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This production is parsed in a SassScript context when an expression is expected and the input stream starts with an identifier with value calc or clamp (ignoring case) followed immediately by (.

The grammar for this production is:

CalculationExpression ::= CalcExpression | ClampExpression
CalcExpression        ::= 'calc('¹ CalcArgument ')'
ClampExpression       ::= 'clamp('¹ CalcArgument ( ',' CalcArgument ){2} ')'
CalcArgument²         ::= InterpolatedDeclarationValue† | CalcSum
CalcSum               ::= CalcProduct (('+' | '-')³ CalcProduct)*
CalcProduct           ::= CalcValue (('*' | '/') CalcValue)*
CalcValue             ::= ParenthesizedVar
                        | '(' CalcArgument⁴ ')'
                        | CalculationExpression
                        | MinMaxExpression
                        | FunctionExpression⁵
                        | Number
                        | Variable†
ParenthesizedVar      ::= '(' 'var('¹ ArgumentInvocation ')' ')'

1: The strings calc(, clamp(, and var( are matched case-insensitively.

2: A CalcArgument is only parsed as an InterpolatedDeclarationValue if it includes interpolation, unless that interpolation is within a region bounded by parentheses (a FunctionExpression counts as parentheses).

3: Whitespace is required around these "+" and "-" tokens.

4: This CalcArgument cannot begin with var(, case-insensitively.

5: This FunctionExpression cannot begin with min(, max(, or clamp(, case-insensitively.

†: These productions are invalid in plain CSS syntax.

The CalcArgument production provides backwards-compatibility with the historical use of interpolation to inject SassScript values into calc() expressions. Because interpolation could inject any part of a calc() expression regardless of syntax, for full compatibility it's necessary to parse it very expansively.


CssMinMax         ::= ('min(' | 'max(')¹ CalcArgument (',' CalcArgument)* ')'

1: The strings min( and max( are matched case-insensitively.


The value type known as a "calculation" has the following structure:

interface Calculation {
  name: string;
  arguments: CalculationValue[];

type CalculationValue =
  | Number
  | UnquotedString
  | CalculationInterpolation
  | CalculationOperation
  | Calculation;

interface CalculationInterpolation {
  value: string;

interface CalculationOperation {
  operator: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/';
  left: CalculationValue;
  right: CalculationValue;


A calculation follows the default behavior of all SassScript operations, except that it throws an error if used as an operand of a:

  • unary or binary - operation,
  • unary + operation,
  • binary + operation where the other operand is not a string,

and equality is defined as below.

This helps ensure that if a user expects a number and receives a calculation instead, it will throw an error quickly rather than propagating as an unquoted string. Binary + with a string is allowed specifically for backwards-compatibility with the $variable + "" pattern for converting a value to a string to dynamically inspect it.


Two calculations are considered equal if their names are equal, they have the same number of arguments, and each argument in one calculation is equal to the corresponding argument in the other.

CalculationOperation and CalculationInterpolation values are equal if each field in one value is equal to the corresponding field in the other.



To serialize a calculation, emit its name followed by "(", then each of its arguments separated by ",", then ")".


To serialize a CalculationOperation:

  • Let left and right be the result of serializing the left and right values, respectively.

  • If either:

    • the left value is a CalculationInterpolation, or
    • the operator is "*" or "/" and the left value is a CalculationOperation with operator "+" or "-",

    emit "(" followed by left followed by ")". Otherwise, emit left.

  • Emit " ", then the operator, then " ".

  • If either:

    • the right value is a CalculationInterpolation, or
    • the operator is "*" or "-" and the right value is a CalculationOperation with operator "+" or "-", or
    • the operator is "/" and the right value is a CalculationOperation,

    emit "(" followed by right followed by ")". Otherwise, emit right.


To serialize a CalculationInterpolation, emit its value.


Simplifying a Calculation

This algorithm takes a calculation calc and returns a number or a calculation.

This algorithm is intended to return a value that's CSS-semantically identical to the input.

  • If calc was parsed from an expression within a SupportsDeclaration's Expression, but outside any interpolation, return a calc as-is.

  • Let arguments be the result of simplifying each of calc's arguments.

  • If calc's name is "calc", the syntax guarantees that arguments contain only a single argument. If that argument is a number or calculation, return it.

  • If calc's name is "clamp", arguments has fewer than three elements, and none of those are unquoted strings or CalculationInterpolations, throw an error.

    It's valid to write clamp(var(--three-args)) or clamp(#{"1, 2, 3"}), but otherwise clamp() has to have three physical arguments.

