" | "iexvolume" | "iexpercent" | "infocus";

export declare const list: (listType?: ListType) => Promise<Quote[]>;

export declare const logoURL: (symbol: string) => Promise<Logo>;

export declare const marketSymbols: () => Promise<MarketSymbol[]>;

export declare const news: (symbol: string, lastN?: number) => Promise<NewsItem[]>;

export declare const ohlc: (symbol: string) => Promise<OHLC>;

export declare const peers: (symbol: string) => Promise<string[]>;

export declare const previousDay: (symbol: string) => Promise<PreviousDay>;

export declare const price: (symbol: string) => Promise<number>;

export declare const priceTarget: (symbol: string) => Promise<PriceTarget>;

export declare const quote: (symbol: string) => Promise<Quote>;

export declare const sectorPerformance: () => Promise<SectorPerformance[]>;

export declare type SentimentType = "daily" | "minute";

export declare const socialSentiment: (symbol: string, type?: SentimentType, date?: string) => Promise<SocialSentiment | SocialSentiment[] | null>;

export declare const splits: (symbol: string, period?: timePeriod) => Promise<Splits[]>;


These endpoints unlimited usage free of message unit charges

export declare const tops: (symbol: string) => Promise<TOPS[]>;

export declare const topsLast: (symbol: string) => Promise<TOPSLast[]>;

export declare const volumeByVenue: (symbol: string) => Promise<VolumeByVenue[]>;

export declare const auction: (symbol: string) => Promise<Auction>;

export declare const deepBook: (symbol: string) => Promise<any>;

export declare const officialPrice: (symbol: string) => Promise<DEEPOfficialPrice>;

export declare const deepTrades: (symbol: string) => Promise<DEEPTrade[]>;