  • If calc's name is "clamp" and arguments are all numbers:

    • If those arguments' are mutually compatible, return the result of calling math.clamp() with those arguments.

    • Otherwise, if any two of those arguments are definitely-incompatible, throw an error.

  • If calc's name is "min" or "max" and arguments are all numbers:

    • If the arguments with units are all mutually compatible, call math.min() or math.max() (respectively) with those arguments. If this doesn't throw an error, return its result.

      min() and max() allow unitless numbers to be mixed with units because they need to be backwards-compatible with Sass's old global min() and max() functions.

    • Otherwise, if any two of those arguments are definitely-incompatible, throw an error.

  • Otherwise, return a calculation with the same name as calc and arguments as its arguments.

Simplifying a CalculationValue

This algorithm takes a CalculationValue value and returns a CalculationValue.

This algorithm is intended to return a value that's CSS-semantically identical to the input.

  • If value is a number, unquoted string, or CalculationInterpolation, return it as-is.

  • If value is a calculation:

    • Let result be the result of simplifying value.

    • If result is a calculation whose name is "calc", return result's single argument.

    • Otherwise, return result.

  • Otherwise, value must be a CalculationOperation. Let left and right be the result of simplifying value.left and value.right, respectively.

  • Let operator be value.operator.

  • If operator is "+" or "-":

    • If left and right are both numbers with compatible units, return left + right or left - right, respectively.

    • Otherwise, if left and right are both numbers, the name of the innermost Calculation that contains value is "min" or "max", and either left or right is unitless, return left + right or left - right, respectively.

      This preserves backwards-compatibility with Sass's old global min() and max() functions, most of which are now parsed as CssMinMaxes.

    • Otherwise, if either left or right is a number with more than one numerator unit or more than zero denominator units, throw an error.

    • Otherwise, if left and right are definitely-incompatible numbers, throw an error.

    • If right is a number whose value is fuzzy-less-than zero, set right to right * -1 and set operator to "-" or "+", respectively.

    • Return a CalculationOperation with operator, left, and right.

  • If operator is "*" or "/":

    • If left and right are both numbers, return left * right or math.div(left, right), respectively.

    • Otherwise, return a CalculationOperation with operator, left, and right.



To evaluate a CalcExpression:


To evaluate a ClampExpression:


To evaluate a CssMinMax:


To evaluate a CalcArgument production argument into a CalculationValue object:

  • If argument is an InterpolatedDeclarationValue, evaluate it and return a CalculationInterpolation whose value is the resulting string.

  • Otherwise, return the result of evaluating argument's CalcValue.


To evaluate a CalcSum production sum into a CalculationValue object:

  • Left left be the result of evaluating the first CalcProduct.

  • For each remaining "+" or "-" token operator and CalcProduct product:

    • Let right be the result of evaluating product.

    • Set left to a CalcOperation with operator, left, and right.

  • Return left.


To evaluate a CalcProduct production product into a CalculationValue object:

  • Left left be the result of evaluating the first CalcValue.

  • For each remaining "*" or "/" token operator and CalcValue value:

    • Let right be the result of evaluating value.

    • Set left to a CalcOperation with operator, left, and right as its values.

  • Return left.


To evaluate a CalcValue production value into a CalculationValue object:

  • If value is a CalcArgument, CssMinMax, Number, or ParenthesizedVar, return the result of evaluating it.

  • If value is a FunctionExpression or Variable, evaluate it. If the result is a number, an unquoted string, or a calculation, return it. Otherwise, throw an error.

    Allowing variables to return unquoted strings here supports referential transparency, so that $var: fn(); calc($var) works the same as calc(fn()).


If a var() is written directly within parentheses, it's necessary to preserve those parentheses. CSS resolves var() by literally replacing the function with the value of the variable and then parsing the surrounding context.

For example, if --ratio: 2/3, calc(1 / (var(--ratio))) is parsed as calc(1 / (2/3)) = calc(3/2) but calc(1 / var(--ratio)) is parsed as calc(1 / 2/3) = calc(1/6).

To evaluate a ParenthesizedVar production value into an unquoted string:

  • Let function be a FunctionCall with "var" as its NamespacedIdentifier and with value's ArgumentInvocation.

  • Let result be the result of evaluating function.

  • If result is a number or a calculation, return it.

    This could happen if the user defines a var function in Sass.

  • If result is not an unquoted string, throw an error.

  • Return "(" + result + ")" as an unquoted string.